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Hodgkin’s disease is a blood cancer. or lymphoma It originates in the lymphatic system. The function of the lymphatic system is to allow the immune system to fight infection and remove waste products. The most important types of lymphoma he Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin. lymphoma . Discovered by Dr. Thomas Hodgkin, Hodgkin’s disease is also called Hodgkin’s disease. lymphoma Hodgkin’s disease or Hodgkin’s disease. lymphoma .
Symptoms of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
People with Hodgkin’s disease. lymphoma feel many different signs at different stages of the disease. The most important signs are
- Lack of appetite
- Frequent tremors and fever
- Increased sweating, especially at night.
- Increased glands and lymph nodes in the armpits and neck.
- Fatigue
- Itching all over the body
- Painful lymph nodes after alcohol consumption.
- Dyspnea, chest pain, cough due to increased lymph nodes in the chest.
- Falling off
- Redness from skin
- rib bone pain when spleen or liver is swollen.
stages of hodgkin’s lymphoma
Stage 1
At this stage, all lymphoma Cells are found in one group of lymph nodes. For example, they can be found in the lymph nodes of the armpits and neck. Rarely, the disease occurs in a different part of the body than the lymph nodes. In this case, lymphoma cells are only found in that area.
Stage 2
Lymphoma cells are found in two groups of lymph nodes on one side of the diaphragm. In other cases, the cells are found in the organ or part of the tissue, the lymph node closest to the organ is found and is on one side of the diaphragm. Lymphoma cells can be seen in different groups of lymph nodes on the same side of the diaphragm.
Stage 3.
Here the lymphoma Cells spread to lymph nodes on all sides of the diaphragm. Cells are most likely to be found in the spleen or one organ or part of the tissue closest to these groups of lymph nodes.
Stage 4
In this stage, the lymphoma Cells spread to different parts of the same tissue or organ. They are more likely to spread to organs (e.g., bone, non-weight bearing, liver, etc.) and lymph nodes as compared to the diaphragm.
Causes of Hodgkinlymphoma
Hodgkin’s lymphoma It occurs when infection-fighting B cells mutate in their own DNA. The mutation causes the cells to spread faster and exist longer than normal cells. Thus, the lymphatic system contains numerous non-normal and too large B cells, displacing healthy cells and causing the signs and symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease.
Risk Factors for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
The most important risk factors include
- HIV infection
- Family status – personally, with a twin brother or sister of the same sex affected by the disease
- People between the ages of 15-35 and 50-70
- Fewer siblings, playmates, or raised in the same family due to inaccessibility of viral disease or bacterial influence at a younger age.
How is Hodgkin’s lymphoma diagnosed?
Hodgkin’s disease is diagnosed with the proper tests and procedures
- Physical examination: The physician may examine the armpits, neck, and groin area to find swollen lymph nodes. The physician will also check the liver or spleen to see if they are swollen.
- Blood tests: A blood sample will be checked to see if there are any symptoms of cancer.
- Imaging studies: These include positron emission tomography scans (PET scans), CT scans (computerized tomography), and X-rays.
- Surgery on swollen lymph nodes: Your doctor can perform a small operation to test for Hodgkin’s disease by obtaining some material from the swollen lymph nodes. Lead cells in these lymph nodes are considered symptoms of the disease.
- Bone marrow examination: another way to make a Hodgkin’s diagnosis lymphoma Performing a bone marrow biopsy. In this procedure, a small amount of blood, bone marrow, and bone are removed with a needle and tested for the presence of cancer symptoms.
How is Hodgkin’s Lymphoma treated?
Treatment Options for Hodgkin’s Disease lymphoma They depend on the stage of the disease and your own preferences. The most important curative options are discussed below.
This option lymphoma Chemotherapy drug cells. The substances used in chemotherapy diffuse into the bloodstream and spread to almost every part of the body. In the early stages of Hodgkin’s disease, doctors combine chemotherapy with radiotherapy, which is given after chemotherapy. In the advanced stages, chemotherapy is given alone or with radiotherapy.
Chemotherapeutic substances are administered in various compositions via vein or pills. The side effects of chemotherapy vary from medicine to medicine. They include hair loss, nausea, cancer, anemia, heart damage, infertility, and non-serious damage.
2. irradiation
Radiation therapy refers to the use of high-energy radiation, such as X-rays, to remove cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be used alone or in combination with traditional chemotherapy for Hodgkin’s disease. It is used only in the early stages of Hodgkin’s lymphocytic disease. lymphoma .
During a session with radiation therapy, energy rays are focused on the lymph nodes or areas affected by the disease while lying on a table. Sessions may be long or short, depending on the stage of the disease.
Some of the side effects of radiotherapy are hair loss, redness, fatigue, infertility, heart disease, thyroid problems, stroke, and other cancers such as non-resistant cancers.
3- Stem cell transplantation
With this cure, diseased bone marrow is replaced with awake stem cells. The fresh cells develop fresh, healthy bone marrow. This treatment is recommended if the disease flares up again after healing.
Stem cell transplantation uses blood stem cells that have been removed and frozen. The next curative limitation is formed by intensive radiation and chemotherapy. These sessions at high doses kill cancer cells in the affected area. The final step is insertion into the body via vein. Healthy bone marrow grows from these healthy cells.
Survival Opportunities for Hodgkin’s Disease
The introduction of new and better ways to treat Hodgkin’s disease lymphoma Improved chances of survival.
The chances of 1-, 5-, and 10-year survival for those with established disease are 92%, 85%, and 81%, respectively. Survival characteristics vary among patients based on age and stage of disease. Stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, and stadium 4 GB 5-year survival are 90%, 90%, 80%, and 65%, respectively.
Because the disease may return after healing, physicians are obligated to perform systematic tests. It is imperative to follow the physician’s instructions during and after healing. Do not overlook agreements with the physician during the healing process.