Many readers are interested in the right subject: how to reduce cortisol. Our manufacturers are happy to tell you that they have already done the research on current studies on the subject that fascinates you. We can give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Find out more.
Cortisol is also called the “stress hormone,” a hormone released by the adrenal cortex when experiencing psychological, sensory, or material stressors. Increased levels or cortisol However, it is not good for you and has every opportunity to cause increased blood sugar levels, weight gain, increased appetite, psychological vascular problems and increased risk of heart attack. Ship. For example. to reduce cortisol for better health?
5 Ways to Reduce Cortisol
Before looking for recommendations for reducing cortisol. cortisol Get enough. cortisol This must be balanced. If you have a lot of cortisol. cortisol Follow these tips.
1. adjust your diet.
There are tricks you can arrange with your own menu. you reduce cortisol Velder has some recommendations
- Eliminate caffeine. This does not mean that energy drinks, coffee, and colas actually come with caffeine. in cortisol levels directly.
- Limit targeted products. Stop using covered foods, especially foods with sugar and normal carbohydrates. This is because they raise your blood sugar levels. cortisol Foods processed at levels still lead to fear. Beware of these things like regular pasta, white bread, candy, chocolate, cake, white rice, etc.
- Drink plenty of water. Recent studies have already shown half a ton of dehydration! cortisol Drying them out causes stress, and forcing them to drink water exacerbates the stress. It is a pretty sinful cycle. Drinking copious amounts of water throughout the day is fine. to reduce cortisol Drink until your urine is no longer severely col Because that means you are not dry.
- Try dark tea with Rhodiola. rhodiola is a picture of an herbal supplement for reducing cortisol It helps you burn fat and increase your energy at the same time. Therefore, drinking dark tea is still considered a good choice. Also, when you drink dark tea, you cortisol disintegrate the leaves because they contain the amino acid L-theanine, which lowers energy levels. cortisol levels.
- Take more fish oil; if you get 2 grams of fish oil a day, it lowers energy levels. cortisol level. How to reduce cortisol ? Elementary eat more sardines, sea bass, mackerel, and salmon, which contain omega-3 fatty acids.
2. sleep enough
Is worthwhile with people over 50 years of age of cortisol At night, about 30 people sleep more than those under the age of 30. This is because they do not get enough sleep. You can try to help you with melatonin at night . This is the intolerable sleep amplifier normally produced by the pineal gland at night. Melatonin gets smaller as you get older. So if you are older you may need to supplement. It will prolong your sleep cycle and definitely help you sleep more deeply. If you are sleepy during the day, call away from melatonin later.
3. move regularly
Regular physiological exercise will definitely help increase muscle mass and brain production of dopamine and serotonin, which are hormones, depression, and anxiety. Consider using DHEA (dehydroepiandresterone) supplements, which can help shape outer muscles and help your mental and vascular systems continue to rely on exercise. dHEA still helps increase your muscle mass, and it can also help you to increase your brain’s production of dopamine and serotonin, help you experience yourself more active and stronger.
4. use supplements
Try keeping these supplements such as calcium, vitamin B, chromium, magnesium, and zinc. Don’t forget to take antioxidants such as alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, grape leaf extract, etc. Astragalus, Hyneng, Tulsi, Eleuthero, Aswagandha, Schizandra span, to reduce cortisol Improve metabolism and mood. These are supplements and herbs that lower cholesterol and reduce the effects of excess tension in the body. They definitely help increase immune response to pathogens.
5. learn relaxation recommendations
Relaxation reduces the effects of cortisol on the body and is a friendly way to reduce to reduce cortisol by your mind alone. Some good ways to arrange this are
- Meditation. If you practice Buddhist meditation practice, you can lower your blood pressure and cortisol Then, it was only 6 months after taking this work You can investigate meditation with a master or purchase a CD or DVD to investigate.
- Deep Breathing Exercises. Today we breathe small, quick breaths from the chest. Deep breathing, in particular, is much more important for our well being. Breathing radically from the abdomen improves your posture and to reduce cortisol level of your body. You can do this while sitting behind a desk during rush hour or driving your car in You can follow in the footsteps of my notes in the video below.
- Laugh. Remember to watch funny movies or talk to funny people. It will bring you down and make you laugh. cortisol production and certainly helps you feel more yourself than someone else. Listen to funny situations and see if you feel yourself sooner than someone else.
- Listen to your favorite music. Experts have noticed that music therapy cortisol level of patients undergoing uncomfortable procedures such as colonoscopy. For best effect, choose cheerful or more soothing tunes.