Many readers are interested in the right subject: guidelines for colonoscopy preparation. Our manufacturers are pleased to have already researched current studies on this fascinating subject. We will give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.
The procedure used to determine colon cancer is called one colonoscopy Colon cancer is considered one of the most diagnosed forms of cancer and always occurs in the form of an abnormal growth called a polyp. Doctors may detect and remove these polyps during a bowel examination. a colonoscopy This can reduce the risk of cancer. Although the procedure is quite innocent, not nearly everyone is happy with it. During insertion colonoscopy colon is not considered a sympathetic idea, you can get some colonoscopy Apply the prepared recommendations to make things much easier. Keep repeating and learn how to prepare for the procedure.
Colonoscopy Preparation
Emptying the colon content is very basic due to the fact that if the intestinal tract is not yet ready, you may not see any loss or polyps and still do it. colonoscopy A bit tricky, this often leads to the next round of bowel preparation and colonoscopy . Here are detailed colonoscopy prep tips:
1. planned.
You need to schedule up to the date of the test. You need to take at least a few days off from your work – once for preparation and once for testing. If you plant your personal test on Monday morning, you will miss one business day.
2. change your diet.
As mentioned earlier, it is essential to clean out the individual’s digestive system. This can be done if the individual eats certain foods and drinks only certain beverages. Here you can read more about what needs to be included in an individual’s menu and what does not.
What you may have
- Bright soup
- Clear hard candy
- Flavored gelatin
- Honey
- Sugar
- Lemon juice
- Mineral water
- Coca-Cola, soft drinks, ginger ale
- Tea
- Apple juice
- Black coffee
- Pure sports drinks
What you do not have
- Red and purple chopped meat
- Red gelatin
- Red and purple candy
- Vegetables, rice, noodles, or soup with food
- Milk and dairy products
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Bread, seeds, rice
- Meat
- Red and purple drinks
- Orange juice
- Top
- Milk
- Coffee
- Milkshake
3. take water and cleanse the intestines
Night for you colonoscopy Drinking intestinal cleansing water cleanses the intestines as indicated by the title footprint. You will find the liquid Your doctor will give you the right advice, taking into account your skills in preparing the colon and timing the bowel rinse. colonoscopy .
Well-known waters for cleaning the intestinal tract are approved by the South American Institute of Gastroenterology and the American Gastroenterological Association. Always consult your physician before using any of the appropriate types.
- Polyethylene glycol: marketed under the brand name Requires drinking 4 liters of water at a time.
- Oral Sodium Phosphate: EZ-Prep, Fleet Phospho-Soda, and Battery Preparation are brand names for oral sodium phosphate that are considered well-known choices. for colonoscopy Preparation 8 ONS Take a little of the solution by diluting it in water. It is then imperative that you drink at least 16 units of water.
- Oral sodium phosphate tablets: Osmotic and Vigicol are two brand names for oral sodium phosphate. You must take 20 tablets the night before the test. You must take 4 at the same time and drink at least 8 our water. If necessary, you can take more product several hours before the procedure.
- Magnesium Citrate Without Prescription: Magnesium citrate is available in many brands without prescription and works very well with direct water intake in the sensitive colon. You should drink up to 15 magnesium citrate a few hours before the test and 15 in the U.S. at least 6 hours before. the colonoscopy .
4 Beware of dehydration.
You should always remember that winning the test is also dependent on how hydrated you are. colonoscopy It also depends on how hydrated you are. Therefore, when using certain laxatives, especially those with sodium phosphate, it is imperative that you drink large amounts of water for the study. Because of the water loss that occurs with the use of laxatives, you will need to drink water more frequently. Before the procedure, beware of carbonated beverages and alcohol.
5. prepare the bathroom
In the test, preparing the bathroom is a footprint. Maintain a wet washcloth, which can be used in place of toilet paper. To overcome the anal pain that often occurs after the test, hemo and baseline should be kept on hand.
6. relax!
One of the most important colonoscopy preparation tip: relax your nerves. Overexcitement is not helpful and can make the test uncomfortable. Consult your own physician or discuss this with someone who has already analyzed you.
Folk Skills for Accelerated Colonoscopy
Use specific colonoscopy Preparation tips can cause trouble, but it is even more fun to listen to the skills of others. Here are a few more things people are talking about when using specific colonoscopy Preparation for the test.
‘I ate a big breakfast, a small lunch, and a fairly small dinner the day before the test. This definitely helped make my preparation easier. I used Golity, but mixed it with a little orange crystal in the glass. Makes it bearable. one. More luggage – forced peace and all will be well”.
“I was worried about drinking the preparation, but my doctor made it much easier for me by using Miralax and Gatorade preparations. It works for me and could work for you.”
“Drink your own preparation for best results. I drank cold water, flavored with lemon. I had chicken soup for dinner. I bathe frequently, so stop removing the preparation once you start.”
Keep a number of baby wipes in the bathroom. After applying the preparation you will go to the bathroom many times and probably be sore by the end of the day. These wipes certainly help.”
“This was my second colonoscopy I then used the preparation again. I must say that I must not overlook how important it is to use a lot of water after taking the pills because I did not do it for the first time and had to perform different tasks during the procedure. I ate cold priest and jello during the day and it worked very well for me.