Many readers are interested in the right subject: date towards sultanas – compare the well benefits with precedents on nutrition. Our makers are pleased to report that they have already done modern research studies on the subject that fascinate you. We provide a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Keep reciting to recognize more.
Those are tropical stone fruits that come from the palm of your hand.
Dates are considered a huge aphrodisiac and tonic. nutritive , laxative fruits.
While it is possible to eat these fruits fresh, dates are more often eaten dried.
Sultanas are dried grapes. Grapes are dried in two ways: mechanically and in the sun.
They are made from three types of grapes:
- Muscat;.
- Xanthe; and
- seedless Thompson.
They are packed with current minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. raisins They are used in all kinds of kitchens around the world for both flavorful and delicious dishes.
Nutritional value
100 g contains Date:
- 277 calories;.
- 6, 7 g Fiber – 27% DV;.
- 1, 8 g protein – 4% DV;.
- 149 IU Vitamin A-3% DV
- 2, 7 mcg Vitamin K-3%DV;.
- 0, 1 mg thiamin e-3% DV; 0, 1 mg riboflavin
- 0, 1 mg Riboflavi n-4%DV; 0, 1 mg Niaci n-4%DV
- 1, 6 mg niaci n-1, 8% DV; 0, 2 mg vitamin B6-12
- 0, 2 mg vitamin B6-12%DV;.
- 15 µg folic acid-4%DV; 0, 8 mg pantothenic acid-4%DV
- 0, 8 mg pantothenic acid-8%DV;.
- 64 mg calcium-6%DV; 0, 9 mg calcium-6%DV; 0, 9 mg iron-5%DV
- 0, 9 mg iron-5%DV;.
- 54 mg magnesium-14%DV; 0, 9 mg iron-5%DV; 0, 9 mg magnesium-14%DV
- 62 mg Phosphorus-6%DV;.
- 696 mg Potassium-20%DV;
- 0, 4 mg Zinc – 3% DV; 0, 4 mg Copper – 18% DV
- 0, 4 mg copper-18%DV; 0, 3 mg manganese-15%DV
- 0, 3 mg manganese – 15% DV.
100g of seedless raisins contain:
- 299 Calories;.
- 3, 7 g fiber-15% DV;.
- 3, 1 g protein – 6% DV;.
- 2, 3 mg vitamin C-4% DV;.
- 0, 1 mcg vitamin E-1%DV;.
- 3, 5 mcg Vitamin K-4%DV; 0, 1 mcg
- 0, 1 mg thiamin e-7% DV; 0, 1 mg riboflavin
- 0, 1 mg Riboflavi n-7%DV; 0, 8 mg Niaci n-7%DV
- 0, 8 mg niaci n-4% DV; 0, 2 mg vitamin B6-9
- 0, 2 mg Vitamin B6-9% DV; 0, 2 mg
- 5 µg folic acid-1%DV; 0, 2 mg folic acid-1%DV; 0, 2 mg folic acid-1%DV
- 0, 1 mg pantothenic acid-1%DV;
- 50 mg calcium-5%DV;
- 1, 9 мг железа – 10% DV;.
- 32 мг магния – 8% DV;.
- 101 мг фосфора – 10% DV;.
- 749 мг калия – 21% DV;
- 0, 2 мг цинка – 1% DV;
- 0, 3 мг меди – 16% DV;.
- 0, 3 мг марганца – 15% DV;.
- 0, 6 мкг селена – 1% DV.
Польза для здоровья
Это второй по известности минерал в организме человека, который важен для функционирования различных органов, включая почки, мозг, сердце и мышечную ткань.
Этот важный минерал используется совместно с натрием во всех клетках нервных синапсов для содействия метаболическим процессам, а также для обновления или поддержания мембранного потенциала.
It also renews alkali salts and neutralizes acids in the circulation.
In addition, its presence is essential for
- Regulation of cholesterol production; and
- Production of RNA and DNA
- production of enzymes, proteins, and antioxidants; and
- glucose and fat groups.
The recommended daily potassium is 4.7 grams per day.
However, according to statistics, the average potassium intake for an adult South American of 2. 2 to 2. 4 g per day varies from 2. 8 to 3. 3 g per day for men in women.
A 100 g date contains 696 mg of potassium.
It contains the correct function and roll in the body:
- Involved in superoxide dismutase.
- It is essential for energy production
- Important for fat and carbohydrate use.
- Involved in glucoset tolerance.
- Necessary for thyroid power.
- Neurotransmitter synthesis; and
- Necessary for arterial integrity.
- Helps maintain ligament and tendon integrity.
Collagen is considered an essential protein for acne. This is because it is the most important structural protein in the skin.
However, the chain reaction of collagen production is interrupted without my own.
Drawings and signs of my deficiency include
- Defects in fat and carbohydrate metabolism; and
- Ataxia (neurological signals consisting of inaccessibility of spontaneous coordination of muscle movements);.
- Reproductive dysfunction;.
- Skeletal abnormalities; and
- Lifting disorders.
A 100 gram date contains 0.3 mg of manganese, which corresponds to 15% of daily consumption.
Also read: figs vs Chrunes
Copper is a mineral that helps save nerves, immune system, blood vessels and bones. healthy .
Additionally, combined with iron, it helps the body create red blood cells.
This mineral helps with
- Hormone synthesis;.
- Regeneration; and
- Brain and spinal cord myeloderma;.
- Energy turning; and
- Protection against oxidative damage; and
- Blood pressure control.
Symptoms of copper deficiency include
- Skin infections and ulcers;.
- Fatigue;.
- Bruising;.
- Arthritis;.
- Unexplained weight loss;.
- Osteoporosis;.
- hair and burping.
- Bleekness;.
- delayed growth;.
- joint pain;.
- Muscle strain;.
- Frequent disease;.
- Brittle bones;.
- Anemia;.
- Low body temperature.
A 100 gram date contains 0.4 mg of copper, which is less than 18% of the recommended daily amount.
Food fiber includes all parts of vegetable products that the body cannot digest or eat.
There are two types of fiber
- Insoluble Fiber – This helps to increase stool size and improve movement.
- Soluble Fiber – These are fermentable in syrup.
Fiber is popular when cooking many important things:
- It has the ability to bind to LDL and cocholesterol and lower it.
- It slows down the digestion of food, leading to better control of blood sugar levels.
- Promotes “regularity.”
There are 6.7 grams of fiber in a 100 gram date, which is about 27% of the recommended daily value.
Iron is an important mineral that occurs naturally in all types of foods.
There are two types of iron. Non-heme iron and heme iron:
- Non-heemijzer absorption levels range from 2 to 20% and occur in antioxidant-rich plant foods.
- Heemijzer absorption levels are 7-35% and occur in animal meat.
Iron is involved in cellular respiration and energy production, and also helps the central nervous system and immune system.
Iron’s most important task, however, is to assist in air transport and maintenance.
100 grams of raisins Iron supplements contain 1.9 mg of iron, which is within 10% of the daily recommended amount.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 belongs to the B vitamin group and plays an important role in many metabolic processes in the body.
It plays a role in maintaining normal levels of homocysteine in the blood and also contributes to the formation of hemoglobin.
100 grams of raisins It contains 0.2 mg of vitamin B6. This is about 9% of the appropriate daily dose.
Magnesium is considered one of the most important minerals we need.
For example, it initiates brain function and the movement of nerve impulses.
It also helps alleviate acid building in the kidneys.
Symptoms and manifestations of the defect include
- High blood pressure;.
- Fatigue;.
- Sugar craving;.
- Irritability;.
- Restlessness
- Tension;.
- Osteoporosis;.
- Kidney stones;.
- decreased appetite
- Insomnia;.
- Weakness;.
- Muscle cramps.
100 grams of raisins Take 32 mg of magnesium, or 8% of the appropriate daily dose.
Phosphorus is considered an essential mineral involved in energy production from cells and protein synthesis.
In addition, phosphorus plays an important role in the regulation of calcium, making it essential for for healthy teeth and strong bones. It also contributes to muscle contraction.
100 grams of raisins It contains 101 mg of phosphorus, 10% of the daily recommended amount.
The date tastes like something between a plum and a fig. Sultanas contain a characteristic, delicious flavor. of raisins .
Dates and Sultanas – Exchange
If you don’t have them or don’t want them use raisins In the recipe, you can replace them with dates.
Image source – Shutterstock
Source https: // www. NCBI. NLM. the NIH (National Institutes of Health. Gov/PubMed/22214443 http: // jmrh. mother. Exchange. ir/article_2772. html https: // www. Sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/s1658077x15000442 http: // journal. plos. org/plosone/article/file? ID = 10. 1371/ journal. Slowly.0190210 & amp; amp; type = printable