Foods to avoid if you have CJD

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a metabolic disorder related to insulin resistance that causes a sex hormone imbalance in women, leading to symptoms such as elevated cholesterol levels, excessive hair growth, irregular menstrual cycles, skin problems, excessive hunger and weight gain. . Together with with medical procedures that take into account that foods to avoid can help you overcome your condition.

Foods to avoid if you have CJD

1. foods with the highest glycemic index

Keeping insulin levels in the blood under control is very important for women with CKD. High. GI foods blood glucose levels can cause unexpected rises in blood glucose levels and lead to increased insulin production. So they should be high. GI foods Very likely and should be ignored. Examples of high GI foods are:

  • Plenty of cereal.
  • White bread, rolls, cookies, baguettes.
  • Soft drinks and pastries.
  • Pastries and cakes.
  • White pasta and rice
  • Packed soups
  • Dried fruits and fruit juices
  • Flavored yogurt and ice cream

2. dairy products

Dairy products are foods to avoid with SPKJ Dairy products increase the amount of testosterone in the body. In addition, certain proteins in milk may limit the body’s ability to process testosterone, and the signs of CJD may worsen due to the constant rise in testosterone levels.

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3. soy products

Foods to avoid if you have CJD

Many people who do not or avoid dairy products, look for soy products as a healthy alternative. However, women, with with SPKJ should be wary of soy products because they contain phytoestrogens, which may well cause endocrine neglect and lead to decreased fertility. Soy still has the ability to delay ovulation, which can exacerbate a woman’s symptoms. with SPKJA and they are trying to gain weight.

4. unhealthy fats

Unhealthy fats are considered the worst foods to avoid with HFCS. unhealthy fats include hydrogenated, trans, and saturated fats. Unsaturated fats are found in dairy products and red meat. This fat pattern can exacerbate PCOS symptoms by increasing abnormal blood fat levels and estrogen production. Trans fats and hydrogenated fats are found in processed foods. foods Margarine and vegetable oils. These may increase the risk of diabetes and coronary heart disease and may cause heart attacks in women. with PCOS.

5. caffeine.

Foods to avoid if you have CJD

It is known that four or more cups of coffee per day may affect fertility in women. Caffeine can increase estradiol, an estrogen hormone that affects a woman’s menstruation and ovulation; since PCOS already has a direct effect on fertility, caffeine will only make the story worse.

6. alcohol

Foods to avoid if you have CJD

Alcohol consumption increases the risk of PCOS by almost 50%. Constant alcohol consumption puts great pressure on the liver, a vital organ that removes excess estrogen from the body. While the liver becomes overloaded by the processing of alcohol, the removal of estrogen is of secondary value, making the degree of estrogen in the body excessive. Additionally, alcohol is converted to sugar, which contributes to high insulin levels. All of these moments only exacerbate the baggage of women who have PCOS.

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7. coated foods

Processed foods Also considered one of the worst foods to avoid with PCOS. additives such as treated chemicals, preservatives, artificial flavors foods increase the release of prostaglandins, hormones that can cause inflammation and increase the amount of insulin in the body, making the signs of PCOS more severe. Prepare processed foods. foods Smoked beef, boiled broth, canned soups, canned vegetables, salted nuts, chips, etc.

8. artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners have every opportunity to affect the way the body reacts to sugar and carbohydrates when consumed. They are also associated with increased testosterone and estrogen levels and are known to exacerbate inflammation and worsen symptoms of PCOS. Additionally, artificial sweeteners can increase insulin levels after use. Because artificial sweeteners are much sweeter than sugar, the delicious taste ensures that the body is prepared for greater caloric intake. If that does not happen, the body is confused and it asks for more. food Or, it will have less energy, leading to weight gain. Weight gain is considered a different risk factor for PCOS.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].