Athlete s Foot on Hands: Causes and Remedies

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Athlete Foot, also known as Tinea Pedis, is a fungal infection characterized by itchy, unstable skin. But usually you won’t see it on your feet, you can still get athlete step on a hand called Tinea Manum and rarely prevent it. This is often the case if you forget to wash your hands after touching an infected area. The most famous affected area is between the fingers and the palm of the hand.

Causes of Hand Athlete’s Foot

1. skin contact

Because Tinea Manuumis is simply transferred from skin-to-skin contact, the simple touch of an infected person increases susceptibility. Additionally, you are more vulnerable if you have a fungal infection on another part of your body, such as the groin area or feet.

2. contact with animals or the ground

If you are in frequent contact with animals, for example, by keeping family animals or hunting, your chances of launching the disease increase. People who work on the base, such as farmers and gardeners, still have the potential to contract the disease.

3. replace personal items

You can get Tinea Manuum infection by touching an infected person’s things, such as a hairbrush, a bed full, or a clean towel. The risk increases if the person already suffers from a skin disease from the hands, such as dermatitis or eczema.

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Symptoms of athlete’s feet

The most important sign is the formation of an itchy rash on the hands and fingers. You can still suffer from

  • Burning or itching, with occasions varying from non-serious to intense
  • Dry, peeling skin (usually caused by an anthropomorphic fungal infection)
  • Spots with small blisters where pus is likely to penetrate
  • Discoloration of the skin, especially if the result is healing
  • Rings of reddish-red rimmed spots with a central rash that begins to heal (usually occurs with fungal infections of animals or soil)

Athletes on the hands can be difficult to diagnose because they are often confused or occur secondary to other skin conditions affecting the hands, including psoriasis and dermatitis, for example. When a fungal infection spreads to the nails, causing them to thicken and become brittle, it is commonly referred to as Tinea unguumum.

Treatment of Hand Athlete’s Foot

Here are some home remedies You can try it out. Remember to dry your hands completely after each step.

1. tea tree oil

Athlete s Foot on Hands: Causes and Remedies

Tea tree oil is an effective fungicide that kills the infection and prevents its spread. Pour water into a bowl and add 10 drops of oil. Soak hands for 10 minutes and dry thoroughly. In infected areas, rub in a few drops of diluted tea tree oil.

2. apple cider vinegar and salt.

Athlete s Foot on Hands: Causes and Remedies

Fungal infections do not have the opportunity to tolerate all difficulties with acid standards, so use this. Mix warm water, ½ cup apple cider vinegar, and 2 tablespoons salt. You can soak your hands in this solution, use it as a spray, baptize the material in it, or wipe the affected area after showering.

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3. Athlete s Foot on Hands: Causes and RemediesPovidon Jodium (PVPI)

PVPI is used to heal wounds and skin infections because it prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi. That is why it is an excellent treatment for for athlete 1. hands and feet. mix two caps PVPI in a bowl of warm water and soak hands twice a day for 20 minutes.

4. hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is highly bacterial and fungal resistant. Take 1 liter of uncooked warm water and add ½ liter of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Soak hands for 20-30 minutes each morning. Be aware that this can cause a burning sensation, especially if the skin is cracked.

5. cream for the house

Make a pasta with 3 tablespoons of vinegar and baking soda. Rub the infected area at least 3 times a day for 1 week or until the results disappear. Store mixture in freezer and use applicator for one use at a time to prevent contamination.

6. non-prescription medications

There are numerous antifungal agents freely available. remedies for athlete Many freely available antifungal agents are available, including ointments, creams, powders, and sprays. Before applying any freely available resource, one should make sure that the skin is dry. Apply the drink precisely to the skin rash, 4-6 cm from the surrounding healthy skin. Continue applying the drink an additional 2 months after the results disappear, as infection may return through fungal infection of the skin.

7. fungal resistant agents

In some cases, especially if the athlete your hands feet are forward or provide resistance. OTC remedies You may need to take an oral antifungal medication for one month, such as fluconazole (Diflucan), terbinafine (Lamisil), or itraconazole (Sparanox). Before antifungal agents are used, blood tests should be obtained to determine liver function. More aggressive treatment may be necessary if fungal nails are present.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].