How do you place a baby in an emergency situation

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Occasionally there are serious stories that require special skills and research, such as family airings, when a baby comes from a woman without the presence of a medical professional. It is very important to remember that someone is a baby, such as a giant. can deliver For example, as the baby is a large part of the hard work to keep the baby from playing mother and herself.

How do you place a baby in an emergency situation

Here are some technical but simple steps that can be taken in the process to remove the woman from the woman

1. first phase

The first period is when the woman’s uterus begins to contract.

These uterine reductions dilate the head of the cervix and the baby’s head begins to emerge (if the main position occurs). Then the female begins to reduce, an emergency This assists this as a 999. Emergency assistance with a practicing physician has the opportunity to overcome the history of reductions.

The first step is to work the woman in a position she feels comfortable in. This can be a sitting or kneeling position. Ask her to fan out completely. Refusal during reductions is common. Sprinkle the person with cold water and carefully massage the lobe behind the bitch.

2. phase 2

During the second trimester, the neck of the uterus is fully plotted, the baby’s head extends vaginally, and the baby is able to leave the house.

The pregnant woman usually feels a strong urge to get rid of the baby. With the assistance of a baby mentor coming from the woman or the absolute enlargement of the vagina, it becomes important to assist the woman to remove the woman.

Places a lot of uncertainty sheets between women. Ask if she wants to get out of her clothes and keep the environment as clean as possible to minimize the possibility of infection. Then, as soon as the baby comes out, he or she will collapse. Treat the baby carefully and place the baby on the breast or the mother’s stomach. Cover carefully with a smooth cloth or clean towel. 3.

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3. what should i do if the baby’s window is blocked?

If the head is gone and the window is stuck, ask the mother to immediately get on her hands and knees and push to the maximum while holding her breath. If the window still does not move, ask the woman to lie on her back and pull her legs upward. A firm push on the pubic bone usually helps the baby to push smoothly.

4. what to do in the third phase

The third period usually begins 10 to 30 minutes later of delivery .

The placenta and umbilical cord should come out during this phase. Ask the mother to measure and stir. As the baby emerges from the woman, the uterus begins to contract again and the placenta emerges.

Do not remove the cord yourself; seek help from an ambulance or trained health care provider to remove the cord. If pain or bleeding becomes severe after delivery, help the woman pull up her legs to drain the blood and keep her warm until an ambulance arrives.

What if the baby is a foster child?

Foster families are at greater risk for serious conditions to worsen during and after birth delivery Like mother, like baby. During birth, the baby’s head may touch the mother’s head and the umbilical cord may come out before birth. If this birth pattern is not handled properly, the baby, the mother, or both may die.

Frank Bust is one of the most innocuous types of service family and has the shortest exacerbation of symptoms, whereas inclusion is a more serious and dangerous type that requires training and attention. Below are some factors to be aware of and follow when delivering a baby

1. do not push until the cervix is open.

Ask the woman not to push the baby until the cervix is completely closed and dilated or until the baby is unable to push the baby out. Do not rock the baby to draw breath naturally and do not pull the baby out by hand.

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2. loosen the cord if it is tight.

If the cord is firmly attached to the baby, use a gentle hand to loosen it.

3. wrap the baby to keep him or her warm.

Once the legs and pelvis are out, wrap the baby in a smooth, clean, uncontaminated towel or cloth. If the baby is cold and begins to fidget, he or she may inhale fluids into the uterus.

4. what to do if the baby gets stuck

Once the baby is half-pregnant and held, try rolling the baby’s hand with the tips of two fingers into the vagina. If the head is attached, have the woman lie on her back and press on the abdomen. 5.

5. gently lift the baby

While the baby’s head is coming out of the woman, place the end of one finger on the baby’s upper lip and hold the body from the baby on the opposite side. Once the head is out, slowly move the mother’s belly to smooth the entire baby. Don’t worry, the baby’s head will be removed.

Tips for baby’s birth

1. make sure you know where the baby is the delivery Of course, it should be barren and clean. There should be no sharp objects near the woman, such as jewelry or watches.

2. before delivering the baby, wash hands thoroughly with a good bacteria-kill input soap.

3. if there is an external incision, clean the woman’s body with warm water and do not use antiseptics.

4. if the baby appears, for example, try to put your hand firmly behind the baby. This is because this will certainly help the baby to agitate. Blankets can still be placed. Placing the baby on the mother’s breasts will help keep the baby warm.

5. ask the mother to breastfeed the mother if the umbilical cord is thick and just won’t come out. & lt; pran & gt; Place the end of one finger on the baby’s upper lip, along with the baby’s female head, to a tablespoonful, and hold the baby’s body against it. Once the head is out, slowly move the mother’s belly to allow the entire baby to run smoothly. Don’t worry, the baby will be fine.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].