Many readers are interested in the right subject: it does not cough. Our makers are happy to say that they have already done the research on current studies on the subject that fascinates you. We will give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.
A cough Elementary will never go away. You have the opportunity to put a damper on your day. And you will still feel some degree of discomfort by constant cough including insomnia, chest muscles, incontinence. Despite the fact that the consequences are annoying, most reasons are not so serious. If you cough for more than a few months, you can find the cause.
What causes a cough not to pass?
If you feel you have a persistent cough. cough Then investigate these symptoms to see if they are a possible cause
1. a cold
A cold can cough within about 3 months. It happens a lot to cough The sput is a dull yellow color. If you are dealing with greenish or dull yellow mucus, it is your duty to consult a doctor to rule out more serious problems. 2.
2. infection
If you have been sick in the past month, chances are that you have not yet completely gotten rid of the infection you were trying to fight. Get the recipe from your doctor and take the perfect dose until it is out. If you stop taking it when you experience it, there is a good chance you have not fully combined the contamination.
3. irritating allergies
If you have not had allergies in the past, that does not mean you cannot have allergies now. Seasonal allergies can give you a sensation of water running down the back of your throat. Also, if you cough with itching, his allergy is probably the culprit.
4. cochelle
If you have cough This does not disappear in the direction of less than about 3 months, so you should consult a doctor to eliminate the cramps cough Penny’s outdoor symptoms cough Can be constant and serious. cough and vomiting.
5. pancreatic acid (reflux)
If you notice coughing shortly after falling asleep, it may be due to pancreatic acid supporting the digestive tract. The stomach and throat are connected and can suffer from heartburn and reflux, which can afflict the stomach. to cough .
6. seasonal asthma
If you have cough Due to the seasonal composition and unfavorable conditions, there is an opportunity for improvement when it is cold outside, but the chance of suffering from seasonal asthma is likely and warranted to be constant cough .
7. acquired bronchitis
People who smoke or are current smokers are at increased risk of developing bronchitis. Signs of this condition include coughing up mucus, wheezing, a stuffy nose, and shortness of breath.
8. nose falls down the throat.
If you experience cough If it does not leak after first waking up, there may be a post-tumor drip. This occurs when there is a formation of drops from the nasal cavity to the throat through the back of the nose. This can be quite painful as it causes tension in the throat. cough It can also cause mucus. Prescribe a nasal spray to your doctor and see if this provides relief. cough .
9. additional causes
- Smoking: smoking is known to affect the throat with harmful tobacco chemicals.
- Prescription Drugs. There are many prescription drugs where coughing is mentioned as one of the side effects, especially ACE inhibitors for curing high blood pressure.
How do you get rid of a cough that won’t pass?
If you have got a cough If all of the above conditions have been eliminated for some time, you must remember that you first noticed the stubborn cough to yourself. cough Make a list of all the times you have noticed a stubborn cough. Make a list of all the times you to cough More, and if something gives you illumination. the cough The following will simplify your situation. Below are some ways to have a good chance to help simplify your situation.
1. do a test
If you want to limit some of your options, you can ask your doctor to take a CT scan or X-ray of your chest. You can also do a test to see if you suffer from acid reflux.
2. move on to the carrot
If you really want to get rid of acid reflux, you need to tackle the problem en route. cough Especially if you have chronic acid reflux, you need to address the root problem and treat the underlying problem. cough . For nasal congestion, antihistamines or anti-ussiva can be used. Steroids should be taken for respiratory infections. If asthma is present, take effective medications in the form of steroids or bronchodilators.
3. stay away from triggers
If you suffer from seasonal allergies or asthma and COPD, it is advisable to ignore triggers that have a chance to ensure you to cough . If you smoke, try to get rid of the urge to do so. In addition, childhood immunizations can help prevent several diseases that can cause acquired disorders. coughs .
4. take a humidifier
Humidifiers can certainly help prevent dryness and irritation of the airways. Purchase a humidifier to soothe inflamed tissue around the larynx or nose. Depending on economic criteria, choose the more favorable humidifier from many varieties.
5. stay away from dairy products
If there is a cold, it is advisable not to use dairy products as they produce mucus and mucus
6. keep well hydrated
Drinking lots of water helps lighting the cough it does not go away and strengthens your immune system. You may think warm or passionate water is more relaxing, but it is actually cold water that bends all kinds of swelling.
7. drink a mixture of honey and lemon
Preparing some honey in your kitchen at all times is considered a good idea for any kind of honey consumption. Thanks to its bacterial and antiviral properties, it helps relieve pain. and coughs You can reap the fruits of honey by adding a few cups of tea with a pinch of lemon juice. And look forward to extraordinary results.
8. other natural remedies
In addition to honey, you can chew ginger or try to turn it into atea. Garlic and onions are also considered two natural remedies known to help control diseases. a cough The use of manual honey with garlic is also known to be helpful in the control of diseases. Manual honey with garlic has a little more acceptable tolerance. & lt; pran & gt; Every time you get a cold, you can stay away from dairy products and mucus producing, for example.
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