Depression After Surgery: Why and What to Do

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Many patients who have undergone surgical procedures report feelings. of depression However, physicians often do not warn patients about this side effect that is well supported. Why? depression It occurs in patients who have undergone heart surgery, prostheses, and other surgical procedures. If you have undergone surgery, how can you recognize this? are depressed due to the surgery Or how can I deal with post-operative recovery in a rudimentary way? If the situation is not serious enough to consult a physician, how do I ask? Read on for some answers.

How do you recognize depression after surgery?

If you have any pertinent signs or symptoms more than two months after surgery, you may subsequently develop depression. surgery Postoperative depression is very likely. depression Be sure to check with your doctor for a diagnosis.

  • Eating habits have changed – eating more or less than you normally eat
  • Sleep patterns have changed. Sleep more or less than usual.
  • Always feel fatigued.
  • Irritable over trivial matters.
  • Indecisive – Difficulty making simple decisions.
  • Loss of focus and motivation during previously exciting events.
  • Feeling hopeless. Sudden and frequent crying
  • Thoughts of suicide.

Of course, some of the above signs and sensations are natural. depression Field surgery can affect premenstrual hunger, energy levels, and sleep patterns. Pay close attention to your own sensory make-up, especially suicidal thoughts. If you regularly experience suicidal thoughts, you should seek medical attention immediately.

why do i feel depressed after surgery?

The main causes of postoperative depression are not yet known. depression Some believe that anesthesia or anesthesia is the cause. Others believe that digestive problems are caused by anesthesia or anesthesia. the surgery May cause emotional of depression Patients with mobility limitations due to field following reasons -. the surgery bedridden – may experience symptoms of depression FieldThe patient has pain that is not relieved by prescribed anesthetics, which may be the cause of the pain. to depression after surgery FieldUntil there is unknown information about the cause. of depression After surgery, there are several factors that may be considered risk factors.

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  • Certain types of operations such as benign operations, leg replacement, brain operations, bariatric operations
  • Patients undergoing coronary artery bypass operations surgery It is single, has elevated cholesterol levels, smoking, and increased degree of agitation surgery
  • Men with urinary tract, gastrointestinal or sexual dysfunction
  • Older patients (many feel before surgery depression as a major health condition), especially the surgery They are functionally weakened in some way.

What should I do if I feel depressed after surgery?

In addition to your doctor’s advice, there are things you can do to minimize postoperative depression depression :

1. exercise.

Start with a movement routine, such as a warm walk outside. The exercise should be something you want to do and something your doctor has approved. You will increase your own strength and the change in species will uplift you.

2. form a daily routine

Allow for manipulation, an effort to reclaim your personal day by going to bed at night and getting up during the day to dress up. Provides a daily routine. Try not to stay in your pajamas all day. Eat healthy, nutritious meals to build your own physiological strength. Keep a regular daily schedule and maintain as normal a day as possible.

3. be socially active.

Keep focused socially with your friends and family, even if it is only a public network. This will minimize feelings of insulation and certainly help you feel connected to the outside world.

4. choose

Let go of any disturbing anger and regret you may feel as a result of the surgery If you are unable to talk with friends or family, make an appointment with a therapist to help you process your emotions.

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Others experience depression after surgery

“I have experienced depression And I have worried about it for years. my surgery . After my surgery I was in pain, could not do my daily activities or go anywhere. I felt terrible. depression I felt like I had experienced a terrible trauma. After the first 3 weeks. my surgery I became more mobile and started leaving the house. I went shopping and met friends. I started to feel more normal. It certainly helped me to talk to my friends and family and live a normal life again.

“After my bariatric surgery My experience was like a sensual South American roller coaster. My body changed and I cannot get used to it. The first few weeks after the surgery were not good for me. I enjoyed the warm sunny days and started walking. It took me a while to feel my older self intellectually again. Fortunately, I did not need medication for this illness. my depression And every day has more to do with it than any other.

I am a fairly independent mother of two boys. After a few months. my surgery , I was very depressed Polemic called his sister and unbiased junk. It was winter and the freezing weather did not make it easy for me. One day my sister suggested I go to a hairdresser. My hair was cut, color was applied, and I pulled out of the funk I was in.”

“I had cardiac surgery A few months later. It was my first surgery Fieldtoen I went home, I could not free myself from my feelings. of depression Polem in the healing process, I experienced myself as heavy, needy, and somewhat confused. The staff at the clinic did not care to warn me about this. I found information online and realized this was a common reaction to the experience. depression after surgery I was forced to experience myself more than anything else. As soon as I could walk back to my daily schedule I felt my & lt. Pan & gt;. I yelled yank without prejudice with my own sister. It was winter and the freezing weather did not make it easier for me. One day, my sister suggested I go to a hairdresser. My hair was cut, colored, and brought out the funk I was experiencing”. the depression lift.”

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].