How to Heal a Pimple

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Planching is a big no no as to how it leaves ugly scars on your face and pushes bacteria deep into your skin. In case you touch yours. pimple Then heal everything you can to take the right steps to heal. a popped pimple To prevent infection and prevent the wound from getting worse.

How to Heal a Pimple

How to Heal a Pimple

1. it was a wound

A popped pimple The affected area will become inflamed and bleed slightly. To remedy this, wash the affected area with cool water until blood no longer flows from the wound. After the bleeding has decreased, the person can clean with a soft facial wax gel containing a skin irritant such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or benzoyl peroxide.

2. wound compression

If the wound continues to bleed, even after endless rinsing, blow up the facial problem or non-cotton shirt in a ball. Carefully place the warm material on the affected area. Applying the material as a compression will help stop the bleeding while the moisture and heat of the breath will likely relieve the pain. However, do not use a really warm compress with a heated cloth. This is because it aggravates the swelling and causes more redness. Additionally, be careful with cotton cloths, as cotton fibers are more likely to stick to the wound in the form of surrounding blood clots.

3. apply antibiotic cream

After the bleeding has stopped and the affected area has been cleaned, the next step is during healing a popped pimple possible infection. Apply a bacterial cream or ointment such as Soframycin, Polysporin, or Neosporin. Apply at least a fairly small amount to the wound and remove excess cream to prevent further discomfort or outbreaks.

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4. moisten the area.

This can be done by applying Vaseline to a metal vase, provided that it does not allow the skin to settle. More harmless candidates introduce the introduction of Gel Stoletnik Religion, which protects the wound Mok Roboluyutsya and reduces redness, but is more likely to leave, and Nastjackenchitelno calls for repeated use. Gel Stoletnik Religion cannot be arrested by hand If not, another effective alternative is cucumber gel

5. cover

After moistening the wound it is best to clean it with gauze or a round band. For best results, this step can be performed before bed. If you fear that this step will hide your own pores and suppress your skin, choose mesh instead of plaster.

6. keep your hands away from the neighborhood

To prevent more infections, swelling of open wounds, and redness, be careful about contact with the affected area. Touching the skin with bare hands or other objects can cause bacteria and dirt to build up, exacerbating infection and discomfort. Clean your own skin with a soft facial cleaner until the wound is completely healed.

7. ice

Popping a pimple Allow the affected area to swell and turn red. Reliable Methods for Healing a popped pimple This is to reduce inflammation by cooling with ice cubes wrapped in clean paper towels or plastic wrap for up to 15 minutes.

8. continue healing acne

All products and medications freely available can help treat acne a popped pimple Most medical preparations have bacterial properties, which speed up the healing process and are more likely to prevent more from forming. pimples in the first place.

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9. browse.

Neighbor leaves are also very good for healing wounds of popped pimples because they have the opportunity to prevent infection through their antiseptic properties. They also have a good opportunity to renew broken skin and prevent scarring. To use, boil the leaves in water and when the mixture is hot, use them to wash the injured area.

10. use hydrogen peroxide

This is another good way to prevent infection and accelerate the healing process. Drop a few drops on the wound with a cotton wound, gently avoiding the area around the mouth and eyes. Be careful not to puncture the skin. You have the option of leaving it in place overnight or rinsing it off after 15 minutes.

11. consider honey

Honey is another answer to the question of how to treat it. a popped pimple It has bacterial qualities that can simplify swelling and redness while protecting hydrated skin. Make a wet area on your hands and elementary affected area and apply honey to the skin. 30 minutes later rinse.

12. apply tea tree oil

Applying a few drops of a 10% tea tree oil solution to the wound is a good way to kill bacteria and prevent infection and skin breakdown. Tea tree oil will definitely help for several months against redness and swelling.

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Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].