Echinacea’s wound-healing and immune-boosting properties may help heal canker sores or prevent them from forming.
Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
Cancer sores typically heal on their own with time. But certain over-the-counter products, including mouth rinses and topical gels, may relieve pain and help them go away faster.
Canker sores (aphthous ulcers) occur inside your mouth or on your gums. Although they can be painful and make it difficult to talk or eat, they usually don’t cause lasting damage. Most canker sores heal on their own within a couple of weeks.
Several home remedies or over-the-counter (OTC) products can help speed up the healing process, but they’re not a magical cure. It’s unlikely any remedy will cure a canker sore overnight.
Many remedies for canker sores aren’t well-studied, so use with caution. You can also call your doctor’s office if you have questions.
A regular mouthwash containing chlorhexidine can help prevent germs from spreading and worsening the canker sore. It can also help avoid further inflammation. However, you ’ll want to avoid a mouthwash that contains alcohol because it can irritate the sore.
You can find an OTC mouthwash intended for mouth sores that has a mixture containing lidocaine, an ingredient that can help alleviate canker sore pain. A doctor may also prescribe you a prescription mouthwash containing dexamethasone or lidocaine.
Aside from mouthwashes, there are several other treatments for canker sores that you can buy over the counter. These include anesthetics in gel or cream form that contain lidocaine to help with pain and inflammation.
A corticosteroid can also be purchased. This type of product may help with pain and healing.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that contain diclofenac are another helpful anti-inflammatory option for pain relief.
People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should exercise caution before trying an OTC treatment. Be sure to check with a doctor to see if these options are safe for you.
In addition to mouth rinses and OTC and prescription products, canker sores can be addressed with various home remedies.
Here are 16 homemade remedies to consider.
1. Alum powder
Alum powder is made from potassium aluminum sulfate. It’s often used to preserve food and to pickle vegetables. Alum has astringent properties that may help shrink tissues and dry out canker sores.
- Create a paste by mixing a tiny amount of alum powder with a drop of water.
- Dab the paste onto a canker sore.
- Leave on for at least 1 minute.
- Rinse your mouth thoroughly.
- Repeat daily until your canker sore is gone.
2. Saltwater rinse
Rinsing your mouth with salt water is a go-to home remedy, although a painful one, for mouth sores of any kind. It may help dry out canker sores.
- Dissolve 1 teaspoon (tsp.) of salt in 1/2 cup of warm water.
- Swirl this solution in your mouth for 15 to 30 seconds, then spit it out.
- Repeat every few hours as needed.
3. Baking soda rinse
Baking soda is thought to restore pH balance and reduce inflammation, which may help heal canker sores.
- Dissolve 1 tsp. of baking soda in 1/2 cup of water.
- Swirl this solution in your mouth for 15 to 30 seconds, then spit it out.
- Repeat every few hours as needed.
Baking soda won’t harm you if you swallow it, but it’s super salty, so try to avoid doing so.
4. Yogurt
The exact cause of canker sores is unknown. Some may be caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
A 2020 study done on mice showed that live probiotic cultures, such as Lactobacillus, may help eradicate H. pylori. In theory, if either of those conditions caused your canker sores, eating yogurt that contains live probiotic cultures may help. More research on humans is needed.
To aid in preventing or treating a canker sore, eat at least 1 cup of yogurt each day.
5. Honey
Honey is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities. According to a 2014 study , honey is effective in reducing canker sore pain, size, and redness. It also may help prevent secondary infection.
To use, apply honey to the sore four times daily.
All honey isn’t created equal. Most honey found at a grocery store is pasteurized at high heat, which destroys most nutrients. Unpasteurized, unfiltered honey, like Manuka honey, is less processed and retains its healing properties.
6. Coconut oil
Research has shown that coconut oil has antimicrobial properties due to its high amount of lauric acid. It may help treat canker sores caused by bacteria and prevent them from spreading. Coconut oil is also a natural anti-inflammatory and may help reduce redness and pain. It tastes great too!
To use, generously apply coconut oil to the sore. Reapply several times per day until your canker sore is gone.
7. Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide promotes the healing of a canker sore by cleaning the sore and reducing bacteria in your mouth.
- Dilute a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water.
- Dip a cotton ball or cotton swab into the mixture.
- Apply the mixture directly to your canker sore a few times daily.
You can also use diluted hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse. Swish the rinse around your mouth for about a minute, and then spit it out.
8. Milk of magnesia
Milk of magnesia contains magnesium hydroxide. It’s an acid neutralizer and a laxative. When used orally, it may change the pH in your mouth so the sore cannot thrive. It also coats the sore to help prevent irritation and relieve pain.
- Apply a small amount of milk of magnesia to your canker sore.
- Let it sit for several seconds, then rinse.
- Repeat up to three times daily.
9. Chamomile compress
Chamomile is used as a natural remedy to heal wounds and ease pain. German chamomile contains two compounds with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic abilities: azulene and levomenol. A chamomile tea bag can serve as a compress to soothe canker sores.
To use, apply a wet chamomile tea bag to your canker sore, and leave it on for a few minutes. Make sure the tea bag isn’t too hot before applying it. You can also rinse your mouth with freshly brewed chamomile tea. Repeat the treatment three to four times daily.
10. Echinacea
Echinacea’s wound-healing and immune-boosting properties may help heal canker sores or prevent them from forming.
- Add about 1 tsp. of liquid echinacea to equal parts warm water.
- Swish the solution around your mouth for about 2 minutes.
- Spit out or swallow the mixture.
Rinsing your mouth with echinacea tea may also be beneficial. Repeat either treatment up to three times daily.
11. Sage
Sage tea has traditionally been used to remedy mouth inflammation . Sage mouthwash works as a general mouth rinse for many oral problems. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and astringent properties. It may also help relieve pain.
You can find sage mouthwash in most pharmacies, and use it as directed. Or, you can make your own sage rinse:
- Add boiling water to 1 to 2 tsp. of fresh sage leaves.
- Steep for at least 5 minutes.
- Strain and let the solution cool.
- Swish the rinse around your mouth for a couple of minutes.
- Swallow the rinse or spit it out.
12. DGL mouthwash
DGL mouthwash is made from deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), an herbal licorice extract. It’s thought to have anti-inflammatory abilities and is considered a natural remedy for stomach ulcers. DGL is available in supplement form, which you can use to make a mouthwash.
- Mix the powder of one DGL capsule (200 milligrams) with 1 cup of warm water.
- Swish the solution around your mouth for about 3 minutes.
- Spit it out.
DGL is also available as a mouth patch to help shrink canker sores. You apply the patch to a sore and leave it in place for at least 30 minutes. If you think the patch is a good option for you, talk with a doctor or dentist about where to purchase it.
13. Apple cider vinegar mouthwash
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is touted as a cure for almost everything, including canker sores. It’s thought that the acid in ACV helps kill bacteria that irritate the sore. The treatment is controversial, however, because acidic foods can cause or worsen canker sores in some people. Use it with caution.
- Combine 1 tsp. of ACV and 1 cup of water.
- Swish this mixture around your mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
- Spit it out, and rinse your mouth thoroughly.
- Repeat daily.
Many websites suggest applying ACV directly to the canker sore with a cotton swab. This approach may speed up healing time in some people, but for others, it could cause additional pain and irritation.
Either way, it’s important to rinse your mouth after using ACV to prevent damage to tooth enamel.
14. Zinc lozenges
If your immune system is weak, canker sores may thrive. Zinc is a mineral that boosts your immunity. Taking zinc lozenges may help your immune system fight off bacteria that cause canker sores. It may also speed up healing time if you have a sore.
Zinc lozenges are available online and at most pharmacies. They may contain other ingredients such as echinacea. You usually dissolve one in your mouth. Check the manufacturer’s directions to see how often you should do so.
15. Vitamin B complex supplement
You may get canker sores more often if your diet is low in vitamin B12. It’s unclear exactly how vitamin B12 heals canker sores, however.
According to a 2009 study, participants taking 1,000 micrograms of vitamin B12 daily had fewer canker sore outbreaks, fewer sores overall, and less pain than those taking a placebo.
Other B vitamins may also help. A vitamin B complex supplement contains all eight B vitamins, including B12. Vitamin B complex supplements may cause side effects, so consult with a doctor before use.
16. Watermelon frost
Watermelon frost has been considered an effective remedy for canker sores in traditional Chinese medicine. Studies have shown its effectiveness in treating canker sores.
Apply it directly to the sore for pain relief and quicker healing.
You can buy watermelon frost from an Asian herb store or online, or try making your own.
Most canker sores aren’t a cause for concern. They rarely leave behind lasting side effects. Still, some canker sores justify a call to a doctor.
Talk with a doctor if you experience any of the following:
- The sore is larger than 1-3 centimeters in size.
- You have multiple sores.
- New sores form before old ones have healed.
- The sore doesn’t heal after 2 weeks.
- The sore spreads to your lips.
- The sore causes extreme pain.
- The sore makes eating or drinking intolerable.
- You also have a fever.
You should contact a doctor or dentist if your canker sore is caused by a jagged or sharp tooth or a dental hygiene tool.
Last medically reviewed on May 12, 2022
13 Ways To Get Rid Of Annoying, Painful Canker Sores Naturally, According To A Dentist
By Hunter Levitan Published: Jun 24, 2022
Science Photo Library // Getty Images
It happens when you least expect it—one minute you’re happily crunching on some carrots or pretzels when you chomp down on your tongue, hard. Sharp, shooting pain envelopes your tongue, followed by intense throbbing. Although the initial shock and sting fades, you’re left with a battle wound in the form of an uncomfortable, tender spot: a canker sore. It’ll send you googling how to get rid of canker sores.
“A canker sore, also known as an aphthous ulcer, is a small non-contagious lesion that may develop on the soft tissue inside your mouth,” says Lauren Becker, DDS, a general and cosmetic dentist in New York City. The small, round ulcers can be triggered by stress, acidic foods, and trauma in the mouth, explains Dr. Becker, like biting your tongue.
If you’ve ever had a canker sore–and it’s pretty common: Approximately 20 percent of the U.S. population has had a canker sore at least once in their lifetime, according to The Cleveland Clinic. They can start as white or yellowish in color, but Dr. Becker says that the white part of a canker sore is a nerve membrane that has opened up.
Canker sores can make eating or talking uncomfortable, depending on their size and location, and typically last one to two weeks. They generally heal on their own with time, but there are ways to lessen the discomfort and promote healing. That said, there’s no magical overnight cure. Here are the best home and over-the-counter remedies to get rid of canker sores, fast.
1. Salt-Water Rinse
A natural cleansing agent, salt water can help ease discomfort and reduce inflammation (although it might sting at first). Add 1/2 a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water, and swirl and swish around your mouth from 15 to 30 seconds, then spit it out.
2. OTC Topicals
Any over-the-counter topical products containing benzocaine, an anesthetic, can relieve the pain, says Dr. Becker. Use as directed on the label.
3. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse
Hydrogen Peroxide rinse is a mild antiseptic that can help with irritation caused by canker sores. Some need to be mixed with water before using, while others are ready to use as they are. Follow the directions exactly, and be careful not to swallow the rinse.
4. Ice
Like any pain, putting ice on your canker sore can numb it. Some people find relief by sucking on an ice cube.
5. Honey
A 2014 study found honey to be effective and safe in reducing the pain and size of canker sores. Dab a small amount of honey on your canker sores four times daily, but make sure you’re using unpasteurized and unfiltered honey, such as Manuka honey. It’s less processed and contains more of this sweetener’s natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
6. Milk of Magnesia
While milk of magnesia is commonly used as a laxative, when used orally, it also helps neutralize acid and coat the ulcer to protect it from bacteria and promote healing. Apply a small amount of milk of magnesia to the canker sore, let it sit for a few seconds, and rinse.
7. Chamomile
The azulene and levomenol compounds in chamomile can serve as a natural remedy to heal and ease pain. Soothe canker sores with a chamomile tea bag compress: Press the wet tea bag (not too hot) to your canker sore and leave it on for a few minutes.
8. Baking Soda Rinse
Similar to the salt-water rinse, baking soda helps restore the pH balance in the mouth and help heal canker sores. Dissolve half to one teaspoon of baking soda into warm water and swoosh it around for about 30 seconds, then spit it out.
9. Orthodontic Waxes
Orthodontic hardware (think braces, retainers, bands, etc.) can cause irritation in the mouth and cause canker sores to develop. Make sure you have some orthodontic wax on hand to help prevent and protect the inner tissue.
10. Soft Food
Your mouth is healing, so avoid acidic and crunchy foods such as coffee, chocolate, spicy and salty foods, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds, and tomatoes. Instead, opt for softer, plain foods like eggs, mac and cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.
11. Cold Fluids
Drinking cold fluids, like water, an electrolyte drink, or a frozen smoothie, may feel good on your tender canker sores. Use a straw to prevent the liquid from touching and irritating the canker sore.
12. Soft Toothbrushes
Avoid additional irritation to the mouth area by using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brush gently and softly, being careful around the area where the canker sore is.
13. Vitamins
Sometimes a vitamin deficiency can cause canker sores, so load up on the B12.
Hunter Levitan is a freelance journalist specializing in fashion, style, culture, sex, and wellness stories, as well as a writer/poet, photographer, and mixed media brand consultant. Her work has appeared in Who What Wear, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health Magazine, and The Improper Bostonian, among others. She is a graduate of New York University and lives in New York City.