Many readers are interested in the right subject: do I have a benign attack? Our makers are pleased to inform you that we have already conducted a study of current research on the subject you are interested in. We can give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.
Blood flow. the heart restricted by the accumulation of cholesterol, fat, or other medications, you get it! a heart attack This blockage can even damage or break some of your muscles, which can be life-threatening. the heart of the muscle with potentially life-threatening consequences. Unfortunately, people do not recognize the early symptoms. a heart attack And then they say, “I have a heart attack ? This study shows that the majority of men do not recognize the early symptoms. a heart attack It takes at least six hours to call 911. Experts say this is very late and that you should call emergency services within five minutes of the attack. heart attack symptoms.
Are you having a heart attack?
If you want to be an aristocrat, you have it! a heart attack You need to recognize some of the usual symptoms. Drawing with the proper symptoms means that you feel absolutely capable, which means you don’t have to waste time on immediate medical assistance. a heart attack .
1. chest pain is considered the most common sign a heart attack .
- This pain usually occurs in the center or left side of the chest.
- It usually takes longer than a few minutes and may property to not relieve entertainment. Or there is the facility to drag and withdraw.
- It is a strong oppressive pain that feels like endurance pain, fullness, pressure, or chest in the chest.
- The pain may remain in the chest wall, but may also radiate to the neck, arm, or left jaw.
2. upper body pain: the patient experiences pain in the upper body, including the arms, windows, neck, back, jaw, and teeth. This can be with or without chest pain.
3. abdominal pain: pain can be felt in the abdomen. And it often feels like heartburn or stomach. 4.
4. shortness of breath: Usually those who have a heart attack experience shortness of breath. This usually occurs before the chest pain is felt.
5. other symptoms: can suffer from fear, dizziness, vertigo or nausea. Almost everyone also feels unjustifiably helpless and sweaty with cool skin.
It is important to remember that a heart attack Usually accompanied by subtle symptoms. There is no need to avoid them as with an agitated or upset stomach. If you have symptoms call 911 within 5 minutes or have someone take you to a clinic. Avoid driving if there is no one else to help you.
If You Have Chest Pain, You May Not Be Able to Deal With It When It Comes a heart attack The following video reports on different types of chest pain and what you can do about it.
Other situations regarding heart attacks
I’m only 42 and had a heart attack On June 8, I did not believe this could happen to me or anyone of such a young age. I had the opportunity to take a break to rest.
I woke up at 3 am suffering from stomach acid and had not eaten anything which caused this. I took a stomach acid inhibitor but still had sharp pains in my back. I felt like I was dying. It all happened within minutes. When. my heart It stopped and I ended up in first aid and had to be defibrillated twice.
I still remember my heart attack Bright. Leaving is not easy. After going up the stairs, it was hard to catch my breath. I was feeling pain in my upper chest. After this it spread to my left arm and gave me feelings. The pain became more and more active and I was sweating very much. It was torture and the injection into the clinic finally took me away from this pain.
What to do if you have a heart attack
Since you have the answer to your question “Do I have? a heart attack ? ” you will still be able to create an aristocrat, in fact heart attacks you or someone in your family. an attack Next, remember that this is essential medical assistance. The quicker you seek medical assistance, the better your chances of minimizing the damage to your muscles. the heart To the muscles. If you notice the usual symptoms. of heart attack You must take the correct steps:
1. call 911.
Do this immediately and do not wait more than 5 minutes. If you are already using nitroglycerin for chest pain noticed during exercise, you should take it immediately. Call emergency services even if the chest pain persists after taking nitroglycerin.
2. take an aspirin.
When you call 911, the operator will tell you to take aspirin immediately. Aspirin helps because it reduces clotting and sloughs off blockages around areas of broken plaque. Nevertheless, you must always be aware that aspirin is not considered medical medicine or a cure-all. a heart attack Field this will not extinguish your symptoms, so it is imperative that you go to a clinic as soon as possible.
3. rest and calm
When you are interested,” I have. a heart attack Regardless of whether something is good or not,” you are obligated to maintain your peace. Do not panic. Of course it is not easy, but it is essential to ask for help and allow your nerves to relax and unwind. If you are alone in the indom, you must go to your own key door, find it and crouch down on the floor. This will make it easier when your care provider arrives at your home.