Balance Exercises For Seniors

In addition to balance exercises, include strength training, cardio, and stretching in your routine. Be sure to follow a nutritious diet that helps support a healthy weight for your body type.

11 Balance Exercises for Seniors

Balance Exercises For Seniors

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An exercise program is important at all times of life, but especially as you age. Ramping up your workouts is important in your senior years, as physical activity can improve your flexibility and reduce the risk of some health conditions.

Being mobile, strong, and steady on your feet can help you stay independent, which can boost your confidence and well-being as you get older.

Along with chronic illness, the following conditions may cause balance concerns:

  • arthritis
  • migraine
  • cardiovascular disease
  • vision impairment
  • medication side effects

Read on to learn a few simple balance exercises that are appropriate for seniors.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Determine which leg is your dominant leg. Start each exercise with your nondominant side so that the other side will be easier.
  • Maintain good posture and form while you’re holding the position.
  • Focus your gaze on a fixed point straight ahead to maintain your balance.
  • If you have concerns with your balance in standing positions, try placing your feet a little bit farther apart.
  • Bend your knees slightly. This prevents your knees from hyperextending, and it makes you more stable.
  • Distribute your weight evenly between both feet. Notice if you tend to put more weight on one foot or if your weight shifts forward or backward.
  • As your balance improves, you can experiment by closing one eye at a time, gazing up at the ceiling, or trying different arm positions.

You can do these exercises while wearing shoes or barefoot. Shoes may give you more grip and stability, while being barefoot can help strengthen the muscles that stabilize your feet.

Use a yoga mat for padding and to reduce your chance of slipping. If possible, find someone who can supervise you and provide support.

Modify the poses as much as you need. Over time, you’ll increase your balance and be able to move onto more difficult variations and exercises.

Simple balance exercises

These exercises are accessible to all levels.

1. Rock the boat

  1. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
  2. Lift your arms and extend them out to the sides.
  3. Lift your left foot off the floor and bend your knee to bring your heel toward your bottom.
  4. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds.
  5. Then do the opposite side.
  6. Do each side 3 times.

2. Weight shifts

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Shift your weight onto your right foot.
  3. Raise your left foot.
  4. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds.
  5. Then do the opposite side.
  6. Do each side 3 times.

Core exercises

3. Tightrope walk

This simple exercise improves balance, posture, and core strength.

  1. Lift your arms and extend them out to the sides.
  2. Walk in a straight line while focusing your gaze on a fixed point in the distance.
  3. Each time you raise your foot, pause with your foot in this raised position for 2 to 3 seconds.
  4. Take 20 to 30 steps.

4. Flamingo stand

  1. Shift your weight onto your right foot.
  2. Lift your left foot and extend your leg forward.
  3. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds.
  4. Increase the difficulty by reaching your hands toward your extended foot.
  5. Return to the starting position and shake out your legs.
  6. Repeat 3 times.
  7. Then do the opposite side.

Posture exercises

5. Back leg raises

This exercise strengthens your low back and glutes, which helps support good posture.

  1. Place your hands on a wall or the back of a chair.
  2. Shift your weight onto your right foot.
  3. Slowly lift your left leg back and up as high as you can.
  4. Hold this position for 5 seconds.
  5. Return to the starting position.
  6. Do 10 repetitions.
  7. Then do the opposite side.

Balance and strength exercises

6. Tree pose

During this exercise, avoid placing your foot on your knee.

  1. From standing, shift your weight onto your right foot.
  2. Position your left foot to the side with your heel lifted, or place the sole of your foot against your ankle, shin, or thigh.
  3. Place your hands in any comfortable position.
  4. Hold for up to 1 minute.
  5. Then do the opposite side.

7. Heel-to-toe walk

This exercise strengthens your legs and improves balance.

  1. Stand with your heels pressing into a wall.
  2. Place your left foot in front of your right foot.
  3. Touch your left heel to your right toes.
  4. Then place your right foot in front of your right foot.
  5. Touch your right heel to your left toes.
  6. Continue for 20 steps.

With a balance board

You’ll need a balance board for the next two exercises.

8. Forward and backward tilt

  1. Stand with your feet on the outer edges of the balance board.
  2. Shift your weight forward until the front of the board touches the floor.
  3. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  4. Then shift your weight backward until the back of the board touches the floor.
  5. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  6. Use slow, controlled movements to continue tilting back and forth for 1 minute.

9. Single foot balance

  1. Stand with your right foot in the center of the board.
  2. Raise your left foot and raise your knee as high as you can.
  3. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds.
  4. Then do the opposite side.
  5. Do each side 2 to 3 times.

With a walker

10. Marching

  1. Stand with both hands on your walker.
  2. Lift your left knee as high as you can.
  3. Lower it and then lift your right knee.
  4. Alternate between sides for a total of 20 repetitions.

11. Heel-toe raises

  1. Stand with both hands on your walker.
  2. Raise both of your heels and balance on the balls of your feet for 3 seconds.
  3. Then shift the weight onto your heels and raise your toes.
  4. Do 10 to 20 repetitions.

Balance exercises can help build strength and improve posture, stability, and coordination. These benefits can reduce your chance of falling or bumping into things and causing an injury. You may not bounce back as quickly from an injury if you do have a fall, so it’s best to take preventive measures.

It’s important that older adults feel self-assured in their movement patterns so they’re not anxious or fearful about falling.

A 2016 study found that older adults who did balance exercises for 6 weeks enhanced their balance control and gained confidence. The exercises also helped improve coordination, leg strength, and ankle mobility.

Research from 2019 points to the effectiveness of balance and coordination exercises in improving the overall quality of life in older adults. Along with the physical benefits such as enhanced stability, balance exercises may help improve mental functioning, including memory and spatial cognition.

It’s recommended that older adults do at least two to three sessions of exercises per week.

Having a balance routine can bring a wealth of benefits to seniors, but you still need to approach it with caution. To prevent falls, use a chair or wall for extra support. Start with the easiest exercises and gradually move on to those that are more challenging.

Sit down and take a break when needed. Drink plenty of water and eat before you do these exercises. This will help you feel more grounded, especially if you have any concerns with feeling dizzy or lightheaded.

If you’re new to fitness or have any concerns with balance, talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

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You should also talk to your doctor if you have any medical conditions or have had a stroke or heart attack.

Talk to a physical therapist if you’d like extra guidance. A physical therapist can develop a balance program for you and supervise as you try out each exercise.

Having someone by your side may give you both the motivation and confidence to try more advanced exercises. They can make sure you’re using good posture and getting the most out of each movement. And they’ll encourage you to take breaks when needed.

It’s never too late to start an exercise program or make improvements to your current one. In addition to these exercises, you can improve your balance with activities such as walking, chair yoga, and tai chi.

Make a point to do some type of physical activity every day, even if it’s for a short time. This way you’ll be more likely to stick to your routine.

In addition to balance exercises, include strength training, cardio, and stretching in your routine. Be sure to follow a nutritious diet that helps support a healthy weight for your body type.

Most importantly, make a point to cultivate a sense of enjoyment while making these positive improvements to your life.

Last medically reviewed on May 11, 2020

How we reviewed this article:

Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Balance exercise. (2018).
  • Balance exercises. (2018).
  • Dunsky A. (2019). The effect of balance and coordination exercises on quality of life in older adults: A mini-review. DOI:
  • Franklin S, et al. (2015). Barefoot vs common footwear: A systematic review of the kinematic, kinetic, and muscle activity differences during walking. DOI:
  • Hafström A, et al. (2016). Improved balance confidence and stability for elderly after 6 weeks of a multimodal self-administered balance-enhancing exercise program. DOI:
  • Kovar E. (2015). Chair yoga poses: 7 poses for better balance.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. (2018). Balance problems.

12 Balance Exercises for Seniors

Balance Exercises for Seniors

PTProgress | Career Development, Education, Health

Looking to improve your balance? Research shows that balance exercises for seniors can significantly reduce the risk of falls.

Nearly 1 in 3 adults over age 65 will fall each year. It’s no surprise that falling is the number one cause of injury among senior adults.

Falls can lead to serious injury, including hip fractures or other broken bones, head injury, brain injury, and even death.

The good news is that falls can be prevented with the right approach. Exercises, stretches, and balance training can lower your risk of falling.

How to Improve Balance

As a Physical Therapist, I’ve helped thousands of older adults improve balance with exercises, stretches, and balance-training programs.

The big question I hear is this: Can my balance improve?

The answer is a resounding “yes!” Your balance can improve whether you’re 45, 65, or 95 years old!

If you’re curious about the balance research that supports this, you can find the references at the bottom of the article. Nothing like science to back up the importance of balance exercises!

Here are the best ways to improve your balance:

Stretching – Improving your flexibility can result in better balance. Stretches can also help improve posture and lead to better stability and balance.

Mobility Training – Joint stiffness can lead to poor mobility, which you’ve probably noticed at times when you get up and down from a chair. Better mobility can lead to improve balance and coordination.

Exercises –- Strengthening the muscles in your legs, core, and arms can lead to significant improvements in your balance. For seniors, I recommend the following 12 balance-improving exercises.

Top 12 Balance Exercises for Seniors

In almost every balance exercise handout I give my patients, I include a variation of these exercises to improve balance. In fact, I’ve put together an entire balance program, featuring over 40 exercises and a 21-day plan to improve balance. You can download the program here: 21 Days to Better Balance.

But if you’re new to this, start with the common exercises for balance l’ve listed here. You may progress to advanced balance exercises over time.

1. Single Leg Stance

Instructions: Start with your feet at hip-width. While holding onto a counter, lift one foot off the ground slightly. Keep your body tall and avoid leaning onto your planted foot.

Advance this exercise by transitioning to one hand support and eventually no hand support. It’s always good to perform near a sturdy counter in case you need to quickly catch your balance.

Hold your foot up for 10 to 15 seconds. Repeat 5 times on each leg.

Why this is important: You stand on one leg every time you take a step or walk up and down stairs. Don’t underestimate the importance of the single-leg stance exercise!

2. Foot Taps to Step or Cone

Instructions: Stand tall, facing a step or cone. Beginners should use support from a counter or handrail until balance improves.

In a controlled motion, lift one foot, tap the cone or step for one second, then return to your starting position. As you repeat this motion, you should focus on consistency and control with each tap.

Perform 10 repetitions on each leg. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Why this is important: This exercise helps improve coordination for ascending and descending stairs. After strengthening your coordination with this exercise, you won’t catch yourself tripping on a step anymore.

Keep Reading to see the 12 Balance Exercises for Seniors

Want the FULL Balance Guide?

balance exercise pdf

Download my entire balance guide with over 40 exercises created by a Physical Therapist:

21 Days to Better Balance

3. Narrow Stance Reaches

Instructions: Begin with your feet together, or as close together as possible while still feeling stable. Stand tall and reach forward with one hand while holding onto a counter or solid surface for safety.

Alternate arms as you reach forward. Progress by reaching with both hands forwards. You can make this more challenging by reaching out to the side or in varying directions.

Perform 10 reaches with each arm. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Why this is important: Many falls occur while reaching for an item in a tight space. This exercise strengthens your balance for such scenarios.

4. 3 Way Hip Kick

Instructions: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. While holding onto a counter or firm surface, extend your leg forward and return to your starting position. Repeat this motion to the side, returning to the starting position each time. Finally, extend your leg back and return to the starting position.

Perform each motion 5 to 10 times on each leg. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Why this is important: This exercise builds strength in the hip muscles, which help maintain stability with walking, turning, and going up and down steps.

Balance Exercises For Seniors

Download my entire balance program with over 40 exercises: 21 Days to Better Balance

5. Standing Marches

Instructions: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. While holding onto a counter or firm surface, raise one leg in a marching motion. Alternate legs. Focus on smooth, controlled movements and keep your body tall to avoid leaning side to side. You can make this exercise more difficult by letting go of the counter or chair.

Perform 20 marches (10 on each leg). Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Why this is important: This exercise is great for improving hip strength and single-leg balance. If your feet ever catch the ground while you’re walking, you’ll benefit from this exercise!

6. Mini Lunges

Instructions: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. While holding onto a counter or firm surface, step forward and bend your front knee slightly. Return to your starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.

The lunge does not need to be deep. If you experience increased knee or hip pain, modify this exercise by holding onto a counter and taking smaller steps.

Perform 10 mini lunges on each leg. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Why this is important: This exercise strengthens the legs while simulating a forward stepping motion. If you sometimes stumble forwards, this exercise will help you practice catching yourself before you actually fall!

7. Lateral Stepping

Instructions: Stand with your feet together. While holding onto a counter or firm surface, step to the side so your feet are just past shoulder width. Continue this motion along a counter, performing 5 to 10 steps on each side.

Perform 5 to 10 steps. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Why this is important: Unfortunately, many older adults fall due to poor coordination when turning and stepping in tight spaces. This exercise helps improve coordination for the many turns and side-steps you take throughout your day.

Download my entire balance program with over 40 exercises: 21 Days to Better Balance

Balance Exercises For Seniors

8. Squats

Instructions: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. While holding onto a counter, perform a squatting motion, as if you are about to sit down. It can be helpful to position a chair behind you for safety and accuracy.

Perform 10 squats. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Why this is important: If you’ve ever felt unstable when sitting or standing up from a chair, this exercise will help build strength and coordination!

9. Tandem or Semi-Tandem Stance

Instructions: Stand with one foot in front of the other so you are in a “heel-toe” position. If this is too difficult initially, move your feet apart slightly. Use a counter or chair for support, as needed.

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Hold this position for 10 seconds on each side. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Why this is important: This exercise is great because it puts your body into a narrow stance. With a decreased base of support, you will challenge your muscles to keep you centered!

10. Heel Raises

Instructions: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. While holding onto a counter or firm surface, lift your heels off the ground. You should feel most of your weight shift to the front of your feet, as if you’re standing on your toes.

It’s ok to press into the counter with your hands at first; just make sure you are staying tall and not leaning. Advance this exercise first by reducing how much you press with your arms and eventually by letting go of the counter.

Perform 10 repetitions. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Why this is important: Your calf muscle contributes to balance because it controls your ankle position. When you feel unsteady or need to correct your balance, you’ll use your ankle muscles to reposition. Stronger calf muscles lead to better balance!

11. Hamstring Stretch (Standing or Sitting)

Instructions: Stand with your leg on a step or on the ground slightly in front of your body. Keep your back straight and gently lean forward, feeling a stretch in the back of the thigh and knee.

Another way to stretch the hamstring is to sit and extend your leg, leaning forward until you feel a gentle, pulling sensation.

Hold each stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. Repeat 2 to 3 times on both legs.

Why this is important: This is an important exercise for improving balance because the hamstrings can become very tight as we age. This usually happens due to sitting for prolonged periods. Improving hamstring flexibility can help decrease cramping or spasms upon standing up.

12. Calf Stretch

Instructions: Stand with your foot against a step and gently lean forward while holding onto the railing or a countertop. You should feel a gentle pulling in your calf or ankle as you hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Avoid bouncing or rocking back and forth as you stretch.

Hold this stretch for 10 to 20 seconds each leg. Repeat 2 to 3 times.

Why this is important: Stretching the calf can help relieve soreness and cramps in the lower leg. If you’ve ever experienced a charlie horse in your leg that almost knocked you off your feet, this calf stretch will prevent that from happening again!

balance exercises for seniors

Balance Exercises for Elderly

I work with people who are in their mid to late 80’s and 90’s, and balance is always a priority of my treatment.

There are multiple ways to target balance. When I design balance exercises for elderly patients, I focus on sitting balance, standing balance, and dynamic balance.

Sitting Balance Exercises for Seniors

It’s important to have good balance in a variety of chairs or surfaces, like getting in and out of your bed or on and off the toilet. Oftentimes, standing up from a chair feels unbalanced because of poor sitting balance.

Our next balance PDF handout goes into even more detail on the following essential exercises for seated balance:

  • Seated marches
  • Alternating arm/leg reaches
  • Head turns with minimal support
  • Trunk rotation and flexion training
  • Sit-to-stand exercises

Standing Balance Exercises for Elderly

The risk of falling is highest within the first few seconds of standing. This is why it’s so important to practice standing balance exercises. Below is a list of some standing balance exercises included in my balance exercise PDF. You’ll recognize a few of them from this article.

  • Single-leg stance
  • Romberg balance stance
  • Tandem / Semi-tandem stance
  • Hip kicks (side and back)
  • Step-ups
  • Sit-to-stand exercises
  • Marches

Dynamic Balance Exercises for Elderly

I consider dynamic balance training to be exercise that involves multiple moving parts. This might include standing on a single leg while reaching up or out with an arm. Dynamic balance exercises are so important because they can improve many day-to-day activities such as dressing, bathing, cooking, and cleaning. Here are some more dynamic balance exercises included in my balance exercise PDF:

  • Step-up with cone taps
  • Reaching from single leg or Romberg stance
  • Lateral step up
  • Half-forward lunge with arm reaches
  • Squat with press up

These balance exercise examples are beneficial for people of all ages. But in my experience as a physical therapist working with older adults, these exercises are especially helpful for the elderly population.

Exercises to Improve Balance

Why Should Senior Citizens Perform Balance Exercises?

Balance exercises reduce the risk of falls in seniors. That’s because balance affects every aspect of daily life, from walking to standing to reaching for shelves in the kitchen. By improving your balance, you’ll improve your confidence and independence.

A Quick Note on Balance Exercise Equipment

Although you can perform most balance exercises without equipment, there are products that, when used correctly, can further help your balance.

Two common pieces of balance exercise equipment I use include the following:

  • Balance Board
  • Swiss Ball (Stabilization or Stability Ball)

Yes4All Rocker Wooden Balance Board – Ideal for Flexibility & Stability Training – Rocker Board/Wobble Board (Black)

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Let’s look at a few exercises you can do with each of these items.

Balance Board Exercises

One of the most popular products to improve balance is a balance board. Balance boards are used in therapy clinics to help improve stability and promote flexibility in the calf muscles.

For about $25, you can purchase a balance board on Amazon. Or, make your own balance board if you have the right tools.

Here are a few balance board exercises I do with my patients:

  • Front-back rocking
  • Side-to-side rocking
  • Squats on board
  • Single-leg control
  • Isometric squat with ball press
  • Overhead reaching in squat position
  • Medicine ball pass on balance board

Balance Ball Exercises

These exercises can be referred to as “swiss,” “stability,” or “balance” ball exercises. No matter what you call them, stability ball exercises are very effective in improving dynamic balance, core strengthening, and even decreasing aches and pains.

Are you wondering, “What size stability ball is right for me?” In truth, there is a wide range of sizes for balance and stability balls. Measured by diameter, a stability ball ranges from 25 cm for petite users to 75 cm for larger adults.

Use the size chart below for a general guideline when purchasing a stability ball:

Stability Ball Size Chart

Height Stability Ball Size
Less than 4’ 6’’ or 137 cm 30 cm
4’ 6’’ to 5’ tall (137 to 152 cm) 45 cm
5’ to 5’ 6’’ tall (152 to 167 cm) 55 cm
5’ 6’’ to 6’ 2’’ (167 to 188 cm) 65 cm
Over 6’ 2’’ tall (>188 cm) 75 cm

Stability Ball Balance Exercises for Seniors

Here are some of the most common balance exercises I recommend with the stability ball:

  • Seated marches
  • Arm extensions
  • Head turns
  • Alternating arm/leg lifts
  • Hip rotation
  • Modified swiss ball plank

Balance Exercises for Seniors PDF Handout

If you want to improve your balance with a structured plan, download the “21 Days to Better Balance” exercise guide to see what I teach my patients in the clinic. This guide includes daily routines and balance exercises for seniors, with pictures for easy reference.

Is there a Free Balance PDF Handout?

Previously, I provided an option to download a balance PDF handout for all 12 balance exercises pictured in this article. Instead, just bookmark this page and reference it for free!

I’ve since expanded the Balance Exercises for Seniors handout to incorporate the entire balance program I use in my clinical practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Exercises Help Improve Balance?

The best balance exercises include single-leg stance, narrow-stance reaches, 3-way hip kicks, standing marches, mini lunges, lateral stepping, tandem or semi-tandem stance, and heel raises. All of these exercises target important muscles that need to be strong in order to improve your balance.

How can I regain my balance?

You need to start balance exercises and practice them for a few weeks. It will take time to see improvements – maybe even a couple of weeks – but it’s important to be consistent with your training. I assure you, your persistence will pay off; exercises, stretches, and stability training are proven ways to regain balance.

Does walking improve balance?

Walking can improve balance, but why not take this healthy habit a step further by including a few simple balance exercises? Many people feel unbalanced while walking, so it’s important to practice basic balance exercises to improve stability.

Why does balance get worse with age?

As you age, the number of nerve cells in your vestibular system decreases. Simultaneously, vision worsens, which can significantly affect balance. Your awareness of your body’s position in space is called proprioception, which also worsens with age and slows your response to changes in position. Each of these figures contributes to poor balance and a higher risk of falling.

How can seniors improve balance?

Seniors can improve balance by starting a simple routine of exercises and movements that strengthen and improve coordination and stability. Many studies show improved balance after 6 to 12 weeks of balance training.

At what age does balance decline?

There is no magical age, but in general, balance declines around age 55 to 65. Anatomical studies show that the number of nerve cells in the vestibular system starts to decrease at age 55. The good news is that with balance exercises, you can significantly improve strength and stability.

What causes balance problems in older adults?

Multiple factors such as poor vision, decreased strength and endurance, uncontrolled blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension), and decreased nerve cells in the vestibular system can all contribute to balance problems in older adults.


  1. CDC Report on Falls
  2. Second CDC Report
  3. Community-based group exercise improves balance and reduces falls in at-risk older people: a randomised controlled trial
  4. A balance exercise program appears to improve function for patients with total knee arthroplasty: a randomized clinical trial.
  5. Training of balance under single- and dual-task conditions in older adults with balance impairment.
  6. The effect of multidimensional exercises on balance, mobility, and fall risk in community-dwelling older adults.
  7. Effects of elastic-band resistance exercise on balance, mobility and gait function, flexibility and fall efficacy in elderly people.
  8. Effect of Lower Extremity Stretching Exercises on Balance in Geriatric Population.
  9. A best practice fall prevention exercise program to improve balance, strength / power, and psychosocial health in older adults: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].