Dental Exam

A dental This study is part of the Teeth and Gums test. When you go to your . dentist For the exam, a visit typically includes three parts

  • A dental A cleaning to remove dental plaque buildup, which is a sticky film of bacteria covering your teeth.
  • X-rays of your teeth during your specific visit, depending on your dental health
  • Examine your teeth and mouth. a dentist

Dental exams are associated with oral health defense. Oral health includes teeth, gums, laugh, chat, and all muscles and bones that allow you to chew. Oral health problems such as cavities (holes) and gum disorders (periodontitis) can lead to pain, infection, and tooth loss.

Poor oral health can affect overall health. For example, dental loss can lead to problems with eating and drinking, which in turn can lead to other health problems. Regular visits to the dentist can help prevent oral health problems. the dentist And a good toothbrush and brush.

At a dental Using a check usually shows both a dentist and a dental hygienist. A dentist A dental hygienist is a doctor specially trained to take care of your teeth and gums. A dental A dental hygienist is a medical professional trained to brush your teeth and you will learn how to take care of your teeth and gums.

Dentists are best in contact with people of all ages. Some children’s dentists follow additional training on dental care for children.

Other names: dental checks, mouth exams, and oral hygiene, dental hygiene, dental prophylaxis

What are they used for?

Dental exams are used to

  • Clean teeth to prevent cavities, gum disorders, and other oral health problems
  • Track problems in their early stages when they are easier to treat
  • Help people learn best oral care techniques

Why do I need a dental exam?

Ask your dentist Or, because often mandated during exams, dental hygienists. Most adults and children are obligated to get a routine every 6 months dental investigation every 6 months. More frequent surveys may be required. dental exams if you:

  • There is a problem with the gum
  • There are numerous holes
  • Home conditions for oral health problems
  • Has health conditions that can increase the risk of oral health problems, for example
    • Diabetes
    • Heart disease
    • HIV
    • Disorders affecting the immune system

    If you suffer from swollen, reddened, and/or bleeding gums, toothache, or other discomfort, do not expect to get your own routine dental exam. Contact your dentist as soon as possible.

    Children have their first dental appointment to direction 6 months after getting their first tooth or first birthday. Ask your child dentist how often your child should a dental Do your research. The majority of children receive a check every 6 months.

    What happens during a dental exam?

    At a typical dental After the exam, the dental hygienist will clean the teeth. Then. the dentist I will examine your own mouth. During certain visits, I can take x-rays of your teeth. the dentist examines you.

    Dental X-rays may show hidden holes, gum disorders, jaw bone loss, and other problems that are not visible by looking into the mouth. Ask your doctor. dentist How often do I need x-rays?

    For a dental cleaning:

    • The first step is called “scaling.” The dental hygienist uses a small iron instrument to scrape the gums and tartar off the teeth.
      • Dental plaque is a layer of bacteria that covers your teeth right after you eat. Brushing and toothpaste remove plaque, but not all of it. When plaque is present on teeth, it can cause holes and affect the material and bone around the teeth, leading to tooth and molar loss. Teeth are cleaned from behind by removing plaque.
      • Tartar is a hard substance that can build up over time from dental plaque that has not been separated from the teeth. Tartar can build up along the gums and red swollen gums (gingivitis). This has the ability to lead to more nonsense gums and dental costs. Experts only. dental Scaling has the option of sending tartar. And the average professional dental Brushing is a good chance to prevent their formation.
      • Fluoride is a mineral that prevents cavities (holes). Often fluoride treatments are passed on to children rather than adult teeth.
      • Sealants are convenient layers painted on the chewing surfaces of rear molars. They help prevent cavities for years by keeping food and bacteria out of the grooves of the teeth. Sealants are typically used on children and young adults. However, adults who have never had holes in their backs can choose to protect these teeth by using dental sealants.

      If dental x-rays are needed:

      • Your upper body is covered with a thick lead apron to protect you from radiation.
      • Bite into the plastic and there is an X-Ray scanner near your cheek.
      • The dental hygienist will either leave the room or stand behind a protective shield to stop your X-ray intake, which only takes a few seconds.
      • Repeat these steps many times to get x-rays of all the teeth.

      For the dentist ‘s exam:

      • When the x-rays are taken, you dentist Dentist checks for the presence of a problem.
      • Next, your dentist will:
        • Examine your teeth and gums.
        • Check your personal bite, including your upper and lower teeth. If you have chewing inconsistencies, you can be guided to an orthodontist
        • Check for oral cancer. This includes exploration and that amount of abnormal mass in your mouth, lips and tongue. If you are not sure if your dentist can still find your character and neck.

        You will need to arrange for a clean to prepare a dental exam?

        If you have specific circumstances to feel better, you may need to take medication before the exam to prevent infection. Ask yourself dentist If medication is needed, especially if you have heart problems or a weakened immune system, please consult your physician.

        Some people hesitate to do so. the dentist . If you or your baby are affected, talk to your doctor before your visit. dentist For your visit. You dentist We will suggest ways to make your visit more comfortable. dental care.

        Are there any risks? a dental exam?

        There is a fairly small risk, a dental Research. Brushing can be uncomfortable, but is usually painless.

        X-rays are not dangerous for most people; the radiation dose from X-rays is very low. However, X-rays during pregnancy are not recommended except as a last resort. It is always important to tell your doctor dentist I am pregnant or think I am pregnant.

        What do the results mean?

        After your dental exam, your dentist Your doctor will discuss oral health problems and treatment options. For certain problems, improving your brushing and dental flossing habits may be sufficient.

        If you or your child has tooth decay or a more serious problem, a doctor’s appointment may be necessary. the dentist to treat it.

        Is there anything else I should know? a dental exam?

        Regular checkups and good care of your teeth and gums will help you keep your teeth for life. dental Regular checkups and good care of your teeth and gums are important. For a healthy mouth and strong teeth:

        • Brush your teeth twice a day with a slicker brush and fluoride toothpaste.
        • Clean the areas between the teeth regularly with a soft bristle toothbrush. dental floss, special bristles, or plastic rods. You. dentist can advise on the best way to do this.
        • Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months.
        • Eat a healthy diet and limit snacks and good drinks. If you eat dessert, brush your teeth immediately.
        • Drink fluoridated water.
        • Do not smoke. Smoking increases the risk of gum problems.
        See also  PTEN Genetic Test

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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