Are Cucumbers Good For You

Cucumber Nutrition - Dr. Bijl

You might have expected every time cucumbers Filled with water, but other caloric preparations were too little. Now, think again when it comes to to cucumber nutrition.

What are the superior properties of food cucumbers ? As we ask below, placing pickles or reducing bags around the eyes is more than a basic method — cucumber Nutritional benefits include free radical and inflammatory damage.

Cabbage varieties are considered one of the least nutrient-dense vegetables, but they provide large amounts of polyphenolic compounds that help slow down aging caused by oxidative stress.

In addition, they are known among researchers for their anti-diabetic, lipid, and antioxidant abilities. cucumbers Do they have a detoxifying, cleansing effect on the body? They are indeed “cooling” and a great way to prevent dehydration, constipation, and overheating.

Cucumis sativus

The cucumber (Cucumis sativus), widely considered a cultivated “squash,” is a member of the botanical family of plants. Cucumbers were most investigated for their humectant effect. As a result, they have built a reputation and healing food in both classical folk medicine and progressive medicine.

Technically, is a cucumber Are they fruits or vegetables? They are in fact fruits, but remember vegetables as well.

Consumption has the potential to add more caloric reserves to the menu. According to nutritional data from the to cucumber USDA food data, 30 min. of cucumbers Peel (about 52 grams) CA:

  • 7.8 calories.
  • 1, 9 grams carbohydrates
  • 0, 3 grams protein
  • 0, 1 gram fat
  • 0, 3 grams fiber
  • 8, 5 micrograms vitamin K (11 percent DV)
  • 1, 5 milligrams vitamin C (2 percent DV)
  • 6, 8 milligrams magnesium (2 percent DV)
  • 76. 4 milligrams potassium (2 percent DV)

Health Benefits

1. important type of antioxidant when fighting cancer

Why are cucumbers When it comes to stimulating your immune system, is it good for you? There has been an intense organic connection from nutrients established to be good for the immune system. cucumber Flavonols such as cucurbitakin, glucosides, lignans, apigenin and fisetin.

After investigating cucumber Benefits and Potential of Free Radicals of cucumbers A scientist involved in one study stated that there is an essential cucumbers presence of flavonoids and tannins may be responsible for the overall free radical-neutralizing and analgesic effects.

Ingredients in Cukes free cancer due to their ability to protect DNA and cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. Fisetin is specifically associated with preservation of brain health and cognitive function, but is known to have cancer fighting properties from occlubitacin.

Scientists have noticed that the triterpene compound cucurbitacin has the ability to induce cancer cell decay, a process known as apoptosis. The more important mechanism regarding the apoptotic effect of cucurbitacin is believed to be the ability of cucurbitacin to use nuclear moments or genes to modify the force and activate anti-tumor proteins.

Thus, there are a number of anti-tumor products that are highly active. cucumbers It helps reduce the risk of cancer.

2. high in calories but low in cooked products

Cucumbers are one of the most water-rich vegetables. What this means. cucumber food is rich in valuable vitamins and minerals, but at the same time very low in calories, only 16 calories per cup.

Since the cucumbers They are ideal for your stomach since they are about 95% water. They have every opportunity to add volume to your food without tiring you out.

This essentially means you can eat more and feel fuller while maintaining your joint health, low calorie, or weight loss goals as needed. Plus. cucumber Nutrition helps quench thirst and prevent the urge to eat due to dehydration.

3. can help the body detoxify

Cucurbitacin is considered a category of compounds of all kinds found in cucurbitaceae plants. cucumbers Field these compounds are more likely to support the digestive glands and liver.

Cucumber is also considered a natural diuretic. This means that it can help the body produce more urine to expel toxins and waste.

At the same time, it is ideal for reducing bloating and uncomfortable water retention, one of the causes of satiety. on cucumbers eating salty foods or drinking alcohol later in the evening.

4. moisturize and soften the skin.

Is the skin of the cucumber good for you? Yes!

Plan to eat whole foods. cucumber This may be because the skin and seeds contain important compounds. Cucumber peels are thought to be an excellent source of vitamin A, which aids in skin health, and cucumber peels have diuretic properties and may reduce pungency.

Fresh cucumber This juice has been used for centuries as a natural nourisher for damaged, dry, or sensitive skin. According to some studies, cucumber When applied to the skin, the discs or seeds have a soothing and cooling effect on skin inflammation, reducing swelling and redness. They are also used for the natural healing of acne, scars, and other wounds.

Cucumber has the ability to soothe and relieve pain, pimples, and swelling after sunburn and relieves sunburn. The fruit is “a refreshing agent, astringent, and tonic necessary in the treatment of polydipsia and heat paralysis.”

In other words, cucumbers It helps stop bleeding, reduces heat structures with inflammation, with thirst, simplifies dehydration and at the same time fights “sunstroke”.

5. the detector helps with eye swelling

What do cucumbers Do your eyes? Because of their anti-inflammatory and humectant effects, cucumbers they help reduce swelling and bags around the eyes.

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They also moisten the skin around the eyes and, according to some people, help them look awake and not wasted.

Can you sleep with cucumbers As for your eyes? While it is almost impossible for them not to disintegrate overnight, you can try it.

Even letting cucumber The part lying in your eye for 20 to 30 minutes has a good chance to help. Cut cucumber Cut them down and place them on your eyes when you are sitting up.

Some folks still use cold cucumber Make pasta with lavender oil or chamomile and raw honey.

History of Cucumbers - Dr. Bijl

6. can help better metabolism / heart health

Cucurbitacins found in cucumbers Has been investigated for its cytotoxic, hepatoprotective, cardiovascular and anti-diabetic effects. van Lianen has found she in cucumbers Excellent documented immune-increasing anti-inflammatory effects that may help in the fight against cardiovascular disease.

Studies investigating the effects of lignan consumption from plant foods have a significant association with levels of C-reactive protein, lower impact on LDL cholesterol, and improved blood pressure.

Cucumbers provide important minerals that help maintain a healthy heart, including potassium and magnesium.

Potassium is associated with healthier blood pressure levels because it helps the body control water. Therefore, low potassium intake from fruits and vegetables often correlates with heart health.

Foods rich in magnesium are still beneficial to blood pressure, in addition to increasing total nerve function, heart rate control, water balance, best blood sugar levels, and energy expenditure.

7. improves digestion and illuminates constipation

The seeds of a cucumber Magnesium is known for its healing and thermic effects and is often used in traditional medicine, such as Ayurveda, to prevent and alleviate constipation.

Many people have magnesium deficiency without even considering this, but cucumber Food is considered a source of magnesium and other electrolytes and is actually “more regular” because it has every opportunity to help intestinal and digestive mucosal hydration.

They are delicious vegetables for making juices and smoothies, so you can combine them together cucumbers with other moisturizing foods such as melon, lime, avocado, celery, and fennel to make a natural obesity drink.

8. helps alkalize the blood

Cucumber foods are considered one of the best alkaline foods to help balance the body’s pH levels and prevent the effects of acidic diets. Limiting the consumption of acid foods and using more alkaline foods instead is best for protecting the body from diseases that thrive in acidic masses.

According to a report in the Journal of Environmental Social Health:

Life on earth depends on the correct pH values of organisms and cells. Human life urgently needs a tightly controlled pH value of 7 in serum. Agricultural people now agree that they have diets that are not good at magnesium and potassium. This also leads to diets that can cause metabolic acidosis.

Balanced pH levels are thought to lower the amount of leptin, an important hormone associated with hunger and appetite control, as well as inflammation. This is one of the causes because the body can simply digest power generation in aqueous form why cucumbers well-known component of greenish alkaline juice.

9. maintains strong bones

22% of the daily vitamin K is found in a cup. of cucumbers Use of the highest number of kugels is a good way to help maintain bone density. Vitamin K (in the form of K2) is a fat-soluble vitamin that works with other nutrients such as calcium and magnesium to store strong bones.

Vitamin K also supports healthy metabolism, absorption of calories helps heart health, aids in blood clotting, supports neurological function, and has the ability to help with cancer. However, vitamin K deficiency often occurs in adults and children as a result of a diet with green vegetables, a cholesterol arm diet, medication use, and poor caloric intake.

10. helps prevent or treat headaches

Traditionally, cucumbers Used by some pain families as a natural medicine for headaches and as a way to fight inflammation and swelling. Headaches and migraines can be caused by almost anything, including dehydration, stress, fatigue, low blood sugar levels, and nutritional deficiencies.

Many studies have shown that foods with the highest water and magnesium content cucumbers fight headaches by balancing body fluids and preventing dehydration.

Types of Cucumbers

There are 10 varieties cucumber varieties around the world, but three important species are now available on a large scale. cucumbers (Carbis) and seedless cucumbers. cucumbers .

The Cucurbitaceae group includes some of the most common plants. cucumber varieties include:

  • Gherkins
  • English
  • Armenian
  • Diva
  • Green burlapress
  • Boston Marling
  • Lemon
  • Market Moor
  • Persian
  • Suyo Run


The Sanskrit synonym of cucumber Susitam actually means “very cool”. According to Ayurvedic scriptures, cucumbers It has a cool, smooth, astringent, flavorful, and slightly bitter nature.

The juice from cucumbers It has long been used as a natural electrolyte booster before the advent of vitamin water and other energy drinks. Because of its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, it is considered an anti-inflammatory food, the cucumber It was used as a home remedy for acne or to reduce redness and swelling of the skin.

Cucumber vs. Zucchini vs. Spinach

Cucumber and zucchini belong to the same plant genus and look the same, but differ in texture and calorific value. Cucumbers (squash) have a waxy, bumpy appearance, while zucchini have a cakey, dry appearance.

Cucumbers are usually juicy, cool and distinctive, while zucchini are older and more voluminous. Another difference is that the flowers are actually the cucumber Although the plant is considered inedible, zucchini flowers are edible.

Cucumbers have slightly fewer calories and carbohydrates than zucchini, and slightly less vitamin C, vitamin B6, and some phytonutrients. However, cucumber seeds and peels contain many antioxidants, including flavonoids, lignans, and triterpenes.

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How do cucumbers Compare this to leafy greens such as spinach in terms of caloric content. Spinach contains more than 10 important flavonoid antioxidants.

Spinach nutrition is rich in the following nutritious preparations

  • Fiber
  • Vitamin K.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Manganese
  • Zinc
  • Folic acid
  • Iron
  • and selenium.

While cucumbers They offer many caloric benefits, but do not have the power that most vegetables have.

Both spinach and cucumbers In case you are on a low-carb diet, this includes vegetables that are low in carbohydrates and delicious. Unlike cucumbers those who typically eat wet spinach, fermented spinach, roasted spinach, whisked spinach, or boiled spinach in just one minute will have every opportunity to improve absorption of the caloric preparation and discover its flavor.

How to Grow

When choosing the best cucumbers, there are several types to choose from. You will find both regular and cucumbers And young, bumpy Kirby. Kirbys are often used to make pickles.

  • When shopping, look for cucumbers They are bright – dark – green, firm, and have no malleable watery spots.
  • Look for organic cookies if you get the chance. Ogle’s Nutrition Guide. cucumbers (they taste better when eaten with the skin). Due to the fact that, cucumbers If they are grown on a very puzzling, pesticide-contaminated substrate, they are more likely to contain large amounts of chemicals that are passed on to you.
  • Even organic cucumbers While they may be allowed, they are not the most harmful means. The only organically grown product that was allowed cucumbers Not considered synthetic and free of all chemical contaminants
  • When storing cucumbers Note that they work best when stored at fairly cool temperatures. Keep in a plastic bag in the freezer until ready to use, but keep for 3-5 days.
  • If needed, you can clean the skin, especially if it needs waxing, or forget it and give the skin a good scrub.

Tips for growing cucumbers:

  • While it is easy to find cucumbers in most stores, growing them is simple and cost effective.
  • Believe it or not, cucumbers It is a tropical fruit/vegetable that thrives well in passionate weather. They still thrive in wet climates where water is plentiful.
  • Plan to grow cucumbers In the direction of years with warmer weather and showers. They are sensitive to cold and should only be planted when the soil heat reaches the 70 degree spectrum. Wait on the plants until at least two weeks after the date of the last frost. cucumbers .
  • Cucumber plants grow in two forms: shrubs (more popular) and bushes. The bush type climbs or climbs along the ground, while the shrub type forms plants low to the ground. The bush type is better suited for containers and small gardens, while the vine type is more suited for agricultural crops.
  • Plant cucumber Seeds are 36 to 60 centimeters in size, depending on contrast. For vines that want to grow at height, the plants need to be placed farther away.
  • You can help keep the plants warm and moist by applying your favorite organic mulch immediately after planting saplings, wheatgrass, chopped leaves, or saplings.


Unlike most vegetables, cucumbers they actually taste better when wet and edible. For example, because they contain large amounts of water, they tend not to come out completely when made, tending to turn elementary into a raw mess.

If plain old cucumbers Word, don’t forget to place fermented pickles by coating them with vinegar. Fermentation is what actually gives. the cucumber The detailed spicy, sour and salty flavors, when transformed into pickles, have vibrant little organisms that yield the proper results.

You can usually combine the two cucumbers 3 tablespoons rice, 2 tablespoons chopped herbs of your choice (such as dill), and a pinch of sugar and salt thrown in.

Is it good to eat cucumber Every day? Given the small number of calories and other excellent qualities, there is no downside to this.

Pickles contain delicious caloric components such as fiber, vitamin K, and in some cases probiotics, but due to the salt content, try to limit yourself to one or two per day.

The longer you soak the cucumbers, the more potent their flavor will be, but soaking them for as little as 30 minutes may create some flavor. If you like the flavor of dill, remember this dill recipe that uses salt water, vinegar, salt, and dill for weed and dill.

For more healthy stuff, click here. cucumber Recipes to get you started:.

Risks and Side Effects

Cucumbers appear to be harmless enough and rarely cause allergies. Flat cucumber Extracts used in some lab options have been shown to be perfectly good and unlikely to cause side effects.

As mentioned above, if you can avoid expensive chemicals, buying organic (as mentioned in the standard) cookies is better than other cookies.

Another thing to keep in mind is the risk of contamination when making your own fermented pickles. The composition observed during fermentation involves a microflora that is difficult to cucumber Fermentation. If the utensils or jars are contaminated with microorganisms, there is an absolute possibility that eating them will make you sick.

To further reduce this risk, use sterile equipment when fermenting vegetables and purchase organic produce.

Because of its diuretic effect, if you do not consume it eat cucumber at night? Probably not a problem as long as you don’t eat large quantities.

Cucumbers may stimulate urination, but the effect is generally considered limited, and for most people cucumbers do not bring sleep.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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