Acid-Fast Bacillus (AFB) Tests

Acid-fast bacillus (Figure) is a picture of the microorganisms that cause consumption and other infections. Coughing, commonly known as consumption, is considered a no nonsense bacterial infection that primarily affects serious people. It can affect other parts of the body, including the brain, spine, and kidneys. TB is spread from person to person by coughing or sneezing.

TB can be latent or severe. When there is latent consumption, there are TB bacteria in the body, but they do not feel glued to the bed and cannot transmit the disease to others; when TB is active, they show signs of illness and are more likely to transmit the disease to others.

AFB tests It is usually prescribed for people showing signs of severe TB. The tests Look for fig temptation in Sputum; Flegma is a thick mucus that is non-nodular and coughing. It is excreted from the head or through saliva.

There are two important types AFB tests :

  • AFB smear. In this test The sample is “spread” on a glass plate and displayed under a microscope. This produces results within a day or two. These results may indicate a possible or probable infection, but are not likely to give a specific diagnosis.
  • Fig culture. In this. test The collection is brought into the laboratory and placed in a special environment to initiate the rise of the microorganism. Fig cultures can positively demonstrate the diagnosis of tuberculosis or other infectious diseases. However, it takes 6-8 months to detect an infection and many bacteria need to be found.

Other names: ficulture and propagation, tuberculosis culture and propagation, mycobacteria smear and propagation.

What are they used for?

AFB tests They are usually used to determine severe tuberculosis infection (TB). They are still likely to be used to help diagnose other types of fig infections. These include:

  • Lepra, once a warrant for writings, is now a rare and simple disease affecting the nerves, eyes, and skin. The skin is often reddish and disproportionate with loss of emotion.
  • An infectious disease like tuberculosis that primarily affects people with HIV/AIDS and those with weak immune systems.
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AFB tests It can be used for people who already have a diagnosis of consumption. The tests Can indicate if treatment works and if the disease can spread to others.

Why do I need an AFB test ?

You may need an AFB test If there are signs of severe TB disease. These include

  • A cough that lasts for more than 3 weeks.
  • Coughing up blood or sput
  • chest pain
  • High fever
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating at night
  • Unexplained weight loss

Active use can cause signs in other parts of the body than the critical parts. Symptoms depend on which parts of the body are affected. Therefore, testing may be required.

  • back pain (e.g., back pain in the lower back or back pain in the upper back)
  • Blood in your urine
  • Headache
  • Joint pain
  • Weakness

If you have certain risk points, you may still need to be tested. You may be at higher risk for getting TB

  • Close contact with someone with established TB.
  • HIV or other diseases that weaken the immune system.
  • You live or work in an area with the highest levels of TB infection. This includes bloodless reception centers, nursing homes, and prisons.

What happens during the AFF test?

Your care provider must make a sputum collection for both fig macac and fig cultures.é two tests Usually done at the same time; to get the sputum Monsters:

  • You will be asked to take a deep breath and spit into a sterile container. This should be done for two or three consecutive days. This helps to ensure that the sample contains enough bacteria to be tested.
  • If you are having trouble coughing up enough sput, the physician may ask you to breathe in a sterile physiological solution (saline solution). This will help you breathe more deeply.
  • If you still have not ingested enough mucus, your doctor can perform a procedure called bronchoscopy. In this procedure, you first get medicine to help you feel less pain. Then an elegantly illuminated tube is brought into the airway to the mouth or orifice. Samples can be sucked or collected with a small brush.
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Something must be arranged to prepare for what follows. the test ?

No special preparation is necessary for the smear or for the propagation of figs.

Voyage. the test ?

There is no risk of handing mucus by coughing into a container. If there is a bronchoscopy, the throat may be felt after the procedure. There is also a slight risk of infection or bleeding in the room where the decrease occurs.

What do the results mean?

If the results of the smear culture or fig culture are negative, you probably do not have severe TB. However, it also means that there was little or no bacteria in the sample for your care provider to make a diagnosis.

If your AFF is lurking, it means you probably have consumption or another infection, but it is important to do a fig culture to confirm the diagnosis. The results of the breeding will allow your doctor to draw conclusions about your infection if you have the opportunity to borrow a few months.

If you are positive, this means that you have an intense consumption pattern or another figure infection pattern. Civilization has the option to determine what type of infection you have. Once diagnosed, your physician has the opportunity to order a “sensitivity test.” test Sensitivity.” test This is used to determine which antibiotic will provide more effective treatment.

If you have questions about your results, talk to your own health care provider.

Is there anything else I should know about the fig test?

If untreated, it can be fatal. However, if the care provider is taking the prescribed medications, most cases of TB can be cured. Treatment from TB takes much longer than other types of bacterial infections. After several months of antibiotics, you are no longer contagious, but still have TB. To cure TB, you will need to take medications for 6 to 9 months. The duration depends on your joint health, age, and other factors. It is important that you take your medications as long as your doctor talks to you, even if you feel worse than others. This may revive the infection.

Provided by MedlinePlus, a state medical library. & lt; pran & gt; If you have questions about your results, talk to your own health care provider.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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