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If you are aware that someone in your community not only has a drinking problem, but actually has this an alcoholic Then it’s time for you to recognize how to help an alcoholic fast. You can talk to people about their drinking behavior and ask them to arrange something to change it. Many services can be arranged for can help her. If this does not work, the person has the opportunity to request healing.
Help the alcoholic.
Helping an alcoholic This can be difficult. They have the opportunity to delve into their work so that they will not listen to what you have to say. You are never obligated to say no an alcoholic And you must create what you can. to help They will overcome their disease. I think there is every opportunity needed for the right recommendations.
1. be honest with the alcoholic.
Make sure the alcoholic Know your thoughts. Deny that you have a problem and tell someone you are concerned about how much he is drinking. Be as cooperative as possible.
2. force others to help
See if other family members can help. can help you confront the alcoholic Veldmaak an intervention with others who are still thinking the alcoholic needs help And who has an opinion and really wants to give it a try. help the alcoholic How do you all understand how to help an alcoholic 2. work with a professional to help you stop drinking
3. practice what you want to say
4. practice exactly what you want to say. the alcoholic Veldje can practice in front of a mirror and try to think of positive, constructive things to say. the alcoholic . You will not help an alcoholic If you do not literally understand what you are saying.4. practice in front of the mirror.
4. choose a preferred time and place
Be sure to find a time when you are the alcoholic are aware that you are planning to have a serious conversation. Do not talk to them if they are busy or otherwise awake. Make sure you talk to the person while he or she is calm.
5. force him or her to promise to change.
That means he should not be tempted to promise that he the alcoholic You can arrange it. Ask them to agree to go and do certain things to help them heal. Continue to supervise them to ensure they do what they promised. If they are really persistent, make an effort to work with as many people as possible.
6. stay the course.
Talk to them and then remember. Know what you can recognize. to help an alcoholic See them from time to time. and help Attend their healing sessions. Help them with everything you can arrange to make it easier for them while they heal.
7. keep them informed.
Learn everything you can alcoholism from books or counselors. The more you understand the more you can help the alcoholic 7. field trial talking to someone at Al Anon, Alcoholics Anonymous, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and the State University for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
8. do not borrow money from alcoholics
As long as it is not a life-threatening situation, you can give them all kinds of remedies: you can give them money to help them get out of trouble, you can give them money to help them get out of trouble alcohol Or take them out of trouble.Dronkaards have the opportunity to become chemical if they try to get money from you. That is exactly what their disease allows.
9. take drunks to AA meetings.
The alcoholic You may not have the power or the courage to take an AA meeting offline. The best way to arrange this is to take them to a meeting and assure them that they will stay there. AA meetings have the best chance! the alcoholic and can help They remain calm after the right healing.
10. stay off your soapbox.
This brings you to a very high moral level yourself, an alcoholic Controversy does not need to be preached, they do not need to hear their business from someone who thinks they are blameless. When you talk to them, stay on their level and they will listen to you with a quiet ear.
11. remember to arrange a “12th step conversation”.
This is an intervention that will make the roller members who are ever more alcoholics Veldze has meetings the alcoholic and take the opportunity to share with them their own tasks to share with them. to help They know they are likely to be sober too. Talk to your local AA meeting place to implement this intervention.
12. seek support from interventionists.
You cannot the alcoholic yourself and it will likely be necessary to seek advice from an interventionist. He or she has the ability to carry you through the intervention process can help the alcoholic to obtain healing. The interventionist will. help teach you how to help an alcoholic and will help You will ask what you need to say, encourage the alcoholic to seek help .
13. help yourself.
Being around an alcoholic You may be under a lot of stress. You may need it. get help For example, access Al-Anon for yourself. to help affected people near you. the alcoholic .
14. know that alcoholism cannot be saved
Alcoholism is not an easy disease to treat. If you have tried all possible ways to help an alcoholic. to help an alcoholic But he or she does not have every opportunity to get rid of it. You must realize that the important part has to do with yourself, not with others.
15. do not blame yourself.
The problems of the alcoholic It has nothing to do with you. Bulimia is an ill process that involves many moments. When you are just … can help she drinks because you do not have to experience the obligations you do not have to experience the obligations you do not have to experience the obligations you do not have to the alcoholic ‘s situation.
There are several scientifically tested recommendations for support an alcoholic you can also try: