How To Get A Jawline

According to various studies, masculine facial features are much more attractive to women overall. Those facial features would include narrow eyes, a prominent chin, and a strong jawline. The underlying reason is that strong, masculine, physical traits are attributed to high testosterone levels and a healthy immune system.

How to Get a Stronger and Better Jawline

Not everyone is genetically blessed with the perfect facial features or physicality that the opposite sex finds attractive. This is especially true for the jawline.

How To Get A Jawline stronger defined jawline

Not everyone is genetically blessed with the perfect facial features or physicality that the opposite sex finds attractive. This is especially true for the jawline.

Luckily, there are a few ways to work around a less than perfect bone structure—namely, jawline exercises.

Keep reading to learn more about how to get a better jawline.

What Is the Jawline and Why Is it Important?

Your jawline is defined by your lower jaw and the outline it forms towards the bottom of your face. It’s also one of the many signs of attraction in both sexes, but especially among men.

According to various studies, masculine facial features are much more attractive to women overall. Those facial features would include narrow eyes, a prominent chin, and a strong jawline. The underlying reason is that strong, masculine, physical traits are attributed to high testosterone levels and a healthy immune system.

On subconscious, biological, and a more primitive level, women are naturally attracted to all of the above.

Aside from physical attraction, the jawline is also an indicator of health and vitality. Someone in peak physical condition will have a more visible jawline than someone who is overweight.

While having a “strong jawline” doesn’t necessarily equate to perfect internal health, it’s easy to tell by looking at someone’s face whether or not they take good care of themselves. In the same sense, a weak jawline also doesn’t equate to poor health.

A weak jawline refers to soft, rounded angles and a lack of definition along your lower jaw area. It’s also sometimes referred to as a “receding chin,” if your chin seems to curve back towards your neck. Just as a weak jawline doesn’t represent poor health, it also doesn’t necessarily reflect a toned, in-shape physique for some.

If you have a weak jawline that doesn’t reflect the rest of your chiselled physique, there are ways around it. The most non-invasive way is by performing facial exercises to build up the muscles in your face for more definition. Facial exercises are perfectly safe and effective, especially in combination with a healthy lifestyle.

How Jawline Exercises Can Help Your Jawline

Did you know you have about 57 muscles in your face and neck?

While you focus on exercising the rest of your muscles from the next down, you’re leaving out quite a few that can help you achieve a nice, healthy jawline. Additionally, since your facial muscles are much smaller, they’ll respond quickly to exercise. That means you won’t have to wait as long to see results compared to trying to get washboard abs.

By incorporating facial exercises, not just jawline exercises, you’ll shed fat from your face and tone your muscles. This can make your jawline more prominent and enhance your cheekbones. It’ll also improve circulation, reduce tension, and give your face a more relaxed look.

However, it’s important to mention that you’ll only get so far without regular healthy eating habits and exercise. Facial exercises alone won’t help you get rid of excess fat. So, if you don’t already engage in routine exercise and healthy choices, it’s time to start.

Exercises to Get a Stronger Jawline

If you want to know how to get a sharper jawline, the following exercises will get you started. Do these every morning when you wake up, and you’ll see results in no time:

1. The Chin Lift

Looking straight ahead and keeping your mouth closed, push your lower jaw out while simultaneously lifting your lower lip. You’ll feel a stretch in your jawline just below your chin.

Hold this position for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 15 times.

2. The Tongue Twister

Standing or sitting upright and facing forward, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Increase the pressure to add tension and begin making a humming sound. Hold for one deep breath.

Repeat this exercise 15 times.

3. The Collarbone Backup

While standing upright and keeping your head parallel to the floor, try to move your head back a few inches. Once you feel your neck contract, hold the position for 15 seconds.

Repeat this exercise 10 times, gradually working your way up to a 30-second hold.

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4. The Neck Curl

Lay on your back with your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth. You’ll feel your neck muscle activate, and then you can begin lifting your chin to your chest. Carry out this exercise slowly, lifting your head from the ground about 2 inches first.

Start by doing this exercise 10 times, gradually building up to 3 sets of 10 reps. Remember to take your time with this exercise as your neck muscles are small and likely underdeveloped.

5. The Vowel Sound

Facing forward, open your mouth as wide as possible. Begin articulating “O” and “E” sounds, trying your best not to show or touch your teeth. The more you emphasize the sounds, the more you’ll engage the muscles around your mouth and lips.

Repeat this exercise 15 times, gradually working your way up to doing 3 sets.

How to Get a Strong Jawline Without Exercises

stronger defined jawline

Another safe, effective, and non-invasive way to achieve a strong jawline is by using special equipment. Jawzrsize is an innovative resistance-training tool designed to help you build jaw strength and get that lean, chiseled look you’ve always wanted.

Jawzrsize works with your bite’s full range of motion. It delivers between 20 and 50 pounds of resistance to give the muscles in your jaw, cheeks, mouth, and neck a complete workout. You can use it alone or in addition to the exercises above.

If you have questions about Jawzrsize, reach out to us or check out our FAQs.

22 Tips Get a Jawline Fast of 2021 You Should Know

Defined, Strong, Chiseled, Naturally, Exercises and Surgery

Tips Get a Jawline Fast

Tips Get a Jawline Fast

How To Get A Jawline

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How to get a jawline like Brad Pit, Ariana Grande, Angelina Jolie or other models is a question some individuals are looking to solve, in order to look more attractive. We will discuss how to get a chiseled, strong, defined, structured, perfect jawline fast, naturally, using exercises and surgery. Both males and females may find this information useful in getting a good and attractive jawline.

An attractive jawline is always a desired facial feature that is associated with attractiveness for both men and women. There are some who just need it for fun, others may want to emulate their other models. Modeling and acting may also require one to have specific looks that may include a good looking or well-structured jawline.

  • Exercise
  • How to Get a Jawline Naturally and Artificially
    • 1. Double chin exercises
    • 2. Neck rolling
    • 3. Exercising the jaw muscles
    • 4. Exercising the Platysma muscle
    • 5. Chin lift exercise
    • 6. Lip pulling and Blowing exercises
    • 7. Chewing Gum
    • 8. Facial Hair and shaping your beard neckline
    • 9. Get rid of fat to tone chubby cheeks and double chins
    • 10. Reduce sodium and salt intake
    • 11. Eat healthy while getting that jawline
    • 12. Hydration is a good natural way of getting a jawline
    • 13. Dermal fillers
    • 14. Lower or quit alcohol and beer
    • 15. A facial enhancement exercise program
    • 16. Smiling and laughter
    • 17. Enough sleep
    • 18. Makeups
    • 19. Do some random movements with your chin
    • 20. Making a fish face
    • 21. Botox Injection
    • 22. Surgery



    How to Get a Jawline Naturally and Artificially

    In modern society we live in appearance, in this case, a well-chiseled jawline and cheekbones that give the face a well-defined look is a major concern. It also keeps you on the current trend.

    We all want that nice look on a selfie to keep on Instagram, Facebook, or social life in general. There are several ways of getting a jawline that ranges from jaw exercises, diet, and surgery.

    Below are some of the methods that can be used to get a jawline;

    1. Double chin exercises

    Double chin exercises

    A double chin comes as a result of overweight, losing collagen, or old age. Face exercise can help in toning the neck and chin to give a defined chiseled attractive look.

    If done as required, they may give perfect results that compete for that of expensive surgery. This involves rolling the neck, lip pull, chin lifts, platysma tone, and jaw release.

    2. Neck rolling

    Neck rolling

    3. Exercising the jaw muscles

    Exercising the jaw is great in getting rid of the double chin to boost a strong, defined jawline and cheekbone. It stretches the jaw, chin, and lip muscles and also burns a lot of fat on the chin and jawline.

    • Stand or sit upright while facing forward with your lips closed
    • Move your lower jaw up and down just like when chewing gum with your lips closed
    • Hum while breathing in and out as u continue with step 2 above for about 10 seconds
    • Keep your tongue against the lower mouth not the roof of the mouth and widely open the mouth
    • Repeat the whole process up to 20 times but do not overstretch yourself

    4. Exercising the Platysma muscle

    Exercising the Platysma muscle

    5. Chin lift exercise

    This helps in working and stretching the jaw muscles and face muscle. Chin lifts also helps in keeping the throat and neck muscles strong and defined.

    The following steps can help in achieving a good chin lift exercise at home but first, sit comfortably and relax or simply stand in a relaxed, straight position.

    • Slightly tilt your head upwards towards the roof and hold it in that position
    • Keep your lips tight together and push them forward tight like you are kissing the roof
    • Hold for about 10 seconds then release
    • Repeat the whole process continuously 15 – 20 times for better results

    6. Lip pulling and Blowing exercises

    Lip pulling and Blowing exercises

    7. Chewing Gum

    As simple as it sounds, makes a habit of chewing gum at least for 2 hours a day. This will contribute to a well-chiseled jawbone and well-cut cheekbone.

    For diabetic people, there are sugar-free gums in the market. Advantages of chewing gum in relation to how to get jawline are;

    • It helps in stretching the muscles around the cheek, jaw and the lips
    • The constant up and down jaw movement helps in getting rid of fat on the jaw
    • It also keeps away sagging chin and sagging skin on the neck leaving you with a defined jawline
    • Chewing gum increases heart rate, leading to increased blood flow and keep away the desire to eat calories which will add you weight. This adds to the burning of more energy in the body. This can help with weight loss and cutting fat

    8. Facial Hair and shaping your beard neckline

    Facial Hair and shaping your beard neckline

    9. Get rid of fat to tone chubby cheeks and double chins

    Accumulative fat on the jaws can give u a double chin, a chubby, and puffy jawline that might even get worse in old age. Puffy face and jawline sag more at old age, we can all bet nobody wants that look.

    • Consider losing some weight and cutting down on fat on the face and general body.
    • Doing facial exercises may also be handy.
    • Surgery procedures may also be used to remove the excess fats and give an instant and perfect jawline and a defined cheekbone.

    10. Reduce sodium and salt intake

    Reduce sodium and salt intake

    11. Eat healthy while getting that jawline

    The simple formula of losing weight is to burn more calories than the ones you take. Foods that are high in calories like;

    • Pastries and cakes
    • Cookies, biscuits, and Chocolates
    • Whole grains
    • Red meat
    • Coconut milk and Avocados
    • Consumption of these foods should be kept on the minimal during the intense work out when trying to solve how to get a jawline question.

    12. Hydration is a good natural way of getting a jawline

    Hydration is a good natural way of getting a jawline

    Hydration means taking a lot of water. This helps a lot in reducing face fat and is essential in a general loss of weight. Water or hydration is one of the best solutions on how to get a jawline.

    Take a lot of water during the day and after every meal. Never substitute the urge of quenching your thirst with soda instead of water.

    13. Dermal fillers

    Dermal fillers can be used to achieve a tight and defined jawline. Some people tend to have imbalanced and un-proportional bumps on the jawline.

    This may be a result of fats that have accumulated on the jawline. This procedure is done by using a syringe to inject the dermal filler fluid in the jawline with an aim of balancing the bumps. Note that this procedure should only be done by a qualified doctor.

    14. Lower or quit alcohol and beer

    Lower or quit alcohol and beer

    15. A facial enhancement exercise program

    Another way of solving how to get a jawline is by getting facial programs that can be used at home. There are several programs that one can consider getting online programs and use them to get a chiseled jawline.

    16. Smiling and laughter

    Ever heard of a common phrase that goes, a little laughter adds you more days on earth, or a little smile keeps you bright?

    Well Smiling or laughing has a positive effect on your jawline and the face in general. They both help in exercising the muscles around your jaw, jawline, cheeks, and lips.

    This in turn gives a well-defined jawline. So don’t ignore that nice joke you come across. lough of or at least give it a smile, it won’t hurt.

    17. Enough sleep

    While working to solve how to get a jawline, get enough sleep after your exercises. Getting your 8-hour sleep helps your body a lot in achieving the effects of the exercises and the diet you are working on.

    18. Makeups

    Make-ups can be uses to get a defined jawline temporarily. You may just need a visible jawline for a one time show, play a role in a drama, or just a photo shoot.

    You may then consider using makeups to highlight the jawline or cheekbones after a proper shave to give you that enhanced jawline that you need.

    19. Do some random movements with your chin

    Do some random movements with your chin

    20. Making a fish face

    As childish as it may sound, making a fish face is a very good way of toning the fats on your face and working your facial and jaw muscles. The aim is to try and get that look on the face of a fish.

    • Keep your head straight and suck in your cheeks inwards
    • Your lips should be round like that of a fish
    • Hold that position for about 10 seconds then relax
    • Repeat like 5-10 times twice a day for better results.
    • Remember not to overdo it or strain yourself at it. Make it nice and easy.

    21. Botox Injection

    Botox injection is a face shaping method of reducing the jawline and tuning the face to achieve a nice well and attractive shape.

    It reduces protruding masseters giving you a well-defined jawline and a great facial look. This procedure should be done by a qualified doctor.

    22. Surgery

    A strong, perfect, chiseled, and defined jawline reflects a youthful, model look, and attractiveness in the current generation. A classic example of what many consider a perfect jawline is Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Chris Brown, or Ariana Grande.

    In order to solve the puzzle of how to get a jawline fast, you may use any of the natural procedures illustrated above in this article.

    However, Surgery is one of the quick and fast artificial ways of getting an instant perfect jawline. It is expensive and involved but it may give the best results.

    • Surgery may involve
    • The modern chin implants
    • Skeletal manipulation
    • Mandibular angle implants for enhancing jawline
    • Plastic surgery for chiseled jawlines
    • Cosmetic surgery that involves an implant on the lower face and this has chances of giving great results
    • Jawline tightening
    • Mandibular Augmentation
    • Soft tissue envelope manipulation
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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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