How to Use Menstrual Cups

Many readers are interested in the right subject: how to stick a menstrual cup. Our makers are pleased to have already done research on current studies on this fascinating subject. We will provide a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.

Menstrual prices, as the name suggests, can be categorized among various other sexual well tools such as tampons and sanitary napkins used to maintain the menstrual hygiene. However, it is not used as often as tampons. to insert a menstrual The cup has the potential to help you more than any other cup to overcome your condition regarding irregular menstrual periods, heavy bleeding, or activities that are inevitable in the direction of periods.

How to Use Menstrual Cups

Before starting the menstrual Being the majority of women, the cup brings with it a willingness to way or smooth panty lining to prevent leakage. The smooth cup should be placed in the vagina first to make sure she feels comfortable with it and does not experience irritation.

  1. Sit on the toilet with your knees together and then gently squeeze the soft cup from the other side. The bowl should be subtracted from the bottom.
  2. Now insert The soft bowl of the vagina. If you think the vaginal canal will be more level, small movements will help in best placement of the cup.
  3. Once placed, use the ends of your fingers to push from the inside of the channel. This will direct it toward the pubic bone. If the bowl is placed as follows, it will not cause discomfort

State. If the bowl is not correctly placed in the vagina, discomfort is usually felt almost immediately. It is worth mentioning the tampon and menstrual The cups are two different bags and their entry technique still stands out. The bowl does not need to rise like a tampon, as blood can leak out.

How to introduce the menstrual cup

  • A very common strategy for sending the bowl to be delivered in the same position as the bowl is inserted, i.e., kneeling next to it and giving birth in the bathroom. Place a finger into the vagina and move the finger to the pubic bone. The end of the bone will only be near the pubic bone. Remember to push the end of the finger to the edge and pull it out. If it is impossible to secure the finger, push it slightly so that it has a chance to drive forward and be removed.
  • Do not allow the bowl to spin or squeeze until it disappears completely.
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Great. to insert a menstrual Now you can watch this video

Instructions for Using the Menstrual Cup

A few special comments are needed when applying the cup a menstrual cup.

  • The menstrual When the period is over, the bowl should be washed well. The bowl should be disinfected by boiling water for at least 2-5 minutes. However, make sure the time is not less than 5 to 6 minutes.
  • Place the cup in a well-lit place in his handbag. Do not leave the cup unopened. Also, do not place it in an airtight package.
  • When sanitizing the cup, choose a pan and save it for this purpose only. Pour enough water so that the bottom or edge of the cup does not touch the bottom of the pan.
  • The cup was not a cup with soap.
  • Remember that menstrual The cup cannot be used during intercourse because it is not a method of preventing pregnancy and has no opportunity to protect the woman from sexually transmitted infections.
  • Protect the cup from mice and do not use the cup for more than 12 hours per day.

Frequently Asked Questions about Menstrual Cups

Apart from how to insert a menstrual Almost all women who are not familiar with cups, cup, menstrual cup. Below are a number of frequently asked questions.

1. is the introduction of silicone good for my body?

The silicone used in the synthesis of smooth cups is made of a silicone polymer that has medical value and does not pass through or detect molecules in the body. Based on this, these silicone honey properties are still used in the production of milk pumps and bottle feed.

2. how can i recognize the volume of a cup?

Every brand has its own volume advice. Volume tables vary from carrier to carrier. For example, the age of the woman and whether they expect a baby or not. All kinds of models are available in volume. Size tends to change as women get older. For example, older women have the least elastic vaginal muscles, so larger sizes are usually more appropriate. In addition to age, there are other factors that may affect cup size, such as the degree of physiologic preparation and her body size.

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3 Is it painful to insert or remove the cups?

Correct placement of soft menstrual cups is critical to prevent pain and complications during insertion and removal. The vagina is made of smooth, flexible muscles that have the ability to sniff the pressure of the cup. Initially a virgin woman can feel pain, but due to proper placement she can work independently.

4. can the cup be lost from the inside?

The answer is no. The menstrual The cup is not lost in the body. If he is embedded in the side of the pubic bone, there is no possible place for him to swivel the nik to the body. Furthermore, the sturdy and flexible muscles of the vagina can keep it in the same position for a long time.

5. after using the cup, is there any configuration in the tension of the vaginal muscles?

No, the vaginal tissue resumes its previous and normal state after being stretched or after something is placed on it.

6. is the bowl safe for virgins to use?

There are virtually no medical complications for virgins using the bowl. However, there are religious/cultural possibilities that could alter or destroy a virgin girl, so advice must be gathered.

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Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].