Can Alcohol Cause Red Spots Under Your Eyes? – TSMP Medical Blog

If you have red spots under your eyes. alcohol Can be the culprit or may not be. Alcohol can cause Certain skin reactions in sensitive individuals. Consequences of Alcohol Consumption alcohol There is generally a long alcohol consumption on the skin, sometimes called a “hangover” for those who use huge amounts. This post tells you. if alcohol use can cause How to remove red spots, stains and other effects under the eyes of alcohol on the skin. For more information, read.

Can Alcohol Cause Red Spots Under Eyes?

Yes. Alcohol can cause Red Spots Under Eyes. Studies show that broken blood blood vessels in the eyes is actually directly related to to alcohol usage. Eye its blood supply from tiny blood Blood vessels connecting to the ocular artery. Drink alcohol can raise the blood Press those small containers and cause They will tear. This is not alone. cause There are red spots under the eye, but there is a good chance they will rupture. blood The blood vessels from the inside of the whites make them look “bloody”.

How Red Spots Make It Disappear

When you are drunk and see red spots under your eyes. alcohol It may be a footprint to reduce or eliminate the introduction. This can be a symptom of alcohol is raising your blood damage by pressing on you. blood barrels. In addition, you can make them disappear by trying the following methods

1. honey

Can Alcohol Cause Red Spots Under Your Eyes? - TSMP Medical Blog

Rub honey on this area and forget about it for 30 minutes. Wash your face with water and mild soap. Dry. You can also make a paste of honey and oatmeal. Rub it on the face, let sit for 3 minutes and then rinse.

2. toner

Use simple witch hazel as a toner to strengthen the skin and improve blood flow in the area. Wash face with mild soap and allow to dry. Dip a cotton swab in witch hazel and apply to the affected area. Then apply a good moisturizing cream. This can be done twice a day. 3.

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3. use eye drops

Can Alcohol Cause Red Spots Under Your Eyes? - TSMP Medical Blog

Try eye drops to relieve redness. These freely available drop drinks are pre-determined to help you break blood Help clarify the story. You can also try eye drops of normal saline solution to moisten the eyes. Healing drops have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce redness under the eyes.

4. apply ice cream compresses

Applying the blue stuff to this area can help stop subcutaneous bleeding. Ice can prevent inflammation and prevent small blood bleeding of blood vessels in the skin. Apply ice immediately after drinking. alcohol It also helps prevent them.

Take some ice cubes and place them in a roll. Wrap them in a clean towel to prevent cold fire. Apply to skin for up to 10 minutes at a time. You can also use a clean towel or frozen vegetables with a freezer cooling package.

5. folded carrion

Potatoes have anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. They still have every opportunity to help heal facial acne. Take a regular potato and grate it with a cheese grater. Apply to the red spots and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash and dry the face. The stain will begin to disappear immediately.

6. Stolonik Vera

The religion of aloe has been used since ancient times to heal and soothe the skin. It has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Take a piece of the stolonik aloe plant and apply the gel directly to the skin. The paid substance of stolonic religious gel can also be used on the face, but the invigorating plant works best.

7. cucumber

Can Alcohol Cause Red Spots Under Your Eyes? - TSMP Medical Blog

Cucumbers are one of the most calming facial treatments, well known in spas. They have a natural cooling ability and help reduce inflammation and purify the skin. Take a cucumber and cut it into fine slices. Soak them in cold water in the freezer. For even better results, add Himalayan sea salt to the water weekly. Remove them when cooled and apply to the area around the eyes. Let them stand until they are warm, then replace with cold slices. Continue this until the stains begin to disappear.

8. tea bags

The tannins in tea help reduce inflammation and soothe the area around the eyes. Take a dark tea bag and soak it in warm water. Apply to the eye and let sit for 10 minutes. You can do this several times a day until the area begins to disappear.

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More damage caused by alcohol on your skin

Not only does it cause Red spots under your eyes alcohol May damage the entire skin. Here are some other baggage you may notice after using alcohol

1. dry skin

If you drink alcohol If used excessively, you may notice that your skin is very dry. Alcohol dries out the skin considerably. This is why the skin suffers. Drink copious amounts of water in the evening, in the evening, and after drinking.

2. red last under the eyes

After alcohol consumption you will see dark circles and bags under your eyes. The black circles can be caused too late to take a nap at a party and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to swelling in the area around the eyes.

3- Dullness

In addition to beard spots under your eyes. alcohol Can your skin appear dull and flat? You may also see blaker or gray color. This is mainly due to dryness characteristics and blood circulation tasks alcohol can cause 3. notice the appearance of wrinkles and creases on the skin

4. loose skin

Drinking alcohol may cause The skin becomes weaker and the eyes appear to be “hanging”. It can also cause become loose when the corners of the mouth and neck skin become loose.


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Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].