Female Kidney Pain Location On Back

Many readers are interested in the right subject: hiring pain. Our makers are pleased to report that they have already done modern research studies on your fascinating subject. We offer a wide range of answers, informed by the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and example studies. Keep repeating to find out more.

Nerve pain usually occurs on only one side, while muscle pain can occur on one or both sides.

Kidney pain and back pain: what does the difference look like?

Because your kidneys are located toward your back And below your rib cage, it can be difficult to see if the pain you feel in this area is painful or not. back or your kidney .

Based on the symptoms you are having you can see what the source of the pain is.

The location The type of pain and the pain burden are some of the things that stand out, depending on whether the pain is considered a kidney problem or not. kidneys or your back .

Kidney pain is usually caused by a kidney of a tube infection or granite coming from your kidney. kidney .

If the pain comes from you kidney take these functions:

Where the pain is located

Kidney pain can be felt in the flanks. This is considered the area on either side of the spine between the lower chest and lower back. It usually occurs on one side of the body, but can also occur on both sides.


Kidney pain is usually sharp a kidney stones and pale pain if there is an infection. Usually the pain cannot be changed.

If you move the pain will not get worse and will not go away on its own if you do nothing about it.

If you’re passing a kidney With stones, pain wrinkles when you move granite.


Sometimes the pain radiates to the inner thigh or to the lower lobe of the stomach (radiation).


Kidney pain is labeled according to how bad it is – whether it is strong or soft. A kidney Stones usually cause severe pain, while infection pain is usually mild.

What aggravates the pain.

As a general rule, having a stone pass, for example, does not exacerbate all other pain until the problem is resolved. Unlike back pain usually does not change with movement.

Accompanying Symptoms

If you have a kidney infection or a kidney you can still experience

  • Fever and chills
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Cloudy or black urine
  • Urgent need to pee
  • Pain when urinating
  • Recent bladder infection
  • Blood in your urine (this can happen during an infection) or kidney stones)
  • small kidney Stones that look like gravel in your urine.

Back pain is more common than kidney Pain and is usually caused by a problem with the muscles, bones, or nerves in the back. back .

Back pain has the right characteristics.

Where the pain is located

Back pain can occur anywhere on your body. back But it happens almost always located in your lower back or once from the hips.


muscle pain looks like pain. When a nerve is injured or irritated, the pain is a sharp burning sensation and can go through the buttocks to the lower legs or feet.

Nerve pain usually occurs on only one side, while muscle pain can occur on one or both sides.


Nerve pain can spread to your pigeons. Muscle soreness is usually intact the back .


Back pain is described as acute or acquired, depending on how long you have had the pain.

Acute pain can take days to months, subacute pain can take 6 to 3 months, and acquired pain can take more than 3 months.

What aggravates the pain.

Back pain may worsen when you move or when you sit or stand for long periods of time. Changing posture or walking around may make it colder than other pain complaints.

Accompanying Symptoms

Other signs you may experience are so back pain include:

  • Painful areas that appear swollen and tender
  • Muscle cramps in the painful area
  • Numbness or impotence in one or both legs (if the pain is the result of a nerve problem)

If you notice that you are bothered by back Something actually pushes something against your spinal nerves because you are in pain and cannot deduct urine or bowel movement.

This situation, called Cauda Equina syndrome, can cause serious long-term damage to the spinal nerves if not treated immediately.

Kidney pain

Kidney pain can be felt in the lateral back abdomen or gro radius. This is often confused with for back pain. Kidney pain is due to by kidney stones, kidney Infection, trauma or kidney Cancer. The healing of kidney pain depends on the primary cause.

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Common kidney pain causes include kidney stones, UTIs, injury, infection, polycystic kidney disease and cancer.

What is kidney pain?

Kidney pain (pain of kidney propagation) is a discomfort near your kidneys . Your kidneys Two bean-shaped organs located They are located just below the rib cage on both sides of the spine. Kidney pain does not always mean that you have a kidney problem. kidneys Specifically, it usually indicates a problem somewhere in the urinary tract system.

How you feel kidneys hurt?

People often make the mistake of kidney pain for back pain. But there are some important differences between kidney pain and how it feels. to back pain.

Kidney pain vs back pain

Back pain usually meets in the middle of your back. back Pain flows through your backbone, usually to the lower back. back The spine can still cause back pain. back The pain sometimes taps your leg.

In comparison, kidney pain is typically located higher on your back And it is not more deeply uncommon. Most of the time at that time, kidney Signs of pain may appear below the rib bone on the right or left side of the spine. Kidney pain may radiate to other areas such as the abdomen or gro radius. Hip pain can be a confusing kidney pain, but hip pain will be lower in your back than kidney pain.

Possible Causes

What are the most common known causes of kidney pain?

Your kidneys It is related to the bladder kidneys (in the bladder). Problems in any of these areas can cause pain and discomfort. Possible Causes of kidney pain include:

  • Kidney stones. Kidney stones form due to a buildup of minerals or linkages from your body. Pebbles can be as small as a grain of sand and larger than a pearl. Smaller pebbles have a better chance of making your body independently forget about them. And in the last place, huge pebbles have every chance to become trapped in your urinary tract, making the passage of urine impossible. Either way, you will have an intense kidney pain can develop.
  • urinary tract. In this condition, an individual’s urethra cannot be completely emptied. This can occur once in a period or little by little.
  • Vesacoreteric Reflux (VUR). This reflux of urine ensures that urine flows from the bladder into the urethra. or kidneys VUR can prevent all persons, but it is more common in boys and young children.
  • Complications of Obstructive Reservation. In this condition, there is an obstruction that occurs when your urethra happens to you kidney This can cause flank pain that may radiate to the abdomen or gro
  • Urethral stricture. This refers to a narrowing of the ureter. The urinary instructor is a tube that urinates you with urine kidneys urine into the urethra. Ureteral stricture can occur on one or both sides.
  • Kidney infection (renal lone nephritis). This condition occurs when bacteria your kidneys Symptoms are fever and chills, back or she may experience pain, nausea, and dizziness.
  • Polycystic kidney disease. People with this hereditary disorder fill bags (cysts) inside them kidneys causing cysts, the kidneys cysts can grow large and cause pain. This increases the likelihood that they will not function well.
  • Trauma or injury. Contact sports, inadequate accidents, or other traumatic effects of stump violence can cause serious injury to your field. kidneys Velddit can cause blood in or around the urine. the kidneys As well as loss of urine. the kidneys .
  • Kidney Cancer. The most well-known form of of kidney cancer, kidney cancer, usually affects people as young as age 60 or 70. Signs could be blood in the urine, pain on the side, or com sleep on your side.
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What are common kidney pain symptoms?

People with kidney If you have pain, there are many possible signs. Some of the most common are kidney Symptoms of pain include

  • Your constant, uninteresting pain back .
  • Pain on your side, under your rib cage, or in your stomach.
  • Severe or sharp pain that comes in waves.
  • Pain that spreads to your gro radius.
  • Kidney pain is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, especially if the pain spreads to the gro radius. to kidney stones.

Care and Treatment

How is kidney pain treated?

Treatment of kidney pain depends on the cause. For example, if your kidney pain due to an infection, then your doctor will give you medicine. If you kidney have pain as a result of stones, you may need healing to get rid of them during this period.

What are the studies that have every opportunity to determine the cause of kidney pain?

To qualify the cause, there are many tools available to help care providers make a diagnosis

  • Urine analysis: This test looks for the presence of blood, white blood cells (indicating infection), proteins, and several molecules associated with different types of urine. kidney disorders.
  • Imaging Test: Ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) can provide images of physiological structures the kidneys and urinary tract. It can also tell the caregiver if a stone is present and determine if a urine strap is needed.

What should I do if my kidneys hurt?

If you have kidney Pain that won’t go away, the first thing you should do is make an appointment or call your own doctor to go to the emergency department if you have these symptoms: uncontrollable pain, severe dizziness or nausea, fever or tremors. Sleeplessness. In the meantime, here are a few things you can arrange to ease the inconvenience

  • Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will certainly help rinse bacteria from your urinary tract. Be careful with caffeine and alcohol.
  • Use heat. Place a heating pillow back your stomach or she will help reduce the fever. kidney pain.
  • Take an anesthetic. To reduce fever and discomfort, you can take freely available anesthetics such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen (unless you know of liver damage and are not obligated to administer these drugs.) or kidney damage and are not obligated to use these medications).

Which drinks are harmful? the kidneys ?

Generally, water is best. Drinks with the highest sugar content are more likely to cause diabetes and drinks with a lot of salt or caffeine are more likely to cause dehydration. to kidney damage over time.

When Should I Call My Doctor?

When should I call my health care provider?

If you have persistent pain in this area, go to your doctor. the kidney area, or if your back have pain combined with one of the symptoms.

  • Fever or chills.
  • Nausea or nausea, including inability to eat or drink.
  • Strange color urine.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Blood in your urine.
  • Repeated urges to pee in ways that are unusual for you.
  • Hard material appears ( kidney stones) in your own urine.
  • A general feeling of sickness or lethargy that does not pass.

Note from Cleveland Clinic.

Kidney pain can be mild or severe. Sometimes it is innocent, but most often it means that there is a problem somewhere in the urinary tract. If you develop the following back fever, vomiting, annoying pain in urinating, or pain along with other annoying symptoms, go to your care provider immediately. They can help you recognize the cause of your pain and how you can treat it. kidney Causes pain and how it can be treated.

Where do you feel kidney What is the pain and how does it feel?

If someone experiences pain on his side or experiences sensitivity around the bottom of his back , it could indicate kidney Issue. Pain can be dull, constant, sudden, or sharp.

Kidney pain may indicate the following disorders as kidney infections or kidney stones, among other things. These conditions can affect kidney function and the kidneys function, so it is important to seek medical advice. for kidney pain.

This article describes where in the body someone has the opportunity to feel pain and how it feels. kidney Pain and how it feels. Possible causes of of kidney pain and when you must go to the doctor.

a person is bending over forward and showing their back to the camera

A person may feel kidney Pain under the lower part of the rib cage. They have a good chance of kidney the pain is on the right or left side. Or there is a good chance to experience it on both sides at the same time.

Kidney pain can still come from the middle or top of a person. back They still have a chance to experience pain associated the kidneys somewhere in the urinary system, such as the urethra.

Kidney pain has the ability to cause unalterable, dull annoying or annoying pain. It can also be unbearably sharp.

If the doctor is pressing lovingly or pressing on the person’s side, the pain can be exacerbated.

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What pain is experienced likely depends on the cause of the pain. Additionally, people have every opportunity to experience and respond to kidney pain differently.

if someone experiences pain in the middle and upper parts of the body. back This may indicate to him or her that something is wrong. kidneys .

Kidney pain in the back It could be constant, annoying pain. Or it can be sharp and sudden. Some people describe it as a “stabbing” pain.

The most well-known causes are of kidney Oozing pain. the back are infections and kidney stones.

A kidney infection may begin with a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Kidney stones can lead to excruciating pain that feels like cramping. This pain can spread to the gro radius.

However, if kidney The pain is worse if the person bends forward or lifts something. This could be the result of a muscle or bone problem rather than a kidney stone failure. of back This could be the result of a muscle or bone problem, not a gro radius problem. the kidney .

The person can still kidney Feelings in the gro radius. This can occur because the pain may originate from a different part of the body than it occurs in.

Men have the opportunity to experience kidney pain in the balls.

However, if the ball pain is accompanied by accumulation, redness, or scrotal skin changes, the problem may be a major ball problem. In this case they should seek medical advice.

If someone feels burning pain while urinating, he or she probably has a urinary tract infection or bladder infection.

Some other signs of infection include

  • Frequent desire to pee
  • Abdominal pain
  • Unpleasant urine odor
  • Cloudy urine

Bacteria in the bladder likely to cause kidney infections.

Anyone with any of these symptoms must go to a doctor.

If someone is experiencing kidney pain, and this may indicate a problem with one or both of them. kidneys .

There are several reasons why someone could have a urinary tract infection kidney pain, including:

  • UTI: Someone can get a UTI when bacteria infect the urinary system, the urethra, or part of the urethra. If they do not seek treatment for the UTI, the infection can spread to the urinary tract. the kidneys .
  • A kidney infection: A kidney The infection can affect one of the two or both. kidneys It can make you very sick. Doctors call this disorder kidney lone nephritis.
  • Kidney stones. Urine contains large amounts of minerals that can form kidney stones. the kidneys Kidney stone. If the stones stay inside. the kidneys The person cannot be bothered kidney pain. However, as the kidney The stone is stuck in a tube connected to the the kidneys in the urethra, which can cause pain and block the flow of urine.
  • Renal vein drombosis: this is a rare condition in which a blood clot clogs one of the veins from the blood the kidneys . Symptoms may occur gradually or all at once.
  • Hydronephrosis: when the drainage of urine is blocked by stones, clots, or scarring, the urine becomes swollen. may back up and cause the kidneys Swelling. Hydronephrosis can impinge on one or both kidneys. kidneys .
  • Kidney Cancer: cancer may develop in the kidney. the kidneys when cells begin to grow abnormally. Cancer of all types can meet both adults and young adults. the kidneys Both adults and young adults.

Additionally, someone can experience many other symptoms to kidney pain, including:

  • Pain or itching while urinating
  • Cloudy urine
  • Bloody urine
  • Urine that smells foul
  • Frequent peeing
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lying
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • High temperature
  • Horror

The kidneys These are bean-shaped organs located just below the thorax on either side of the backbone.

The kidneys They are about 10 cm long – the size of an adult male fist. Left. kidney Tend to be slightly larger and slightly higher on the body.


The primary job of the kidneys It is to filter waste products from the blood. For example, they rid the body of useless water by forming urine.

The kidneys They also help control blood pressure and help the body produce more red blood cells.

Who. kidney pain goes to the doctor as soon as possible to find out what the cause is.

People must go to the doctor for diagnosis and cure of kidney Pain. Good healing assures that it the kidneys not damaged and can lead to pain. to kidney failure.

Doctors have a good opportunity to order these tests, such as

  • Urinalysis, which can detect infections.
  • Imaging studies such as CT scans and ultrasound.
  • Cytological studies that can identify cancer cells in urine.


Kidney infection can lead to a difficult and possibly life-threatening condition called sepsis.

If someone pays attention to the right picture, he or she should have the necessary medical support.

  • High temperature
  • Horror
  • Low blood pressure
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Urges
  • Extreme pain

Without good healing, kidney Freezing, which can cause permanent damage. kidney damage.

Kidney pain can occur on one or both sides of the spine, under the rib bone. Some people may also experience pain in the gro radius.

Pain in the kidneys These can be symptoms of something that is wrong with these vital organs. It can be any kind of kidney cause pain, including infection, kidney stones, and cancer.

People with kidney pain should be discussed with a doctor. Even a small urinary tract infection can spread to the lower abdomen. the kidneys and lead to sepsis or kidney damage.

Last revised from a medical perspective on April 20, 2021

  • Infections / Bacteria / Viruses
  • Pain / Anesthesia
  • Urology / Nephrology

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  • Hydronephrosis (2020). https: // www. kidney . org/atoz/content/hydonefrose.
  • Kidney Disease (2021). https: // www. cdc. gov/nchs/fastats/kidney-disease. htm
  • Kidney Pain. (2020). http: // www. Kidney Foundation. Organizations/ Kidney Disease/ Kidney Problems/ Kidney Pain. html
  • Kidney Stones (n. d.). https: // www. nidirect. government uk/ conditions/ kidney stones.
  • Mazhar, H. R., et al. (2020). Renal vein thrombosis. http: // www. ncbi. nlm. nih (National Institutes of Health. gov/books/nbk536971/
  • Pain in kidney or urinary disease (n. d. https: // www. kidney Org. uk/ urinary pain.
  • Polycystic kidney Disease. (2020). http: // www. Kidney Foundation. Tissue / Kidney Disease / Other Kidney Conditions / Polycystic – Kidney Disease. html
  • Step 1: Recognize the soil (n. D.). https: // www. kidney-cancer. org/Learning-the-base/
  • What are kidney Stone? (n. d.). https: // www. urology. org/urology-z/k/ kidney-stones.
  • What is sepsis (2021). https: // www. CDC. Gov/Sepsis/Whatis-sepsis. html

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Joseph Brito III, MD – from a physician’s perspective as assessed by Zia Sherrell, MPH – updated July 1, 2022

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Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].