Many of our readers are interested in female alopecia. We are pleased that our manufacturer has already researched contemporary studies on your fascinating subject. We provide a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Keep repeating to find out more.
Hair removal is unnecessary but common in men. For women, however, hair removal is experienced as annoying and embarrassing. This is because the majority of women associate beauty with absolute hair. Women pattern baldness Alopecia is an autoimmune disease affecting more than 30 million American women. Women pattern baldness are genetically sensitive to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This causes thinning of hair follicles and thinning of the hair shaft.
Symptoms of female baldness
Comparing with male pattern baldness , female pattern baldness is a bit unique.
- Starting in the center of the scalp, the crown and crown hairs become fragile at first, then increase in a larger spectrum.
- Different from male pattern baldness If you notice that your frontal hairline is thinning, do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon that everyone has checked. If you notice that your hairline is thinning, do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon that everyone has checked.
- You don’t have to worry about whether or not it is absolutely and actually accurate. baldness Because it does not happen. to female , but would to men.
Causes of Female Charity
There are several reasons for hair loss in women
1. menopause
About 50% of women experience some degree of hair loss at age 50, often worse during menopause. Hormones support hair lifting when estrogen levels begin to change, including hair count.
2. disease and medical consequences
Within 30 diseases, including lupus, diabetes, and thyroid disorders, it has female pattern baldness In fact, hair loss is one of the first signs of these diseases. Other disorders that have every opportunity to cause hair loss are polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), ringworm, and some forms of cancer. 3.
3. food and malnutrition
If you have a bad desk, chances are your hair will fall out. Your body transfers calories to vital organs such as the heart and brain. If your calorie reserves are inadequate, your hair gets nothing. If you are not getting enough vitamin D, iron, protein, and calcium, your hair has a chance to thin. Supplements are not always considered the answer, however. If there is a real deficiency, there are so many supplements that should definitely be taken, but so many can still cause hair loss.
4. dangerous treatments
Traction lopezia is a type of hair loss caused by keeping hair very tight in ponytails or bundles. It is also caused by prolonged wearing of braids so that the hair is loaded. Hair loss can also be caused by constant use of curling irons, hair straighteners, relaxers and dyes, and discoloration.
5. physical and emotional pressure
Emotional stress, severe illness, and surgery can cause hair loss. female pattern baldness . The body stops making her. Because it has nothing to do with survival, but concentrates on restoring the actual vital parts of the body. In most cases, there are 3 months between the start of the action and the actual hair loss. In addition, another three months may elapse before hair growth becomes noticeable. From this we can infer that the cycle of hair loss and hair growth can take up to 6 months or more when caused by sensual or physical stress. There are other health problems that can cause hair loss that go unnoticed. These include low blood levels or anemia and thyroid disorders. You can take a simple test that is relatively inexpensive to recognize if you have any of these disorders.
Treatment of Hair Loss in Women
1. minoxidil (trade name: Rogaine).
This is a product approved by the FDA for pattern baldness . This product for neighborhood use extends the hair-lift phase. 2% and 5% formulas are freely available. The lowest dosage is recommended for girls. However, the majority of medical professionals recommend higher doses, but this is due to the risk of facial hair growth. Minoxidil you rub on the scalp twice a day on the scalp and after 6 months hair begins to grow. When you stop applying, the size of the hair will decrease the size it was before you started applying. 3 months protection zone will be $50.
2. finasteride (brand names: Propecia and Proscar)
These prescription drugs have not been approved by the FDA for women. However, some practicing physicians prescribe them to postmenopausal patients. It is not recommended for girls of fertile age, as it increases the risk of birth defects. It works by slowing the rate of hair loss. You must take finasteride daily and it only works as long as you use it. It costs $70 for a monthly supply.
3- Take iron supplements.
For some women, pattern baldness This can be caused by iron deficiency. Your doctor must determine the degree of iron deficiency. This situation often occurs in persons with anemia or severe If iron content is lower than 70 nanograms per milliliter, iron supplements should be taken.
4. take care of the scalp
To ease female pattern baldness Daily use of a scalp massager with a variety of attachments will certainly help maintain hair follicle health. You can also massage your scalp with your hands. Keep your hands clean and massage the entire scalp.
5. maintain good hair etiquette
There are many shampoos that are specially designed to combat hair loss. While they probably will not have an amazing effect on scalp hair, they will improve follicle health and hair lift. Some contain fibers and proteins that thicken the hair shaft.
Avoid gels, sprays, and other styling products. This will definitely help prevent scalp contamination and reduce damage to hair follicles. You can also try natural or herbal extract-based hair care methods to reduce thinning hair. It is essential to do thorough research before purchasing anything.
Hair care tips to prevent hair loss
To avoid female pattern baldness Be aware of:
1. watch out for heat.
The less heat you apply to your hair, the less heat you will apply to your hair. If you must use heaters, use adjustable heaters and make sure the heat is set to the lowest setting. This will not affect your hair updo at all, but will minimize the amount of breakage that leads to thinning.
2. brush carefully
Using a hair dryer can cause the round iron bristles to become very hot and freeze the iron bristles or string plastic brushes. Instead, use a brush with flexible nylon bristles or soft boar bristles.
Tips for styling thinning hair
1. change your divorce
You can minimize hair loss by changing the purpose of your parting. If you frequently comb your hair in one direction, your hair tends to lie flat against your scalp. If you always part your hair on the left side, remember to part it on the right side as well. This loosens the hair from the scalp and makes the hair appear thicker.
2. go to a hair salon to add volume
Short haircuts are good for thinning hair. Longer hair may split and expose parts of the scalp. When choosing length, make sure the style is layered, not just at the ends.
3. apply color strategically
Lightening or bleaching hair increases the likelihood of breakage or damage. However, you can apply coloring to help ensure that thinning areas are concealed. This can be done by using a dye that closely matches the color of the scalp. Additionally, the color will also slightly expand and thicken the hair shaft.