Can You Over Dose On Weed

Marijuana may have the reputation of being a harmless drug, but using very large amounts of marijuana can result in signs of overdose. However, it is often no safer than other drugs that are abused, and because of the risk of marijuana overdose, the best kinds of marijuana are not considered completely harmless.

Can I overdose on weed?

Weed (also called marijuana) is potentially less toxic than other drugs that are misused, but it is possible to overdose when consuming very large amounts of weed. However, while marijuana overdose has not been confirmed to cause death, it can cause very serious and unfortunate symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, psychotic reactions (delusions and hallucinations) and fear.

A young man smoking marijuana.

Marijuana overdoses can occur with all forms of use. However, in the case of a 10-year-old teenager, a poor reaction to marijuana is almost always associated with eating marijuana. This is because it takes time for someone to start feeling the effects of marijuana. Therefore, in order to get high faster, these people tend to consume more marijuana. This leads to the symptoms of an edible marijuana overdose. Adults who smoke this substance, especially these extracts such as marijuana, are more likely to have toxic symptoms due to the rapid release to the brain.

THC Overdose.

A fixed amount is not necessary for THC intestinal infections. Some people do not tolerate marijuana. The amount of weed overdose can vary from person to person. It depends on many things, including someone’s tolerance level, body size, and other drug or alcohol use. Additionally, different types of marijuana have different potential to promote “bad reactions” to cannabis, especially when edible. Edible use takes longer to produce the desired effects, so people take longer to get the desired effects. The high THC content of marijuana can still cause overdose in inexperienced buyers.

Can marijuana overdose cause death?

THC overdose is unlikely to be fatal because the sensors for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are not located in the brain stem – the part of the brain that controls and regulates heartbeat and breathing – making it virtually impossible to become directly The cause of death is so.

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However, marijuana overdose can cause death indirectly through its effects on the brain. For example, if a user controls a vehicle under the influence of an overdose of THC, this person may experience loss of coordination and a lack of appreciation and awareness.

A woman with signs of weed overdose.

Additionally, excessive use of cannabis can lead to sensory and emotional disturbances that express themselves in paranoia and suicidal tendencies.

Several studies have shown that in order to die from it, one would need to consume about 40, 000 more in a single cannabis cigarette than with regular weed. In other words, to do this, a smoker of up to 1, 500 lbs (680 kg) should consume weed in 15 minutes, leading to a fatal final. That is why no deaths have been reported due to weed.

However, intestinal THC infection as a result of using very large amounts of weed combined with other drugs such as opioids or alcohol may intensify the effects of some of these drugs and may result in death. Under these living conditions, some of these substances can cause severe heart and blood pressure problems and can lead to death.

Drawings and Symptoms of Weed Overdose

It has been discussed that when someone takes a very large amount of marijuana, this can lead to a temporary series of signs of a marijuana overdose and that the person is “turning green”. These symptoms can last for several hours and then occur suddenly. It is important to note that these symptoms do not lead to permanent disability or death and occur more frequently in new users or users who have been around long enough.

Signs and symptoms of weed overdose include

  • Disorientation
  • Hallucinations
  • Extremes
  • Quickening of the wrists
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vibration
  • Mood swings
  • Increased appetite
  • Vomiting and/or nausea
  • Temporary feelings of paranoia and excitement.
  • Altered perception. Seeing the brightest colors, for example
  • Misunderstanding

Risk factors for overdose weed

Certain points determine how much a person’s body can tolerate before noticing signs of overdose. These risk points affect how marijuana is metabolized in the body and how it stays in the body.

Some of these points include

  • Frequency of use: needless to say, the more weed someone takes, the more often the drug accumulates in the body. This is because cannabis binds to fat cells. If someone uses it frequently, it takes longer to accumulate and be removed from the body each day. This increases the risk of adverse effects of using cannabis herb.
  • Quantity: the greater the amount of cannabis consumed, the longer it stays in the system and the higher the risk of weed overdose. Doses of marijuana sticks are often small and therefore not associated with overdose unless consumed in large quantities.
  • Controlled Roads: if marijuana is smoked or grown in marijuana pals than in other controlled roads, marijuana will be in the system much faster.
  • Weight and body image: overweight or obese people will have much slower body weed than people with normal weight. This is because THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, is deposited in fat cells. This makes it much longer for overweight or obese people.
  • METABOLISM RATE: The rate at which chemicals are broken down varies from person to person. There are slow and fast metabolizers. Unlike fast metabolizers, slow weed metabolizers break down the fabric slowly. Because weed metabolizers are slow, the substance remains long term, increasing the risk of THC overdose.
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Help someone with a weed overdose.

As a general rule, weed overdose does not cause life-threatening consequences and has a relatively fast start. Because of the unprecedented mortality rate of weed, medical assistance is not needed in most cases. However, using marijuana with other drugs or alcohol at the same time can exacerbate the side effects and require medical support. If you are in contact with someone suspected of overdosing on marijuana, take the correct steps to save their life.

  • Call 911 or call your local medical emergency services to treat the psychoactive addict immediately!
  • Keep with the person until emergency services arrive
  • Make sure the person remains well hydrated
  • Avoid confrontation with that person to prevent the person from being encouraged to become brutal

Have such person referred to a rehab center to help detoxify from the drug

Defining marijuana use is considered the most important step in fighting addiction and preventing bothersome reactions. People suffering from marijuana use disorder should seek professional help at drug treatment centers and rehab clinics where medical staff can facilitate the rehab process and guarantee help during the unfortunate withdrawal symptoms.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].