Frequent Urination at Night: Causes, Treatments and Preventions

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If you have to get up and pee every hour then you cannot be trusted to have a great night’s sleep. Medically, this is called nocturia, frequent urge to urinate nighttime is more common than you realize. It is not the same as regression or nocturia, where you wake up from your sleep and do not empty your urethra. Nocturia ensures that you wake up from sleep, for example, to go to the bathroom. This can lead to sleep loss, which in turn can lead to various health complications. However, if you only feel one event per night you may not realize it is a serious problem. Perhaps you suffer from fatigue during the day when you wake up two or more times per night. This situation is more common in the elderly.

Frequent Urination at Night: Causes, Treatments and Preventions

Why does it happen?

Nocturia usually occurs in the elderly, but can affect everyone for almost any different reason. Here are a few possible causes of frequent urination at night.

1. you have sleep apnea

If you have sleep apnea, you probably suffer from nocturia. This usually happens because your heart muscle stretches as your body makes an effort to breathe. This may lead to the release of a hormone called dural peptide, which may increase urine production.

2. your heart is not pumping normally

This occurs when congestive heart failure and moisture accumulates in the feet. Moisture remains there due to gravity but has a chance to enter the bloodstream when you lie down at night. This again creates more urine.

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3. diabetes.

If your blood sugar is high, you will notice that you produce more urine. This accumulation leads to night time disruption. urination Outdoor management of diabetes certainly helps.

4. you get older.

Some people experience frequent urination at night when they get older. This is usually because as they get older they have fewer bladders. Sometimes, due to hygienic bladder muscles, old people may suffer from nocturia.

5. use caffeine or alcohol

Drinking caffeinated alcoholic beverages can cause one to suffer from nicturia. This is even more serious if the drink is consumed late in the evening. This occurs because both caffeine and alcohol are believed to increase diuretic and urine production.

6. take certain medications.

You are likely to urinate more often if you take diuretics such as furosemide or hydrochlorothiazide. If you are taking blood pressure medications, it may be better to take them during the day, as they still contain diuretics.

7. neuropathy.

Frequent urination Nocturnal illness is a common problem with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. It can also occur when there is an autoimmune disorder such as disorganized sclerosis. This occurs because these disorders lead to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

8. recurrent urinary tract infections.

Nicturia can develop if there is a history of urinary tract infection. People with recurrent or persistent urinary tract infections are at greatest risk of developing nicturia. This can be accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, burning hot sensation, and abdominal pain.

9. drink lots of water

As you drink more water, it is very normal to feel the urge to go to the bathroom. Drinking more than 30% of water immediately after dinner should wake you up in the middle of the night. to urinate 9. Limiting the amount of water you drink before bedtime can help to resolve the problem.

What is the treatment?

You can usually overcome the story effectively preventing by taking action and adjusting your way of life. In some cases, however, you may need to take medication. Your doctor may prescribe you anticholinergic medications to treat the symptoms of GMP – these medications reduce bladder spasms.

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  • You may need to take diuretics to initiate urine production. It is recommended that you take these medications earlier in the day so that you do not have to wake up at night to relieve your urinary tract.
  • If diabetes causes diabetes, you may need to take desmopressin. frequent urination at night.
  • To treat an enlarged prostate, your doctor may prescribe these resources such as finasteride, tamsulosin, or dutasteride.
  • To get rid of urinary tract infections, you may need to take medications.

It is important that your doctor know who else treatment If your nicturia is thought to be the result of a neuropathy, try options There are nerves that give signals to the bladder to cut down, and overstimulation of these nerves can cause victuria. Your doctor can make the right choice to cure the problem:

  • He can choose to invade treatment Implant a small device. This device regulates the urge to puddle and prevents nocturnal urination.
  • They can opt for a non-invasive version of the same thing. treatment However, it is usually not as effective as installing the device in the bump.

When other treatment If the method fails, the doctor can recommend surgery. This is more common when the prostate is enlarged.

Is there any way to prevent this?

It is possible to improve symptoms by incorporating basic composition into one’s life type. This includes limiting water consumption near sleep. Perhaps the use of alcohol and other beverages with caffeine should cease. Getting enough water throughout the day is important to prevent dehydration.

Some other changes in your lifestyle that will help prevent dehydration include frequent urination at night:

  • Pay attention to your diet and ensure a healthy body image.
  • Moisture at the beginning of the day – Take repeated medications to prevent nighttime.
  • Create ammunition during the day to prevent you from suffering from sleep.
  • If edema causes swelling at night, elevate feet. urination .
  • Use crushed stockings to prevent water accumulation in the legs.
Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].