Running is a favorite workout structure to burn calories, strengthen muscles, and improve mental and vascular system. Constant exercise helps you save weight. It will, at the very least, your confidence will depend on the number of calories you use compared to the amount you burn. The key to any weight loss program is to burn more calories than you consume. To get the benefits of exercise, you must adhere to a regular healthy diet.
8 Before and After Running and Stories with Photos
Below are some of our own situations on how running has definitely helped some people lose excess weight.
Fiona’s Story.
‘You won’t believe it, but I started running when I turned 50. I ran my first game (I ran my first game photo ) Ohio. Since then I started running and lost 30 lbs. Second. photo shows me running in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Marcus’s Story
“I was diagnosed with In 2013, with diabetes 2. soul searching, I began a real journey that led to incessant running until I lost over 75 kilos. Milning. before and after photos Prove it: from over 300 pounds to 220 kilos to 220 kilos and that number is still growing. I have wrapped myself in many competitions and marathons”.
Darren’s story
Before I started nativity, I weighed about 290 lbs. But when I started running regularly and eating a healthier diet, I dropped 135 pounds lighter in two years. 30 miles a week.”
Melisa’s Story
“The photo The photo at left was taken in June 2011. After that, I weighed 215 lbs. The photo The right wing was taken in March 2012 when I weighed 160 lbs. My Run before And when I got pregnant my confidence crumbled when I happened to be wearing, but now I am starting to lose the extra weight again, which is very personal! “
A Gymnast’s Story
I was a competitive gymnast, but arrived shortly after retiring five years ago. I worked 25 hours a week and ate healthy to continue to meet the requirements of the sport, but when I quieted down, I exercised less and I continued to eat a lot more. When I realized what had happened I began to exercise regularly, run and gain weight again. I also started eating healthy again.”
Isadora’s Story
“I used to be the fat kid in school; at 80 kg I was definitely not happy and had a low self-image because of my weight problem. I met a boy I was in love with. with I decided to follow a low calorie diet and do more exercises like walking and running. It wasn’t easy at first but when I saw my body getting slimmer I was more inspired. If you look at my running pictures . before And after the pictures you see a more confident girl who finally has peace. with herself.”
Esme’s story.
“I am a 15 year old cheerleader who has been considered a vegetarian since I was 8 years old. It was difficult at first, but I wanted to show people that I could do it. Because of the divorce, they lived five kilometers away. That was distance for me. As a fan, I kept my body in top shape.”
Tips for weight loss with Running
1. give yourself time to adapt
Your body will slowly adapt to your normal routine. Over time, 2-3 miles will become easier. If you find yourself running less, you may need to limit it to 3-4 days a week. Resist the urge to run faster so your body can catch up. up with your metabolism.
2. run regularly
You must then maintain your commitment to adhere to regularity in your exercise. It is not enough that your body improves on a physical level. You will also experience greater self-confidence and an increase in energy value in the direction of the day.
3. follow a fixed program
If you want to lose overweight, you must follow a disciplined program that starts by default with walking and wearing clothes. You will arrive at more weight with 3. longer training sessions with less intensity.
4. add intensity and strength little by little
For additional results, add strength training and switch to work only training (not walking). Make sure your body has the ability to overcome longer and faster. At this point it is great to have your individual trainer plan your workouts and training.
5. increase the volume
To apply a running program and continue to lose excess weight, you will need to increase the size of your training sessions by increasing the distance and duration of your walks. But getting rid of the first pair of kilos is easy; 20-minute rounds won’t help you lose weight and continue at the same pace.
6. Work with a Coach
Maybe you just want to run faster to burn more calories. But it also increases the risk of injury. This is why it is important to work together with a personal trainer or trainers who has some knowledge in this area and has every opportunity to help prevent injury.
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