Many readers are interested in the right subject: how is epilepsy diagnosed? Our authors look forward to saying that they have already done the research on current studies on this fascinating subject. We will give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.
Epilepsy is considered one of the most common criteria affecting the brain. There are approximately 5.1 million people, both children and adults, in the United States. of epilepsy An estimated 2.9 million still suffer from it. Getting fast is not easy diagnose epilepsy Usually, a field is identified. diagnosis It only occurs when more than one catch is presented. Almost any other condition, such as panic attacks or migraines, can cause similar symptoms as epilepsy Those who have had an attack are sent to a neurologist for help. in diagnosis .
How is epilepsy diagnosed?
The aim of diagnosing epilepsy It is to qualify the pattern of attacks and the key rationale behind them. The diagnosing Methods include
1. picture of the disease
The diagnosis Attacks depend on an analysis of the patient’s situation combined with a possible family history of attacks, current medication, and associated medical conditions. A description of who saw the patient with the attack may still be helpful in analyzing the attack situation, especially if the patient has a history of attacks. the diagnosis of epilepsy Particularly if the patient has reduced consciousness. Some of the difficult questions to ask a physician can make the connection to the patient:
- How old was the patient at the time of the attack?
- Under what living conditions did the first attack take place?
- What were the moments associated with the initiation of the attack?
- What do you experience before, during and after the attack?
- What is the duration of the attack?
- Were you treated? of epilepsy before?
- What medications were previously prescribed and which were administered?
- Are the medications effective in curing the attack?
2. neurological studies
Examination of brain function is often part of a neurological examination. the diagnosis of epilepsy Field neurological tests are used to detect abnormalities or problems in the brain. The following are often part of a neurological examination
- Memory tests to recognize the ability to remember words.
- Tests to measure the ability to name and recall specific objects.
- Simple calculations and mathematics.
- Tests of muscle function by walking a few steps.
- Reflex tests; and
- Sensory tests to determine which senses are adversely affected. by epilepsy .
Neurological testing can help determine if the brain is damaged. For example, if the patient has difficulty using text, names, or objects, or recognizing the day or month during the test. A marked difference when walking on one side or one body part, or being incapacitated, may indicate such a problem. epilepsy This requires urgent medical support.
3. blood tests
How can I get a blood test? is epilepsy diagnosed ?”
Types of Blood Tests
- The physician can order an absolute blood picture or CBC, which measures red blood cell count, white blood cell count, platelet count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and average corpuscular size.
- The chemistry panel is considered another important blood test. In this panel, sodium, blood glucose, and potassium are evaluated. Absolute metabolic pavement includes studies of liver and kidney function.
- All other types of studies can be ordered, including the amount of drugs in the blood used to control an attack.
Blood testing capabilities:
- Your physician can evaluate how your overall health is doing.
- Identify conditions such as anemia, infections, and diabetes that may be causing attacks.
- Identify disorders affecting the liver and kidneys.
- Note possible side effect releases of medications.
4. ride cap
Ridge cap, also known as lumbar puncture, is still considered a test. to diagnose epilepsy The spinal intake step helps rule out infections such as encephalitis or meningitis as a basis for attack.
How is it done?
You will be asked to lie on your side kneeling on your chest and chin. Your back is cleaned with disinfectant and anesthetic. As soon as the area is petrified, a needle is inserted between the two lumbar vertebrae. As soon as the vertebrae are penetrated, spinal fluid is administered. After this, the needle is removed and the area is covered with a sterile bandage.
5. EEG Analysis
How is epilepsy diagnosed ? Use EEG, which is considered one of the most popular tests to diagnose epilepsy In this test, electrodes with a pasta-like substance are placed on a person’s scalp. The electronic forces of the brain are registered by the electrodes. In epilepsy The normal appearance of the EEG is altered.
6. CT
During a CT scan, X-rays are used to obtain a cross-cut image of the brain. This will be used to diagnose any deviations in the brain that have any chance of causing an attack, such as hemorrhages, tumors, cysts, etc.
7. MRI
During an MRI, radio waves and a giant magnet are used to paint a thorough picture of the brain. Abnormalities in the brain that are likely to cause an attack are more likely to be detected during an MRI.
8. fMRI
During an active MRI, the configuration of blood flow in a specific part of the working brain continues; MRI is often used to determine the exact location of critical functions before surgery and during surgery.
9. spectrum
A final answer to the question, “How?” is epilepsy diagnosed ? Spect.” ShingonEmission Computer Tomography or Spect is used when no clear underlying cause of the attack is identified on EEG and MRI. During the test, a small amount of radioactive material is injected into the veins and a detailed 3D view of the brain is It is formed during the attack.
If you are diagnosed with epilepsy Please familiarize yourself with how to handle it epilepsy From the video below: & lt; pan & gt; During the MRI, a thorough picture of the brain is drawn using radio waves and a giant magnet. Abnormalities in the brain that are likely to lead to an attack are more likely to be detected during an MRI.
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