Many readers are interested in the right subject: food is toxic to dogs. Our manufacturer is pleased to have already researched current studies on this fascinating subject. We will provide a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.
Even if you prefer elementary school and love your own loving dog, this does not mean you can give them anything as a benefit. It is not like tipping guacamole, as that can cause serious health problems. Lots of them. dog owners do not realize that there are many people out there who do this. foods ” that are poisonous to dogs See the list for more info. You will also find there suddenly the name
Food Is Toxic to Dogs
Your sweet dog’s digestive system is not capable of deciding foods It is good to be patient. You need to be very careful what you feed them. Here are the most common ones foods This follows in the footsteps of ignoring all costs.
1. chocolate
The presence of a catalyst called theobromine makes chocolate poisonous to dogs Theobromine content in chocolate varies widely and is generally considered highest in dark chocolate. This can affect your heart, kidneys, and central nervous system. dog Veldje can notice symptoms of an intestinal infection containing theobromine in the direction of 4 to 24 hours after the method. The severity of the symptoms depends on the amount of chocolate your dog consumed. Excitement, diarrhea, nausea, seizures and hyperactivity are considered more common symptoms. It is your responsibility to immediately dog Your vet, your vet. dog 1. vomiting or certain medications, choose to check blood pressure, heart rate drops, optimal
2. garlic, onions, chives
These vegetables and herbs should be ignored because they have the opportunity to cause stomach and intestinal complaints. in dogs Fieldone has every opportunity to contain and destroy the red blood cells of your beloved eyes. In the case of your children, the damage can be severe. dog Large quantities of these vegetables and herbs have been consumed. Onions can cause serious damage – onions in all forms are poor for dogs including wet onions, dried onions, and boiled onions. It usually takes several days for intestinal infection to develop.
3. alcohol
Alcohol is yet another one of those the foods poisonous to dogs Alcohol is still harmful to people, but is much more toxic. to dogs . Alcoholic food The product or drink has every chance of causing diarrhea, vomiting, central nervous system depression, decreased coordination, abnormal acidity of the blood, difficulty breathing, com sleep. in dogs In some cases, toxicity can be fatal. It is absolutely imperative that you are an alcoholic foods and keep the drink out of the reach of your loved ones. dog .
4. avocado.
Come on, don’t think guacamole is somehow good for your health. dog . Due to the presence of a drug called avocadopressin, it is quite unsafe. for dogs . People who are allergic to this substance also have a greater chance of serious reactions. So check yourself! dogs Do not take avocados. If you have avocado plants in your home, keep them away. Note that Percin is not only in the fruit, but also in the leaves, bark and seeds.
5. macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts or foods Can cause life-threatening complications. in dogs . Roasted or raw macadamias have only 6. dogs Disease. Better known signs of intestinal infection are paralysis of the hind limbs, muscle vibration, vomiting, more frequent heartbeat, and exaggerated body temperature.
6. candy and chewing gum
Candy, toothpaste, chewing gum, fried products, and some diet products foods containing xylitol can cause insulin and dogs disease. Liver deficiency is thought to result in a rapid drop in blood glucose levels. More known symptoms are lethargy, vomiting, and loss of coordination. You dog may also have seizures.
7. fat and bone residue.
Fatty or bony table residues can be dangerous for dogs . Your dog pancreatitis can occur after using fat in meat, both raw and cooked. You. dog You can choke on it. Each piece of bone still has the opportunity to freeze the leaking wound condition of a loved one. dog ‘s digestive system.
8. peaches, khakis, and plums.
These fruits are on the list. of foods poisonous to dogs because their seeds have the opportunity to ignite the delicate intestinal tract. There are more cautious footsteps to touch the date space because there is still an opportunity to lead to gastrointestinal obstruction. Additionally, plum and peach seeds contain cyanide, which is toxic to people. and dogs .
9. raw beef, test rounds, and fish.
Avoid giving your dog Raw test rounds have every chance of causing serious infections because there is every opportunity to contain these bacteria, including gastrointestinal bacteria and salmonella. in dogs The raw test rounds contain enzymes. Raw test rounds also contain enzymes way dogs including the effects of certain vitamins B This can lead to skin problems in dogs which can lead to skin problems. Literally the same applies to ignoring wet fish and raw meat – fish such as trout, salmon, sturgeon, and team can respond to parasites that cause salmon gut infections. in dogs If not treated, this can be fatal. Fever, nausea, and enlarged lymph nodes are not unusual symptoms of this disease.
10. grapevine and sultana
More and more pet owners are realizing that they are a precedent for not following in their pet’s footsteps. dogs Sultanaro is frame and grapes for undesirable effects. However, some people dogs can use grapes and sultanas with few or no symptoms. dogs can cause permanent kidney damage. Do not take the risk. Only with all in all for grapes and sultanas.
11. cherries
You can find cherries of all kinds and they are all highly sought after. They are on the list. of foods poisonous to dogs plants and pits because they can be toxic. to dogs breathing problems and can lead to death. In most cases meat is not safe, but plants and pits should be ignored because they contain cyanide. Feed dog pulp and keep them away from the plant itself.
12. wet, greenish potatoes
Although potatoes are usually on in dog foods you must avoid giving your beloved children greenish, unripe, raw potatoes. In fact, they should not eat these types of potatoes because they are identical to human Nausea, heart problems, and seizures are many of the symptoms of potato poisoning. in dogs .
13. apple seeds
Apples are generally not dangerous, but you owe it to yourself to be careful and make sure you do not dogs apple seeds. These seeds contain cyanide, which is a footnote to ignore. You dog must eat very large quantities of seeds of these species to get negative symptoms, but prefer to avoid them from your shopping basket.
You must seek medical assistance immediately! dog Lethargy seems to be checking you for signs of nausea, lack of coordination, diarrhea, etc. dog You may have eaten something wrong. Do not contact the vet as soon as possible, do not wait too long to remedy the symptoms.