Can You Have Sex after You Lose Your Mucus Plug? – TSMP Medical Blog

A mucus The plug is a collection of mucus In the developing cervix during pregnancy, it sits on the neck of the uterus and closes the cervix. The mucus The plug ensures protection against infection by preventing unwanted bacteria from penetrating the uterus. Cervix. mucus Already has antimicrobial properties, the mucus Plug doubles the protection. It has lysozyme, which breaks down bacterial cell walls. If you are a mucus connect during pregnancy, you have the option of working as a family precursor. When the cervix opens prenatally, the placa is excreted into the vagina.

Can you then produce sex, e.g. fade mucus?

Yes, as long as the membranes are not broken, it can feel like sex. If the membrane has not been torn and you have just lost the membrane. mucus Replenish and you can still have sex without having to worry about anything. You can undertake sexy activities such as swimming after pulling the plug. the mucus Shut up. The fact is, your body needs the plug to keep your neck closed, so if you haven’t started to depart, the plug will renew itself.

See what your mother is talking about:

“At 36 weeks, I had a mucus Dismissed. This did not prevent me from having sex. I am now 37 months pregnant and enjoying uncomplicated sex. But I certainly suggest you consult your own doctor.”

If you are having vaginal sex, you need to make sure the membranes aren’t broken. This means that you can continue to have sex even after you have lost your membranes. the mucus plug.”

How do I know if my mucus plug is affected?

Many women continue to maintain vaginal discharge during pregnancy. In this case, it can be difficult to show loss of mucus plug. the mucus Obstruction. It is possible to recognize when it occurs, especially if you pay attention to the vaginal discharge – know what it is! a mucus plug if it appears thick or stringy. It is very likely to be the mucus pink, absorbent, or slightly bloody connection. It is somewhat distinct from your normal vaginal discharge.

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Why does this happen?

If you lose it, can you still have sex later? mucus To shut you up? Yes, it is possible, but you can wonder what you lose in the end the mucus To silence your mouth. Almost all of this can happen for different reasons. The cervix may discharge as it becomes more tender – the cervix becomes thinner and wider in preparation for the family. Crying can occur as the cervix increases in volume.

It is also possible mucus connect during cervical exploration. The same can happen if there is intercourse. The mucus Inclusion offers an opportunity to escape the vagina crowd. This means that every time you come to a mucus Plug. In particular, it may indicate that the cervix has passed through the configuration and must be prepared for the family. After the loss of mucus connection will likely dilate the cervix, allowing the baby to actually pass through the cervix.

Is there a risk? Should I be concerned?

While that may be true, it is good to know that your body is prepared for childbirth after relocation. the mucus The connection is not that this loss of protection makes you vulnerable to infection. You still have a significant protective barrier in the form of a thick bag of water. This means that even if you let your defenses wane, you remain vulnerable to infection. mucus The earlier you connect, the less you have to worry about vaginal infections.

If you lose it, can you still have sex later? mucus Would you keep your mouth closed? Yes, you can continue to have sex, but it is advisable to take many precautions to be safe. Do not swim in the sea, take care of your own hygiene, swim in the bath.

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Now what?

To determine how to proceed after your expense mucus connection, you must pay attention to what it looks like. It is also important to consider the length of your pregnancy. You must tell your doctor about this and describe it correctly in terms of color, volume and appearance of the joint. The physician will look at these points and decide how to proceed.

  • If the pregnancy is less than 36 months and weight loss is mucus Connect. Then it is imperative to communicate this to your own physician. He or she can order a test for further evaluation – he or she can still look at your uterus and your baby and make sure everything is normal.
  • If you are already pregnant and you have lost mucus to plug in, you do not have to worry much with the specified restrictions. If you have virtually no discomfort, you do not need to call your doctor. If you have a good appointment, tell your doctor. Remember to call your own doctor right away if you are feeling faint. mucus Check your discomfort symptoms. At this point, your doctor will tell you that you must be ready to give birth – you must pay attention to the birth symptoms. If you notice contractions becoming more constant, call your own doctor.
Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].