Hearing Tests for Adults

Hearing tests Measure how well you hear. Hearing usually occurs when sound waves penetrate the ear and vibrate the eardrum. The pulsation causes the waves to travel further into the ear, where they trigger nerve cells to send sound information to the brain. This information is translated into audible sound.

Hearing loss occurs when there is a problem with one or more parts of the ear, the nerves in the ear, or the part of the brain that controls hearing. There are three important causes of hearing loss

  • Sensorineural (also called neural hearing loss). This type of hearing loss is caused by problems with the structure of the ear and/or the nerves that control hearing. It may occur at birth or may only be noted at a later age. Sensory hearing loss is generally considered permanent. The pattern of this hearing loss can range from mild (inability to hear certain sounds) to very severe (inability to hear any type of sound).
  • Loss of conductivity. This type of hearing loss is caused by blockage from noise travel to the ear. It can occur at any age, but it is more common in babies and young children and is often caused by ear infections or ear moisture. Health loss is generally considered to be mild, temporary and treatable.
  • Mixed, a combination of both perceptual and conductive losses.

Hearing loss often occurs in the elderly adults . About one-third of adults People over the age of 65 usually have a sensory type of hearing loss. If hearing loss is determined, there are steps that can be taken to treat or control the condition.

Other names: audiometry, audiography, audiogram, sound test

What are they used for?

Hearing tests They are used to determine if there is a hearing loss and, if so, how severe it is.

Why do I need to listen? test ?

You may need to listen test If there are signs of hearing loss. These include

  • Problems recognizing what others say, especially in noisy environments.
  • Asking people to repeat themselves.
  • Problems hearing high tones.
  • Softening the volume on the TV or music player.
  • Sound

What happens during the hearing test ?

Your hearing test Either the primary care provider or the appropriate type of care provider can

  • Audiologist, a physician who deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of hearing loss
  • ENT physicians, physicians who specialize in the treatment of diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, and throat.
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There are many aspects of hearing tests . Most tests Tests response to different pitches, sizes, and/or tones or text in a sound environment. This is called sound tests . Common sound tests include:

Acoustic Reflex Measurement, also known as the Muscle Endothelial Muscle Reflex (MEMR), test How well does the ear respond to audible sound? When an audible sound is heard, there is a little muscle in the ear with normal light. This is called the acoustic reflex. It happens without you knowing it. During the treatment of the test :

  • An audiologist or other caregiver will place a smooth rubber cap on your ear.
  • A series of beeps are sent by reference and recorded on the device.
  • The device will indicate if the sound caused a reflection.
  • If the hearing loss is not good, the sound may be hard enough to produce a reflection or may not produce a reflection at all.

Pure-tone test Also called audiometry. During this time. test :

  • Are you wearing headphones?
  • A series of tones are transmitted from the headphones.
  • The audiologist or other care provider changes the pitch and volume of the tones at different times during audiometry. the test Tones can sometimes sound light.
  • The audiologist will ask you to respond when you hear the tones. You can respond by raising your hand or pressing a button.
  • The test It helps to find soft tones that can be heard at different pitches.

Tuning fork tests Tuning forks are two iron devices that vibrate and produce the tone. Daytime the test :

  • The audiologist or other care provider places the tuning fork over the ear or head.
  • The caregiver hits the plug and produces a tone.
  • You will be asked to tell your hearing care professional when you hear the tone at different volumes or if you hear the tone in your left ear, right ear, or both.
  • Depending on where the cap is placed and how it responds, the test You can prove if you have a hearing loss in one or both ears. It can also indicate which type of hearing loss (guided or perceived).

Speech and word recognition tests Can indicate how well you can hear spoken language. Daytime the test :

  • Are you wearing headphones?
  • The audiologist will speak to you through the headphones and ask you to repeat a series of simple texts spoken at various volumes.
  • The audiologist will record the softest speech you can hear.
  • Some tests will likely be performed in a large environment, since almost all people with hearing loss have difficulty comprehending speech in large spaces.
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Another type test A test named tympanometry tests how well a drum set works

between the apparent tympanometry. test :

  • The audiologist or other provider places a small instrument in the ear canal
  • The device squeezes air into the ear and back and forth across the eardrum.
  • The device records the movement on a graph called a tympanogram.
  • The test This helps to know if there is an ear infection or other problem such as a buildup of water or ear infection, a hole or crack in the eardrum, etc.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for the hearing? test ?

You do not need to prepare specifically for your hearing. test .

Is there any risk to my hearing? tests ?

There is no risk that you will be a bean. test .

What do the results mean?

The results will tell you if you have a hearing loss and whether the hearing loss is considered a neurosensory treeness or a conductive loss.

If you are diagnosed with a perceptual hearing loss, the results will probably indicate that you have a hearing loss that would be considered a conductive hearing loss.

  • Mild: Certain sounds, such as very high or very low sounds, cannot be heard.
  • Moderate: Almost all sounds, such as busy everyday speech, cannot be heard.
  • Severe: Most sounds cannot be heard.
  • Very severe: Almost no sounds can be heard.

Treatment and cure of perceptual hearing loss depends on the severity of the hearing loss.

If the loss is impaired, your doctor may recommend medication or surgery, depending on the cause of your hearing loss.

If you have questions about the outcome, consult your own physician.

Is there anything else I should know about hearing? tests ?

Even slight hearing loss can make it difficult to understand normal speech. That is why almost all older adults do so adults ignore social situations, leading to isolation and depression. Treatment of hearing loss can help prevent these difficulties. Hearing loss in the elderly adults It is usually considered constant and there are ways to treat this condition. Healing options include

  • Hearing Aids. A hearing aid is a device worn behind or in the ear. Hearing aids magnify (make sounds louder). Some hearing aids have more advanced features. Your audiologist can advise you on the best option for you.
  • Cochlear Implants. This is a device that is surgically placed in the ear. As a rule, it is used for people with more severe hearing loss, where insertion of a hearing aid would not be particularly helpful. The cochlear implant passes sound to the auditory nerve.
  • Surgery. Several forms of hearing loss can be treated surgically. These include problems with the eardrum or the small bones of the ear.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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