Many readers are interested in the right subject: is it possible to cure epilepsy? Our authors are pleased to say that we have already surveyed current research on this fascinating subject. We offer a wide range of answers, informed by the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. To learn more, please repeat the process.
Epilepsy is considered a neurological disorder of the CNS in which the output of nerve cells is impaired, causing abnormal forces, seizures, and even loss of consciousness for a period of time. Attacks can have a wide range of symptoms. Some people have. the epilepsy Some people simply stare blankly into space for a few seconds during a seizure, while others jerk their arms and legs repeatedly. According to the report, 2 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with the disease. epilepsy or have had unexplained seizures. Unfortunately, if you have been or are diagnosed . epilepsy I am having a hard time finding answers to the following questions epilepsy Are you cured? ‘In this message you will find answers, medications and treatments the epilepsy discussed in detail.
Can epilepsy be cured?
Epilepsy, like hypertension, asthma, and diabetes, is a controllable disease and cannot truly be completely cured. Fortunately, 75% of attacks can be resolved. epilepsy They are completely under control. Also, after treatment with antiepileptic drugs, the seizures stop and in some cases, especially in children, no further treatment is needed. And on the other hand, it must be aristocratic, because some seizures do not go away after surgery. Just as there is no need to lose hope against the diagnosis. of epilepsy It is completely controllable and does not affect normal life.
How is epilepsy treated?
There are really good ways to treat epilepsy. of epilepsy In the first step, medications are administered. If medications do not cure the symptoms, surgery or other treatments may be suggested.
1. medication
Can epilepsy Cured? The answer is already indicated above. As mentioned above, this condition can be completely controlled with medication. First choice of treatment of epilepsy Usually antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). In 70% of patients with epilepsy, seizures can be treated with AEDs. Antiepileptic drugs cannot treat epilepsy However, it prevents the patient from returning to attack. These AEDs come in different types and tend to perform their own functions by altering the value of the chemicals in the brain that convey electronic impulses. In this way, the likelihood of an attack is reduced. The most used AEDs are carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, sodium trapprate, lamotrigine, etosuxide, and top fleas.
The choice of medication is usually dictated by the severity of the attack and the patient’s initial circumstances. Typically, patients are treated with one or up to two AEDs. The duration of treatment depends on the type of attack, the age of the patient, and the control over the attack. of epilepsy The duration of treatment depends on the type of attack, the age of the patient, and the control over the attack. d. However, treatment must be continued for up to 3 years after the attack is controlled. It is never stopped at once and can only be stopped after consultation with the physician.
2 Surgery
For patients whose studies show that attacks occur in small areas of the brain, it is recommended that essential functions of speech, vision, hearing, language, and motor skills are not allowed. The area of the brain causing the attack is removed by the physician during surgery. If the area of the brain causing the attack is considered part of the brain that controls movement, speech, and other functions, the patient may remain awake during surgery. The team of physicians performing the surgery will monitor you and ask you questions during the procedure.
The brain material causing the attack may be in an area that cannot be separated, and the physician will choose another type of surgery where multiple incisions are made in the brain (multiple zinc membrane transactions). The location of the incisions is determined in advance to prevent the attack from spreading to other parts of the brain.
After surgery, patients are advised to take medication for a period of time to prevent repeat attacks. The dosage can then be lowered. In some cases, the operation can of epilepsy may cause deterioration, such as systematic cognitive changes.
So, can epilepsy Has the patient been healed by surgery? As with medications, he will be checked epilepsy not heal him.
3. other procedures
In vagus nerve stimulation, a small electronic device, similar to a pacemaker, is implanted under the skin near the collarbone.
The device is attached to a wire wrapped around the neck around the circle of the vagus nerve. It provides periodic electronic stimulation of the nerve. Nerve stimulation can reduce the burden and frequency of attacks. If the patient experiences warning signals and symptoms of an attack, he may activate an extra stimulating strain of nerves that could prevent the attack from occurring.
The exact device behind this is still unknown, but it is assumed that vagus nerve stimulation alters the chemical propagation in the brain. Most people who receive vagus nerve stimulation still need to take an AED.
In this method, electrodes are implanted in specific areas of the brain to reduce the abnormal electronic forces that accompany the attack. These electrodes are controlled by an external device that is placed under the skin of the rib cage and maintained at all times. The frequency of attacks may be reduced thereby, but brain hemorrhage, depression, and memory loss may occur as side effects.
4. ketogenic diet
Can epilepsy Does the ketogenic diet heal? As with other methods, keeping symptoms under control is fundamental. The ketogenic diet is a diet high in fat and virtually free of carbohydrates and protein. Ketogenic diets are expected to reduce attacks by altering brain chemistry. These diets were used as a cure for the invention of AEDs, but are not recommended for adults because of the precedent that fat loading is associated with diabetes and psychovascular disorders.
They are, however, sometimes recommended for children – the epilepsy Children with attacks are not easily controlled with AEDs and are more likely to benefit from this diet without having to worry about possible side effects. However, the application of the ketogenic diet is, the epilepsy professional physician with the assistance of a nutritionist.
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