Many readers are interested in the right subject: Klystir during pregnancy: is it not dangerous? We are pleased that our makers have already researched current studies on this fascinating subject. We will give you a wide range of answers based on information from the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Please continue to repeat this for more information.
An enema is a procedure aimed at cleaning the bowel with the help of water brought into the rectum and colon via the anus. This is even better if you suffer from stubborn constipation. Constipation is common. in pregnancy Perhaps ask yourself. enemas Is he enry safe in the direction of this particular period.
Is it safe to take en bowel during pregnancy?
Enema during pregnancy Not recommended. First. of pregnancy Especially in the early stages of pregnancy. enema It should be disregarded as it can lead to miscarriage. If this procedure is performed in the direction of the last months of pregnancy, it can lead to early delivery and cause a reduction. In fact, enema it is administered only prenatally as a way to free the family channel of obstruction and prepare the body for delivery.
Some women have bowel problems in their families, so en bowel can be important. Some people believe that its use also enemas work may slightly decrease the risk of infection.
It is always good to talk to your doctor about whether or not you need this procedure. Because he/she is the only one who can help you make the right decision.
Safe Candidates for Healing Constipation During Pregnancy
Enema during pregnancy Constipation is not considered an appropriate way to simplify constipation. Instead, consider these harmless family manners
1. eat fiber foods.
Daily intake of dietary fiber should be at least 25 grams, which can come from sources such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and flaxseeds.D.
2. drink more water.
It is very helpful to drink 10-12 cups of water per day, especially after increasing fiber intake. This 2 complex will redeem you from constipation during the day. pregnancy .
3. exercise.
Inactive women are more susceptible to bowel problems. Small activities such as walking or swimming are likely to restore proper bowel function, try to move three times three times a week.
4. call stool without a prescription
If you want to try enema during pregnancy If natural methods do not help with constipation, try using an over-the-counter product such as Metamucil, which helps soften bowel movements. Always consult your physician before taking any medication without a prescription.
5. destroy steel supplements
Since a perfectly balanced diet already provides a significant amount of iron, there is really no need to use supplements. Taking a small amount once a day, rather than a large amount at one time, especially in case you arrest them, will certainly help keep you free from intestinal problems.
6. remember psyllium
Plantain seeds, also known as plantain, have proven to be a very good treatment for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The mucilage of plantain has the ability to soften stools. These seeds can be found in any health food store, but should be consulted with a physician first, as they are known to counteract the effects of some medications.
7. relaxes the pelvic floor muscles
When you feel the urge to poop, sit on the toilet, breathe in deeply and finally exhale slowly, giving your pelvic floor muscles a chance to relax properly. You may also want to sit on your toes so that your knees are higher than thigh level.
8. choose acupressure or acupuncture
Locate point CV6, which relates to digestion. This point is located in the middle of the abdomen, two to three fingers wide below the navel. Press this point 20-30 times and repeat several times a day. You may also seek assistance from someone with acupuncture skills to arrange this. 9.
9. consider aromatherapy
You should avoid enema during pregnancy Instead, relieve constipation naturally. Mix a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lemon or bergamot oil, with a teaspoon of carrier oil and add to a warm bath. Relax and gently massage the abdomen while bathing.
10. don’t forget herbal remedies
- Try zinnia mallow tea or dandelion tea. Make it by steeping the leaves in boiling water and drink it daily.
- Senna is very effective in relieving constipation and in small doses is not dangerous during pregnancy.
When should I go to the doctor?
Constipation is not a serious problem once in a while. However, if in addition to constipation you experience pain in the abdomen or notice blood or mucus, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Excessive straining to expel stool can cause hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins near the rectum and usually disappear after the baby is born, although they can be serious. However, if they are bleeding or cause unbearable pain, contact your doctor immediately.