This may have to do with a natural molecule in potatoes called protease inhibitor II (PI2), which has the ability to lift hunger and inhibit food intake (10, 11).
Potatoes are the most versatile root vegetable imaginable and are consumed in all kinds of cuisines around the world.
Almost everyone considers it a vegetable, though. be healthy , potatoes It has managed to take care of some controversy.
Due to its starch content, almost everyone feels obligated to limit its consumption.
Also, potatoes It is usually associated with unhealthy fried and processed foods.
In this article we will elaborate on the possibilities of potatoes. health effects of potatoes .
Potatoes are the edible mass image of a plant that is eaten all over the world.
Known scientifically as Solanum Tuberosum, they belong to the Vesey plant genus (1).
They are originally from the American Andes, potatoes In fact, they are cultivated in 160 countries around the world, and there are between 1,500 and 2,000 species that vary in color, volume, and caloric content (1, 2).
However, almost all species are similar in composition, consisting of starch-rich flesh covered with a narrow, rich, nutritious skin .
Potatoes can be cooked, steamed, baked, or roasted and used in a wide variety of dishes.
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Potatoes are an edible plant grown all over the world. There are numerous different varieties. of potatoes They can be processed in all kinds of dishes.
There are many types of potatoes It contains a large number of caloric pipes of all kinds.
Medium (6, 173 grams per ounce) potato Ensures that its meat and skin are good (3):
The nutrient profile of potatoes Each species may vary.
For example, red potatoes Contains fewer calories, carbohydrates, and fiber than the garbage of potatoes plus some vitamin K and niacin (4).
Methods potatoes may also affect the table of contents of caloric preparations.
Almost all caloric preparations are concentrated in the outer shell, so peeling the potato each portion fibers and important parts of minerals (1, 5).
In addition, you can fry potatoes increase the fat and calorie content compared to other preparation methods such as baking or cooking.
In addition, processed potato product is still not the most impenetrable in the calorie pipe and contains more calories, fat, and sodium than whole foods. potatoes .
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Potatoes contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, manganese, as well as numerous carbohydrates and fiber. The content of caloric preparations may vary from type to type of potato and cooking method.
Antioxidants are preparations that prevent the absorption of harmful free radicals. These are reactive atoms that have the opportunity to accumulate in your body and contribute to acquired diseases.
Studies have shown that antioxidants may prevent symptoms in post-responders such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer (6, 7, 8).
Potatoes are considered an excellent source of certain types of antioxidants, including flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acids (9).
Studies have shown that the antioxidant power of white and color potatoes And we found that color potatoes were more effective in neutralizing free radicals (10).
Another in vitro study showed that antioxidants in potatoes elevation of certain cancers, including colon and liver cancer, could be lowered (11).
Note that the majority of inexpensive studies are limited to in vitro testing. Additional studies are needed to confirm antioxidant in potatoes may influence the progression of acquired diseases in people.
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Potatoes have antioxidants that may reduce the risk of symptomatic disease. However, additional research is needed to investigate the possible effects in people.
Resistant starch is a form of starch that is not digested in the small intestine.
Instead, it flows into the colon, where it has the opportunity to saturate the intestinal tract with the necessary bacteria (12).
Potatoes are considered a good source of resistant starch, and potatoes that have been cooked and then cooled contain the highest amounts (13).
Resistant starch is associated with a number of health benefits, especially in the areas of glycemic control and insulin sensitivity.
In one study, 10 members consumed 30 grams of resistant starch per day for 4 months. They found that resistant starch increased insulin sensitivity by 33% (14).
Another study had 10 members. raw potato Starch. She experienced low blood glucose levels, saturation and bloating (15).
While raw potatoes It also contains resistant starch, potatoes It is often made It kills bacteria and destroys anti-nutrients that can inhibit the absorption of calories (16).
In addition, resistant starch has the ability to be associated with a variety of other excellent properties, such as reduced food intake, increased absorption of calories, and improved digestion. health ( 17 , 18 , 19 ).
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Potatoes have resistant starch and the ability to better control blood sugar, digestion health recording and saturation of thermogenic material.
Potatoes are recognized as one of the most filling foods.
One study created a satiation index for regular foods by serving all types of foods to 11-13 participants and obtaining satiety scores for all species.
Boiled potatoes It was seven times more saturated than croissants, which had the highest saturation and the lowest saturation index score (20).
Another study brought the consumption of rice potatoes pasta affected food intake and saturation by 11 members. This showed that it potatoes more boredom and significantly reduced the caloric intake of the joints (21).
Potato skins still contain a significant amount of fiber, which slowly passes through the corpse, promoting bloating and reducing hunger (22).
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Studies show that potatoes increase satiation and may inhibit appetite thanks to their fiber content and highest density.
Several studies have shown a positive relationship between the consumption of certain types of food and weight gain. of potatoes and potato Foods and weight gain.
A study from 2009 followed 42, 696 members for 5 years. It was found that food eaten potatoes associated with moderate gains among women (23).
Another study examined the dietary patterns of more than 120, 000 members.
It found that potatoes and processed potato Chips resulted in the two largest contributions to weight gain, with each portion per day resulting in an average weight gain (0. 58 kg) and an average weight gain of 1. 7 pounds (0. 77 kg), accordingly (24).
However, it is important to check how often you eat, how much you eat at the same time, and how you prepare your food.
Other studies have found no relationship between potato consumption and waist circumference or obesity (25, 26).
Certain processed potato Foods such as chips and chips contain more calories and fat potatoes cooked, steamed, or baked. Regardless of food source, excess calories can lead to weight gain.
When consumed in small amounts and as part of a balanced diet, it is virtually impossible for all of these not to be processed. potatoes This leads to weight gain.
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Several studies show that eating potatoes and processed potato foods have every opportunity to lead to weight gain. But when they are consumed in small quantities, it is virtually impossible potatoes They are important for weight gain in their own right.
Glycoalkaloids are considered the potentially toxic sex of compounds occurring in the nightshade plant genus.
They include two specific ones called solanine and chaconine, which potatoes have.
Green potatoes In particular, higher glycoalkaloids.
When potatoes When they are exposed to light they make a greenish molecule called chlorophyll. However, since chlorophyll production is not necessarily a sign of darkness, the effect of light may increase the concentration of glycoalkaloids (27).
When these glycoalkaloids are consumed in large quantities, they can be toxic and detrimental. health effects.
One animal study has shown that glycoalkaloids have been observed in potatoes May affect digestion health May aggravate inflammatory diseases of the intestinal tract (28).
Other signs of toxicity from glycoalkaloids are drowsiness, excessive emotions, pr symptoms, and digestive symptoms (29).
However, when glycoalkaloids are consumed in normal amounts, glycoalkaloids are unlikely to cause adverse effects.
In a 2005 study, participants were given potato puree potatoes contained a full concentration of 20 mg of glycoalkaloids per 100 grams. of potato The perceived upper limit of protection and no adverse effects are believed to be present (30).
Approximately 60-70% of the combined glycoalkaloid content a potato is found in the skin.
Commercial products courtesy of wedges, slices, fried peels, etc., probably contain 3, 6-13, 7 mg per 100 grams, 1, 6-10, 5 mg per 100 grams of solanine and chaconin (31, 32).
Careful storage is considered essential to minimize the table of contents of glycoalkaloids. Storage potatoes If due to lower temperatures and light, there is every chance of preventing the formation of glycoalkaloids (31).
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Potatoes contain glycoalkaloids, which are toxic when consumed in large quantities. Storing them from low temperatures and sunlight keeps glycoalkaloids low.
Low in calories, no fat, no cholesterol
1 Large Baked Muffin potato According to Livestrong’s calorie counter, contains only 278 calories. com. fried. potato Contains a number of calories the potato The skin is not butter or other intestines. It’s just baked. potato Contains lots of fat and no cholesterol. A potato With 30 mg of sodium or 30 mg a day you will only get 1 cent a day.
Baked. potato Most of these carbohydrates in potatoes come from starch, so potatoes High glycemic indexes above 70 have been reported to be linked to diabetes in South Americans. for people with diabetes or who follow a diet with a low GI, potatoes This can cause a significant rise in blood glucose levels. principles to help build muscle and heal injuries, a potato contains 7.5 g of protein or about 15% DV. Potatoes are considered an excellent source of fiber at 6.6 g. This is 26% of the recommended daily amount of fiber. Fiber is great for weight loss because it increases satiety and reduces appetite. Your body needs fiber to a healthy Gut volume and constant digestion.
Helps overcome blood sugar levels
Potatoes are considered a luxurious source of resistant starch and potassium.
Your body does not have the ability to break down resistant starch. Based on this, it has the same effect as fiber – it lowers blood sugar and increases insulin spontaneity (3, 14, 15).
In addition, resistant starch helps reduce the glycemic index (GI) of a food; the GI indicates how a carbohydrate-containing food affects blood glucose levels after you consume it (14).
Foods classified as having a high GI increase blood glucose levels, while foods with a low GI promote a more stable and controlled structure of blood glucose levels.
While ready-to-eat potatoes Foods with high GI, are ready potatoes Low GI, due to a process known as starch regression, which makes cold starches more difficult to digest (1, 3, 16, 17).
In addition to temperature, production methods also affect starch starch resistance starch of potatoes Studies have shown that fried foods have a more stable starch content potatoes resistant starch than cooked (17).
For example, one study showed that 90 minutes after a meal, members’ blood glucose levels were lower when they ate fried potatoes and mashed potatoes potatoes vs. potato puree. potatoes Chips and white bread (10).
Studies also show that potassium supplementation of potatoes helps improve love and insulin production (18, 19).
Once again, baked potatoes Cooking makes potassium in water so it has higher potassium levels than cooked (18). the potato And in water (18).
So, consuming baked potatoes Helps control blood sugar levels.
Healthy baked potatoes are sweeter, not heavier, and healthy Dinner! Swap butter and sour cream on yours potato And replace it with cottage cheese and veggies. Yesterday’s recipe for Zucchini Pasagnin Bread, which requires a little more preparation and time, is done early in the weekend if you have more time. Current recipe for Healthy French Fries – one of my favorite 15-20 minute favorite lunches.
I’ll be eating these for healthy loaded baked potatoes for many years. My mom used to bring them over when I still lived at home and I now have them solidly just as sweet. As long as they are called baked. potatoes Honestly, you don’t have to bake them in the oven if you don’t think it matters that much. Microwave works as well and will be a fraction of the time. Still hot and disappointed in connecting the oven to the idea! my potatoes 50 instead of 10 minutes of cooking sounded good enough!
Usually when I think about baking charged. potato Three pieces of luggage come to mind. Butter, sour cream, and cheese. I accept at first that it is probably sour old bakery. potato Taste is miserable, lots of lard but no one is happy. Baked. potatoes healthy To give you more flavor and not experience what is missing in the investment component, I have replaced most of the high fat ingredients with many fat variants and many protein containing variants.
Instead of butter and sour cream adorning the tops of these veneers, there are now large amounts of low fat cheeses. I will be honest with you, if you don’t like quark, I doubt you will like it. the potato Cottage SER is considered a key ingredient. Cottage SER is a very low-fat, protein-rich alternative to butter and sour cream.
Grated sharp cheddar cheese, delicious yellowish peppers, tomatoes, and green onions are added to cottage cheese and seasoned with salt, pepper, and paprika powder. The last component that is considered optional is the bacon, in case you want to keep this vegetarian. I found it very tasty and add crispy, salty, smoky flavorful stuff! the potatoes Oh my!!! They are stuffed with fried goodies! potatoes Perfect for a fast weekday meal and something you can give to your own family with good feelings!
Expert Opinion: When to Ignore the Potatoes
Here are some of the cases when pota-as social health expert Swati Bathwal explains, pota-as follows in the footsteps of ignoring or shortening menus.
- In general potatoes It will have the highest glycemic index. This means a fairly rapid increase in blood glucose levels. So, potatoes Not recommended for diabetics. It is possible to worry about a few, but you can worry about others that you ignore if you are diabetic.
- Baked or cooked potatoes can be consumed with no special instability, but if you fry them with almost zero fat content, they will pass through the oil. in potato Through oil.
- Fat as well as acrylamide is not the least popular cloth, and there are longer cooking/frying at acrylamide temperatures considered carcinogenic. Typical tip and potato Chips are subjected to the highest temperatures of prolonged processing, which has a greater potential for the development of acrylamide.
- Therefore, find out how healthy it is for you and in what form, considering your body’s requirements, how it fits in and how it affects you. Baking is the best option, but of course diabetics should be more careful and seek advice before considering the amount needed.
Finally, Swati Bhatwal, a social health expert, states potato The low GI means that diabetes 2 patients can use smaller doses. However, in our case a potato It has a high GI and can cause sweet peaks. To make it for taste, people have the opportunity to make broken potato herbs and spices without adding fat. Cooked potato Alkali and baked. potato Pickled. Glass. raw potato Sap relieves atopy, eczema and scars if applied to the heart health and knee health The size of the slough is a tennis ball. of potato One day will be consumed (whether diabetic or not irrelevant), can bake sweet treats. potato instead of a white potato for additional health benefits”:.
Read more about healthy food
Short answer.
Yes, baked potatoes are healthy For example, there is nothing in one recording potatoes in an otherwise healthy balanced food. The only pitfall here is preparation. It is just baked. potato It supplies protein, is low in fat and sodium, and is a luxurious source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Adding herbs can make or break a plate. a potato Therefore, it is important to pay attention to what you choose to add.
- Instead of sour cream, mix fat-free Greek yogurt with a little lemon juice. This way you get the same creamy taste as sour cream, but with less fat, more protein, and some essential probiotics.
- Instead of canned chili, it is better to make your own chili at home. Chili is great for freezing, for example, so you can put it down and store it when the urge strikes. You can make chili simply by replacing lean ground turkey meat with beef, adding high fiber beans, and limiting the added salt! as healthy how aromatic and satisfying it is.
- Limit the amount of cheese used. Instead of ready-made cheese or cheese sauce, dive into a high-quality skirtder and create your own personal recipe. It will be better, and for you, for example, you won’t have to apply as much.
- Add all the herbs and low-sodium onions you like. They bring a lot of flavor without changing the calorie profile of the freshly baked preparation. potato .
- There is nothing wrong with using dairy products. When making this, it is imperative to measure every portion. By trying to get portion measurements, it is fairly easy to set aside an individual’s fat, cholesterol, and calories.
Finally, don’t forget to increase the resistant starch coefficient of your diet potatoes When you can. Fried. potatoes preserve them wonderful in the freezer, consider playing with them a few days in advance, cooling them down, and warming them up again with a few drinks in the oven. Your blood sugar and energy will thank you. Potatoes have a bad reputation, in part because of their use as comfort food in french fries and French fries. Self-contained, potatoes Requires many additions to the diet. As long as the proper herbs and preparation techniques are chosen, there is no reason for anyone to skip the delicious french fries. potato .
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