Many readers are interested in a pertinent subject: dark toenails. We are pleased to report that our makers have already done modern research studies on your fascinating subject. We can give you a wide range of answers based on information from the latest medical reports, advanced research papers and sample surveys. Find out more.
Infection. Melanonychia can be associated with many different types of fungal, bacterial, and viral infections.
Why do my toenails have this color?
Whether you’re scrubbing your hands or admiring a manicure, you spend a lot more time looking at your nails than you do at your toenails. toenails Perhaps it’s time to look at your feet more often (and not just during sandal season). The color composition of your nails – from large blue spots to narrow brown areas – gives you an opportunity to talk about a health dilemma. This is what is right for your noblemen.
Black feet: joint causes
If your toenail turns black The most common is bruising under the toes, technically known as a sub division hematoma. You can get a dirty sock or a shoe with your foot pushed into the front of the shoe. The bruise usually turns reddish, then it turns purple, then dim brown, and finally, black when the blood under the nail collects and solidifies. You can expect black toenail grow after about 6 to 9 months or more.
Black toenail : Rare causes
Let’s say you are not a runner, that your shoes are roomy, and you are sure you have not hurt your feet, but you are certain you have done it more than once. black toenails Field check to see if it is just dye flowing from your shoes. If not, rush to the doctor. Maybe you have a rare cause of black toenail , such as:
- Malignant melanoma, the responsible form of skin cancer
- Fungal infection
- Chronic bone rown nails
- Other health problems
All yellowish toenails
When toenails Yellowish, it is fungal. This image of fungal infection is so pervasive that you may not even need to go to the doctor for a cure. Consider the freely available anti-fungal creams. If the nails are full and full of yellow, carefully pass down the surface so that there is an option to reach a more thorough layer of product. If home healing does not work, a visit to the doctor is appropriate.
Do you have any greenery?
If you do not wear greenish nail polish, it is a color you do not want to see on your own nails. toenails It may be Green Nagle Syndrome (Chloronychia) caused by infection. It is generally assumed that the culprit is a bacterium that often thrives in damp or wet conditions. Consider including hydromassage, lips, and tight shoes worn for a long time. Do not try to clean it off as you apply it under your toes. Instead, go to your own doctor.
Blue Tone
If you stain your socks blue, you may not think twice about the color. But if you have blue spots or blue spots on your socks, color may not matter as much. toenail For no clear reason, protect them and go to the doctor. It is possible that there is a blue birth mark under the fingernail. It is probably harmless. However, in fairly rare cases, a blue birthmark, called a blue cernebus, can be cancerous.
White spots and stripes
Toe spots do not always lead to bruising. This is because the blood vessels under the toe may not break down and allow blood to flow out. Instead, you can get you a snow white spot toenail The field does not disappear like a bruise, but it gets worse quickly. A toe injury can still cause white stripes, but you may not even notice you are hurt. For example, this can occur if your sports slippers are very small and your toe is touching the front of the shoe.
White anywhere
Do you have a toenail Is it white or does it contain huge dusty spots? Perhaps there is a fungal infection called white superficial onychomycosis. If this is the case, go to the doctor as soon as possible. This infection can spread. the toenail White superficial onychomycosis can cause the entire nail to become fat and crumbly.
Whitish or yellow spots
Another picture of a fungal infection is called proximal subungual neoplasia. This resembles whitish or yellow spots that occur at the bottom of the cuticle the toenail near the cuticle. Infection is rare in healthy individuals. It is more common in persons with weak immune systems. May also be a symptom of HIV.
When toenails red or white stripes. Otherwise, there is usually difficulty. These areas and the V-shaped notches are considered a special feature of Darier’s disease. It is a genetic disorder that affects the skin and causes greasy, warty, annoying areas.
Brown stripes
Coffee term, and sometimes. black color on your toenail Melanonychia. The brown color is usually seen in the form of parts or stripes running up and down along the nail. Possible Requirements:
- Scars
- Melanoma
- Inflammatory disorders
- Fungal infections
- Certain medications
Because there is a small chance that you may have brown toenail Stripes can be a symptom of something less serious and can certainly be considered for those uncertain.
Sources indicate.
Image provided:
1) daiva boguckiene / eyememe / getty images
(2) Amesy Images / Getty
3) Manuel Faba Ortega / Thinkstock
4) Sandro Salomon / Thinkstock
5) Ben Stevens / Thinkstock
6) poco_bw / thinkstock
7) Ronimehulamabramovitz / Thinkstock
8) Working with honey images
9) Gary Ombler Images / Getty
10) Bhownit Singh / Eyem / Getty Images
11) Arts P. Marazzi / Key Science
American Academy of Dermatology: “Greenish Nail Syndrome” and “Subchoroidal Hematoma”.
Australian Journal of Dermatology: “subgenital and pro-born navi navi”.
American Institute of Foot and Ankle Physicians: “white toenails”, “black toenails”.
American Home Doctor: “Treatment of Bromatosis”.
We. National Book Depository of Medicine: “Darier’s Disease”.
Mayo Clinic: “Toenagelzwam”.
Black Toenails.
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Toenails can turn black through nutritional defects, infection or trauma. This has the potential to disappear autonomously. If not, go to a doctor and remove the more nonsensical causes.
Read the cause. of black toenails And perhaps recognize the treatment.
A black toenail may be caused by:
- Basic health conditions: these include anemia, diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems.
- Fungal infections: but they often look whitish or yellowish, fungal infections can sometimes cause black toenails due to waste buildup. You. toenails thrive in moist, warm environments and are therefore especially vulnerable to fungal infections.
- Melanoma: This is the most serious form of skin cancer and often looks like a dark brown deformed area. These areas may still come under the nails.
- Trauma: usually caused by trauma the toenail May cause blood vessels to break under the nail. Acquired bleeding under the toenail can occur black .
A black toenail It is not mandatory to request a visit to the doctor – the need for healing depends on the original cause. Knowing the cause will help you evaluate this. On the other hand, if you do not understand the cause, I suggest you go to a doctor in case your black toenail Symptoms are a serious disease.
Not all cases of toenail With mold it is advisable to go to a doctor. However, if you also have diabetes, you must go to a doctor for healing.
A dermatologist can continue to assist with diagnosis and treatment. black toenail . If you suspect melanoma, you must go to a dermatologist. But it is for your own good! black toenail caused by another underlying health problem, such as diabetes, you must go to your own doctor to eliminate the cause.
Any black toenail If it does not go away, it is time to go to the doctor. If you are worried about yours. black toenail And you don’t have a dermatologist yet, you can use the HealthlineFindCare tool to view a list of care providers in your area.
Toenail fungus, if not treated, can spread to the foot and other parts of the body. It can also cause permanent damage to the nail.
Melanoma can also cause complications. the toenail It is confused with trauma. black toenail It is important that you go to a doctor if you notice you have a melanoma. It is important that you go to a doctor if you notice you any black stains that spread throughout the nail or do not go away despite your efforts. toenail growing out.
Fungal infections of the toes can heal relatively well in families if detected in the early stages; OTC ointments, creams, and polishes are usually effective. In such cases, it may be necessary to prescribe antifungal treatments by prescription.
If a black toenail The location of trauma-induced, torn blood vessels will disappear as soon as the nail grows back.
Black toenail Trauma-induced causes usually disappear without healing. However, in the case of your nail toenail grow and still appear. black Then the signs may be related to another underlying cause.
Toenail discoloration related to diabetes or other diseases explicitly requires healing of the primary cause.
What you should know about melanonychia.
Melanonychia is the brown or black color of your nails. It can affect your nails or toenails . It can be on one nail, many nails, or all nails. Melanonychia can have numerous different causes, ranging from safe to deadly. It is recommended to go to a doctor to have all black stripes checked on the nails.
What does melanonychia look like?
Melanonychia can look different depending on the cause. It can look as follows
Vertical melanonychia or striped melanonychia. This image of linear melanonychia appears brown, black or gray stripes running from the nail bed to the nail point.
Diffuse or complete melanonychia. This means the entire nail is dark.
Dressing Melanonychia.This image of Melanonychia takes the form of a band running from one side to the other along the nail.
What are the different types of Melanonychia?
Melanocytes are pigment cells that most likely produce a coffee-colored pigment called melanin. Melanocytes are found in finger and toenails. However, melanocytes are usually asleep. Since there is no melanin in your nails they appear transparent. There are two ways in which melanonychia can occur
Melanocyte activation. This pattern of melanocytosis occurs when melanocytes are activated to produce melanin. The number of melanocytes remains the same.
Melanocyte proliferation. This picture of melanonychia is thought to result from an increase in the number of melanocyte cells in the nail. The increase in melanocytes may be cancer-like or noncancer-like.
What causes melanonychia due to melanocytic activation?
There are many causes of melanocyte activation. Some of them are: ras.
Melanonychia can occur in African Americans, Spaniards, Indians, Japanese, and other dark-skinned varieties. It looks like some stripes running from the nail layer to the nail point. It is more common on the fingers and usually more common on some nails. The width of the stripes may increase with age.
Pregnancy. Skin hyperpigmentation occurs during pregnancy. Melanonychia may still be associated with pregnancy. There is usually some degree of nail toenails This may then become apparent whether or not there is a pregnancy.
Infection. Melanonychia can be associated with many different types of fungal, bacterial, and viral infections.
Inflammation. Melanonychia can be caused by inflammatory skin conditions affecting the nails. It can also be caused by friction from shoes or inflammation from nail biting.
Medications. Chemotherapy is considered the drug most likely to cause melanonychia. Other drugs most likely to cause it are drugs used to treat HIV/AIDS and drugs used to prevent or treat malaria.
Unpalatable food. Malanonychia can cause malnutrition, especially deficiencies of protein, vitamin D, or vitamin B12.
Tumors. Benign tumors and malignancies such as basal cell carcinoma can cause melanonychia.
Trauma. Melanonychia can cause acute and acquired trauma due to injury or repeated friction.
Systemic disease. This pattern of melanonychia is rare. It usually occurs in some nail or toenails When it does occur, it is usually associated with an endocrine disorder, such as Addison’s disease, in which your body does not produce the required number of certain hormones.
What causes melanonychia from melanocyte proliferation?
As a result of proliferation of melanonychia melanocytosis, i.e., noncancerous or cancerous may be benign. Benign pre-conditions of melanocytic proliferation include nevi, considered as flat and pigmented areas of skin, gestational disorders and lentigo.
Melanoma in the nail layer is considered perhaps a more nonsensical precondition for melanonychia. To diagnose melanoma under the nails, use the ABCDEF aspect physician.
- A. Spectrum ages 20-90; more impressive in people 50-70 years old. More pronounced in Afro-Americans, Native Yankees, and Asian varieties.
- B. Color bands considered Karim Black exceed 1/8″ and have irregular or fuzzy edges.
- C. Variation in tire volume or rate of rise. Lack of variation may be obtained when melanonychia is treated.
- D. numerical figure, usually a large finger. one digit is more worrisome than a figure. Melanoma is more common in the dominant hand.
- E. Color expansion into surrounding tissue.
- F. Gender or own status of the melanoma or abnormal nevus.
How is melanonychia treated?
Treatment of melanonychia depends on the underlying cause. Benign conditions do not necessarily need to be treated. Your doctor can do a basic exam and see what happens. If it needs to be treated, several healing options can be included.
- Disease
- Stop or replace medications
- Avoid trauma
- Infection
- Correct nutritional disorders
- Melanoma
Sources indicate.
Indian Journal of Dermatology: “Melanonychia: Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment”.
Podiatry Now: “A step-by-step overview of the evaluation and treatment of longitudinal melanonychia”.
Seminar on Dermatology and Surgery: “Working with Melanonychia”.