How to Have a Healthy A Positive Blood Type Diet

Every person has a different biochemical makeup. Your blood type a, b, ab, or o is as unique to you as your fingerprints and plays a major role in determining your originality. People with Different Blood types Having different chemical molecules in your blood can affect your ability to fight diseases and make you more susceptible to conditions such as arthritis, cancer, and diabetes. Each person has specific nutritional needs, depending on their blood supply. type If you have blood. type Do you have to A positive blood type Diet. This diet is distinguished from other diets because it is based on the original blood, for example, and can lead you to consume goods that are simply digested by the metabolism, preventing diseases that affect you.

What is the doctrine behind the bloody diet?

Dr. Peter Damono, a naturopathic physician, has suggested a blood-based diet types In his book Eat Well for Your Parable. He says that every person has a different genetic composition that depends on their blood. type And identifies the type of product that is better suited for you than all others. He also says that you must eat products that look like your ancestors who had similar blood. type The Velddit project is very useful because it favors foods that help fight diseases and save your health. you healthy Field diet plans do not depend the positive or negative aspects of your blood. type Same with both.

Positive Eating in the Blood Parable

If you have blood type Oh, when you diet refreshing foods and biological foods to fight cancer and heart disease. Look at the appropriate foods:

1. beef and poultry

Low stomach acid makes it difficult to digest meat. This slows down countless. You must meat in all forms A positive blood type Diet. At the very least, chicken, Cornish beef, turkey, and other poultry products can be eaten in small quantities. Do not eat veal, venison, pork, beef, lamb, or other meats.

2. seafood

Your sensitive stomach will have difficulty digesting much of the following types seafood. Thus, beware of barracuda, anchovies, lobster, crab, oysters, octopus, shrimp, turtles, eels, catfish, blue face, and fish. However, some seafood has the opportunity to do well, such as mackerel, salmon, snails, whitefish, bass, carp, fascinating trout, scar color sea bass, sardines, yellowish, and silver.

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3. grain

If you belong to a family of breeders, you can digest most grains. Eat whole grains rather than more coated forms. Your blood needs grains. type he rye, rice, oats, sprouted wheat, buckwheat, amaranth. Beware of white and flour in all forms, including semolina, muffins, bread, muesli bars, etc.

How to Have a Healthy A Positive Blood Type Diet

4. dairy products

It is better to ignore most dairy products, as a weak stomach and low acid content guarantee that dairy products are difficult to digest. Dairy products that can be used are yogurt, feta, mozzarella cheese, goat’s milk, kefir, or ricotta cheese. Use milk substitutes made from rice or soy milk. Beware of all other cheeses, milk, and dairy products.

5. vegetables

Just like our ancestors, we must eat plenty of vegetables to meet our vitamin and other caloric needs. Garlic, onions, broccoli, leafy cabbage, carrots, spinach, kale, and squash stimulate the immune system. Other vegetables such as artichokes, horseradish, leeks, okra, and parsley are important for your well. health . Take greens such as alfalfa, sprouts, turnips, turnips, chicory, and dandelions on your menu because they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

Avoid peppers and olives from your diet. A positive blood type Diet. In addition, vegetables such as potatoes, yamswalter, tasty potatoes, cabbage, limavone, aubergines and mushrooms should be ignored as they have the opportunity to have an adverse effect on the digestive system.

6. fruits

While you can use most fruits in your diet, you should try to add alkaline fruits to your personal menu because of the opportunity to balance the acid produced by grains.

On your personal menu usually plums, berries, peaches, figs, bananas, grapes, plums, apples. Pineapple, cherries, and apricots contain enzymes that will likely help your digestive system. Grapefruit and lemon alkaline then have the ability to aid the stomach in digestion.

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Avoid melons and melons, as they contain large amounts of fungi and are not easy to digest. Do not eat large quantities of oranges, rhubarb, or mandarins. They absorb important minerals and irritate the stomach.

7. drinks

Drinks that reliably promote digestion and do not harm the stomach should be chosen. Drinks made from green tea, stroon, hawthorn, alfalfa, echinacea, chris, etc. are more likely to increase insensibility. Small amounts of red wine are permitted. That is, one glass per day. On your personal menu, absorb 1 cup of coffee and 1 cup of tea, such as raw inger or itch, because they increase acid secretion in the stomach. However, alcoholic beverages such as distilled beverages, beer, carbonated beverages, dark teas, seltzaters, etc. are not suitable for the digestive system.

8. spices and pimento

Some herbs have every opportunity to stimulate the immune system and promote digestion.

The perfect combination of garlic, raw inger, tamari, soy sauce, and flavor o can give an important boost to the immune system. In addition, molasses with chloride should be harvested because it is not considered a bad source of iron, which your diet is missing out on. Beware of spices such as vinegar, peppers, capers, wintergreen, ketchup, mayonnaise, pickles, Worcestershire South and relish. Be.

9. fats, nuts, beans, and seeds

Vegetable fats and grains have the opportunity to be beneficial to you because they help prevent certain diseases.

Fats such as flaxseed oil and olive oil are beneficial to your health. health Canola and liver oils, as well as peanuts and pumpkin seeds can be added to your menu. Get your personal stock of vegetable protein from beans, lentils, and black peas.

Avoid nuts such as cotton seeds, peanuts, corn, safflower, sesame oil, pistachio nuts, Brazil nuts, and cashews on the menu; some beans such as Garbanzo, Copper, Lima, Kidney, Tamarind, Navy, and Red Bean, likely to lower blood insulin levels and should be minimized.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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