The heart The chest and pumps organs directly and slightly blood through a network of veins and arteries known as the blood circulation. The correct atrium is. blood From the veins, it is delivered to the hindbrain room of the vistus. It is then pumped to the non-ventricular spine where it gets oxygen. The left atrium delivers oxygen blood from the non anterior chamber and delivers it to the left ventricle, where it is pumped throughout the hull and ventricular contractions are produced. blood pressure.
The pulse is correct. the heart as felt in the arterial wall, such as the rotary artery at the wrist. The pulse stroke can still be felt and measured in the carotid arteries on the side of the neck, the sleep arteries, the gro gro cal arteries in the front of the legs, and the carotid arteries in the wrists. a chart showing normal heart Heartbeat has options to apply to your test heart rate.
A resting heart Heartbeat is measured when you are sitting or lying quietly and one of the best times to measure your heartbeat is before you get out of bed. a resting heart There are morning rates before you get out of bed. In general, there are lower heart heartbeats are more effective and efficient.
How to Measure Heart Rate
Place the tops of the first three fingers lightly on the inside of the wrist under the thumb to check the individual’s pulse. You can locate your personal pulse by placing two fingers on your neck, near the wind. You should probably test around and around until you feel a pulse under your fingers. Once you feel the pulse, use the second guide on your watch or clock to time 10 seconds, but have a heartbeat at the same time. heart For success. Then multiply the heart rate by 6. heart Per heartbeat or success = _____ x 6 = _____ success/minute.
Then compare it to the normal heart rate chart below:
Age (years)
Heart rate (success/min)
12 Min.
Graphic. 1
Card. 2
Factors that may affect your heartbeat
Normally, your heart Your heartbeat needs to have a strong and constant rhythm. But there are all sorts of things that have the opportunity heart that can affect your estimation and that is the normal heart rate chart Here. If you have a medical condition that may affect your heartbeat, you can seek advice from your care provider. Situations include opportunities to include
A fast heartbeat:
- Exercise or activity
- Medications
- Illness or fever
- Anemia
- Heart disease
- Stimulants such as amphetamines, diet pills, caffeine, tobacco
- Alcohol consumption
- Overactive thyroid gland
- Stress
Slow heart rate:
- Advanced physiological fitness
- Heart conditions and medications
- Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
- Body is at rest
Weak pulse:
- Peripheral arterial disorders (diseases of the the blood vessels)
- Chronic heart disease/failure
- Possible blood clot
Your maximum heart Velocity is considered the highest heart Intense velocity exercise Method to Estimated Maximum heart The calculation speed is the formula: 220-(your age)=estimated max. heart speed. For example, the estimated maximum for a 30 year old is so heart Speed 220-30 = 190 strokes/min.
Target heart Speed: Maximizes superior quality and lowers the risk of are exercising within your target heart evaluation zones. Your objective heart rate when exercising is usually 60-80% of the maximum heart Speed. This can be increased or reduced depending on the moment of welfare, the doctor may want to limit the objective. heart Rate the zone up to 50%. In particular, exceeding 85% of the maximum speed is discouraged. heart Exceeding speed. everything over 85% increases orthopedic and psychovascular risks. the exercise .
Normal Maximum and Motivated Heart Rate Chart
Besides a normal heart rate chart when resting , there’re also normal ranges for heart rate during exercising The fields in the corresponding table show the approximation of the target values heart Values for all possible age groups. Find your own target heart rate by finding age groups similar to yours. heart Heartbeat. Guidelines for active activity vary from 50-69% of max heart speed and heavy physical exertion is 70% to less than 90% of max. heart rate.
Maximum heart rate (success/minimum)
Target heart rate (success/min)