Many readers are interested in a pertinent subject: endometrial hyperplasia: natural healing. Our makers are pleased to report that they have already studied contemporary research on this fascinating subject. We base our extensive answers on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Keep repeating to see the details.
Endometrial hyperplasia (eh) is a thickening of the inner mucosa of the uterus.
It is usually caused by excess estrogen (a group of hormones that primarily affect the reproductive channel itself) without progesterone (the female hormone that controls the menstrual cycle).
This condition carries a high risk of malignant changes and recurrence.
There are four types of endometrial hyperplasia :
- Atypical and complex – usually diagnosed by a gynecologist who sees signs of abnormal blood loss in the uterus of premenopausal women. Some physicians call this it endometrial Epithelial tumor. This is the most famous image of EH. It has a real risk of being invasive within 40 endometrial cancer;
- easy in inapia – includes a risk of uterine cancer within 8%.
- Atypy no complications – treatment Hysterectomy in the last place is considered an option for women who have completed a fertile period with appropriate surgical risk and No treatment. treatment About 10% of patients progress. to endometrial cancer;
- Simple without itapia – sketched by cystically enlarged glands of any kind of volume and shape. Contains 1% risk of uterine cancer.
ICD 10
If a woman has very much of the hormone estrogen without the hormone progesterone, she has the opportunity to develop EH.
Note – This condition usually occurs after menopause. The moment when menstruation stops forever and the woman’s body no longer produces progesterone. Endometrium. hyperplasia Can also occur in the peri-menopausal phase. The premenstrual phase clearly stops.
Risk Factors
This condition is more common in women with appropriate risk factors.
- Childhood onset of menstruation.
- Age over 35 years.
- Use of a drug called tamoxifen. Medications used to treat breast cancer in women and gentlemen.
- Older age at menopause.
- Personal situation-specific disorders such as smoking, diabetes, obesity, thyroid disorders, granulosa reticulorum (a type of cancer that occurs in the granulosa bone that kills the test circle of the follicle tower), gallbladder disorders, or ovarian syndrome of the ovarian syndrome (ovarian spotting).
- White varieties;.
- Introduction of certain types of hormone replacement therapy.
- Never been pregnant.
Abnormal uterine bleeding is considered the most common sign of EH. Other signs are.
- Menstrual cycles without ovulation (anovulatory phase);.
- Absence of menstruation (amenorrhea);.
- Pain during intercourse; and
- Menstruation that lasts longer than normal.
- Very loss of menses.
When Should I Call My Doctor?
You should go to a doctor if you have any of the following complaints
- Postmenopausal bleeding; or
- Menstrual cycle shorter than 21 days – calculated from day 1 of the period to day 1 of the normal period.
- Bleeding in the direction of menstruation. This is more difficult or prolonged than normal.
This condition can turn into uterine cancer. It can also lead to an endometrial some polyps in the inner lining of the uterus.
ECH can be diagnosed using the right procedures.
- Hysterosalpingogram is an x-ray examination of the uterine tubes and the female uterus.
- A detailed evaluation of the disease status is accompanied by a pelvic and physical examination.
- Hysteroscopy-This is a procedure that allows the physician to view the uterus by performing an investigation into the neck of the uterus.
- Pelvic MRI – This allows the physician to see blood vessels, organs, bones, and other tissues in the pelvic region.
- CT scan of the pelvis and abdomen-A CT scan is a procedure that provides more thorough information about blood vessels, flexible tissues, and internal organs.
- Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound is an ultrasound of the pelvis used by medical professionals to investigate the female reproductive organs by introducing ultrasound rounds into the vagina.
- Pelvic ultrasound: high-frequency sound waves are used to produce an image of the actual …
Treatment is generally aimed at hormonal therapy with progesterone and progestin. Progestin is administered by injection, either as a vaginal cream or orally as an intrauterine device.
Total hysterectomy is another. treatment of choice for hyperplasia atypie in women who have completed their fertile years.
Spontaneous healing of endometrial hyperplasia
1) Marigold.
This is a long existing herb of the genus ranunculaceae of the genus buturecup along with the scientific name Canadensis. Digestive problems, eye complaints, and skin conditions are some of the myriad health problems that this herb solves. Not only that, it helps prevent endometrial thickness.
2) Perfumed oil
It is extracted from the inner bark of the Boswellia tree. Some of the chemical constituents are
- sabineen;.
- Alfa-Pineen;.
- Alfa-Tudsen;.
- Myrceen;.
- Beta-Acemineen;.
- Limonene.
This essential oil contains a delicious, soft, citrus-like scent that certainly helps relax the body and intellect.
It is used to reduce the appearance of scars, reduce symptoms of aging, prevent serious infections, relieve pain, eliminate acquired stress, maintain exaggerated immunity, and fight disease inflammation. Frankincense essential oil still has the ability to reduce tumor development and cancer cell production.
3) Ricinus Oil.
It is a dull – yellow fish selective solution obtained from the castor bean plant (scientific name – Ricinus communis). It appears to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. When used in the pelvis and abdomen, the oil helps relieve painful aches and pains.
4) Licorice root
The botanical name for licorice root, glycyrrhiza, comes from “glucos” and “wreath.”
The glycylhydric acid component of this plant root has been shown to be considered hepatoprotective. The liquid root has anti-allergic and aspirin-like effects. In addition, it is effective in symptom lighting. of endometrial hyperplasia .
The right steps can be taken to reduce the risk of EH.
- A small amount of physiologic exercise each day is more likely to reduce the risk of EH. Not only that, physiological exercise lowers stress and improves cognitive function. Small exercises can include events such as taking the bus, a fire walk, or cutting grass.
- If you are overweight or obese, losing weight helps because the risk of cancer increases with the degree of overweight. of endometrial Cancer increases with the degree of overweight.
- Women who smoke or are regularly exposed to ex-smoke should stop altogether.
- If periods are irregular, birth control pills can be recommended.
- Support early investigation. and treatment Systematic pelvic examination of each condition is recommended as soon as the woman is sexually intense or reaches the age of 18.
- If taking estrogen after menopause, should still maintain progesterone or progestinone.
- Avoid products rich in trans fats, such as chips, hot dogs, donuts, hamburgers, mayonnaise, margarine, onion rings, pastries, and burritos (anything fried with oil).
- Vegetables (broccoli, carrots, garlic, onions, radishes, delicious potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, sprouts, peppers, cayenne pepper, zucchini), grains and cereals (oatmeal, oat rice, quinoa, maize), seeds (sunflower seeds, sesame, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, tomatoes, olives, pears, mangos, kiwis, avocados, durians, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cherries).
Source http: // ayubmed. edu. pk/JAMC/Past/21-2/Amera. pdf https: // www. Sciendirect. com/Topics/Medicine-and-dentistry/ endometrium - water paralysis https: // bmopen. BMJ. com/content/6/8/e013385 https: // academic. oup. com/humrep/article/28/5/31/943419 & lt; bread & gt; vegetables (broccoli, carrots, garlic, onions, radishes, delicious Eating a healthy lunch at the table consisting of potatoes, cucumbers, turnips, cabbage, sprouts, flavorful peppers, cayenne peppers, zucchini), coffee list, quinoa, corn), seeds (sunflower seeds, sesa, seeds, seeds, corn), seeds (sunflower seeds, sesa, seeds, seeds, seeds, seeds, seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds) , white beans, ajuki beans chickens) and fruits (apples) and fruits (apples, pinatas, tomatillos, olives, pears, pears, mangos, papayos, papas, kiwis, kiwis, kiwis, avocados - avocados, durians, pears, pears, Papayos, kija, kiwi, kiwi, kiwi, avocado, durian, pear, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durgos, Durian, Pear , Pear Bali, Strawberry, Blackberry, Cherry).