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Introduced in 1960, the birth control The pill has simplified women’s lives by helping them accept control of the presence of their reproductive wells. However, the pill has many side effects, some of them as serious as an increased risk of blood clots and heart attacks. Almost every study has also noticed that birth control The pills may play a negative role in mood of change. Really? Can you do anything about it? Let’s get this straight right now!
Does birth control depress you?
Yes, the pills may affect you mood This is because they contain synthetic versions of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. These hormones can cause your body to release chemicals that destroy the production of serotonin, which replaces mood .
Does birth control make you moody ? Yes, it is possible, but the severity of the problem may vary. According to a Harvard study of mood and cycles, women with a history of depression are more likely to have negative impressions. mood Changes in Drug Use birth control . Women who suffered from cramps or menstrual syndromes during the menstrual period of puberty may notice some improvement in their condition. mood Other signs after use birth control pills.
Always consult your physician if you experience changes or other symptoms after use. mood Changes or other side effects of birth control Tablet. Always tell your doctor about your history of mood from a disorder or depression and help him or her find the best medication for you.
Experience with birth control and mood regulation
‘I started on Alesse and then switched to Novaline. any birth control When I first met my fi. At first I only used condoms, but then I went back to Novaling. It really changed me. Today I just feel frustrated and feel mood fluctuations. I really have to work hard to control the narrative. control .”
“Does birth control make you moody ? For me the answer is yes. I took the first package of Yaz and am starting to notice a change in myself. I am tired and irritable every day. I also feel bleeding with cramps. Some say fatigue can be caused by bleeding, but I really don’t know what is going on here.”
‘I have a few things. of birth control When I switched pills I experienced it differently with the pills.When I started taking YAS I was always tired. After a while I stopped taking him and it took me a while to get used to it. After I left him I still had sexual and sensual problems. I also tried Aless but it was pretty bad skill. my moods Up and it reduced my sex feeling. It also forced me to arrive especially in the chest. I paused it and the signs got almost better throughout the month. I got worse with Mircette, but this was very expensive. It did not affect my genitals, though. It forced me to be nauseous all the time.”
Non-oral contraceptives you can try
Does birth control make you moody ? You already know the answer and must learn to live with the side effects. However, you can try many other non-oral contraceptives to avoid the conclusion of these side effects. For example:
1. cervical cap
You must go to health care to have this flexible cap placed over your cervix. It is important that the cap stay in place for at least 6 hours after you have sex. Leave it in place on the vagina for at least 48 hours. This can cause vaginal discomfort and cost at least $60 per capsule. Failure rates range from 15% to 30%.
2. male condoms
You can find it without a prescription in stores and pharmacies. The failure rate for this barrier method is 15% to 20%, but it is more effective in combination with seed-killing agents. It can cause res res, especially if you are allergic to latex. it invites protection against STDs.
3. women’s comments
You are obligated to paste it on your vagina – you can apply it 8 hours before sex. This barrier method is 80% effective but can cause burning, discomfort and rash. Do not use it if your partner is already using a male condom.
4. pessary.
In this barrier method, a silicone cup is placed on the neck of the uterus for intercourse. It is more effective when it is used in conjunction with spermicide. Failure rates vary from 6% to 12%, but do not guarantee protection against STDs. The cost ranges from $15 to $75 and can be used for up to two years.
5. contraceptive sponge
This is a foam insert that goes into the vagina. Use water to keep it moist before insertion. Can be brought in about 24 hours before sex, but should be let go at least 6 hours after sex; costs $15 to $30 for a 3-lip role; includes a 9-16% failure rate, but virtually guarantees no protection against STDs.
6. spermicide
You can use seed-killing foam, creams, or vaginal ditories containing a chemical called Nexinol-9 that kills seed cells. The basic idea is to apply condoms to make them more effective. They cost $5-20 per repeat dose and have a failure rate of 15-30%. STDS are not guaranteed if used without a condom.
7. IUD
Non-intra-industrial aids should be placed vaginally one week after the onset of menstruation. You are obligated to replace it every 10 years and may face some side effects such as slower and longer spotting and menstruation. Uterine perforation, pelvic extraction disease, and IUD elimination are some serious side effects; it does not protect you from STDs but contains at least 1% failure.
8. natural family planning
Having sex at the time of ovulation can reduce your chances of getting pregnant. This requires careful anticipation of physical changes in your body temperature, cervical mucus composition, etc. This is an inexpensive method of contraception. Although it is an inexpensive method of contraception, it has a high failure rate.