How to force yourself to vomit

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It is possible to accidentally ingest harmful substances that are naturally toxic and can cause serious problems if left in the stomach. One technique to overcome this story is, to throw Vigorously expel the unwanted substance upward. This has the ability to rise suboptimally, but has the ability to prevent a fatal worsening of well-being. In some cases, not feeling nauseous is the best option. In other cases, consider the following, to throw UP has features that can help simplify your situation.

How to force yourself to vomit

If you really believe that forcing yourself to vomit is fundamental, you need to figure out the right way to control it. Here are some effective techniques to help you learn to throw up by yourself easily.

1. use of emetics

Emetics can be used to induce vomiting. This should be maintained with water, so that the drug can pass through the mouth. This is an effective way to throw up but can cause stomach upset.

2. use your fingers

Clean your hands and simply insert your index finger the throat and touch the uvula. This will make you feel nauseous and tearful. As soon as you feel nausea, remove your finger. This will make it easier for the toxic drug to disappear from your mouth.

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3. watch someone else throw it away.

This can have the same effect on you and you may be tempted to throw it away to throw mainly out of imprudence. Unfortunately, you won’t find anyone who has already thrown it away, so you will have to create another project. The cheap conclusion is to scour online and browse through photos and video clips of the throwaway. This creates painful emotions and will definitely help you learn how to feel pain. yourself throw Upward. This idea may not look great, but it certainly works.

4. watch out for overeating.

Eating a lot is one way to learn how to eat! throw up by yourself . However, it is not easy, as one must eat so much that one’s stomach gets flattened. Do not worry. Try to eat healthy. Do not eat sick food. Go to the kitchen and see what you can eat in the big kettle.

5. drink saline solution.

You can get ready-made saline solution by simply adding salt to water. Drink a few slices and vomit. Drink several glasses and use your index finger. to throw up.

6. use mustard water or ipecac syrup.

Mustard water and ipecac syrup are effective in promoting immediate vomiting. Always consult a physician before using ipecac syrup.

7. how to vomit when intoxicated

When you are intoxicated, it is actually easier to get up because you have already experienced being confined to bed. to throw Rise and rise. Use your index finger to encourage vomiting. If this does not work, sit on a bar that you can rotate in a circle. This will make you dizzy and you will begin to vomit. If you are standing, you can manage, but if you are severely intoxicated, you may injure yourself.

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An intestinal infection from food poisoning usually causes nausea, but vomiting can be just as difficult. One technique to solve this problem is to induce vomiting by hitting the individual’s fingers after getting drunk. It definitely helps with food that you don’t like very much.

8. look at the bad things

Observing vomit, poop, phlegm, or the smell of something really cracking can help control vomiting.

It could catch fire after you throw it out.

Once you find the best way. yourself throw Additionally, you need to understand what you are obligated to create, even after inducing vomiting. When. you throw you vomit, you lose water and minerals, which can make you tired. First, wash your appetite and personality after vomiting to reduce acidity. Brush your teeth to feel better. Drink water during this time to prevent dehydration. Do not drink too quickly; take a sip after 15 minutes. It is okay to drink watermelon juice or fruit juice to stay hydrated. Above all, try to ignore carbonated beverages.

Is there any danger if I force myself to lift?

Usually, once you learn how to do it, you have nothing to worry about! yourself throw afterwards. However, there are certain side effects, or inconveniences you can call them. For example:

  • There is a good chance that you will face aspiration if you don’t. throw Yes, some of it will reach the airways. This can lead to choking or aspiration pneumonia in less severe cases.
  • A burning sensation may be felt in the gastrointestinal tract and mouth. and throat This is because vomiting also expels acids and bases.
  • Partial or full-thickness rupture of the gastrointestinal tract can still be caused by severe vomiting, which is common in acquired alcoholism and overeating in persons with eating disorders. Patients may experience pain in the upper abdomen, severe pain in the lower chest, and bleeding due to rupture.
Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].