Absence seizures Universal type. of seizure Usually occurs between. childhood . However, absence seizures Adults may also develop it. This. seizures is characterized by short periods of unresponsiveness, which may occur almost once a day. Absence. seizures It can be classified as normal or atypical.
When a caregiver or teacher notices the signs, an absence seizure It is easy to recognize. Diagnosis is usually made later because people say so a child And they often look stupid, the child The doctor noticed a normal pattern during the examination. a seizure with an EEG test. Typical. absence seizure Sometimes confused with complex partial characters seizure When the features are unique.
What are the symptoms of absence seizures in children?
Typical absenteeism
It is easy to recognize when a child During a typical absence seizure The child is usually absent from work because he/she usually stops what he/she is doing and looks foolish. In addition, his/her eyes often look up and do not respond to approach or touch. This seizures usually lasts for about 10 to 15 seconds. the child He/she may immediately become attentive or may feel lost for a moment. The child will be unaware of the seizure And if he/she is being monitored, the EEG will show a series of spikes and waves during the EEG. a seizure However, it looks much better between them.
- For absence seizure accompanied by a less severe clonic component, the child These may present as less severe, mild cramps in the eyelids or at the corners of the mouth or hands.
- For absence seizure With the atonic component, the child loss of muscle tone, the body or head may fall forward, or objects may fall from the hands. Happy, a child Usually does not occur the seizure .
- For absence seizure With the tonic component, the phenomenon may be symmetrical or asymmetrical. That is, the phenomenon may be equal on both sides or may be more intense on one side. Tonicity can cause sudden muscle contraction or tension. A child Who is standing during a typical match? absence seizure The body may be pushed back slightly or the body or head may turn to the side.
- For absence seizures In the case of automatic devices, the sign may evoke difficult areas. seizure . A child The person may appear to be making deliberate movements such as raising an eyebrow, scratching a hand, licking or swallowing, etc.
- For absence seizures With autonomous components, the child The mouth may turn white, pupils may dilate, heart rate may increase, skin may turn purple, saliva may be secreted, and pants may become wet. the child He may pee in his pants.
Atypical absenteeism
Atypical absence seizures These are often more difficult to classify because it is more difficult to determine when close supervision begins and ends. Atypical seizure Duration is about 5 to 10 seconds and children After that they can be confusing. in the direction of the the seizure Their eyelids can vibrate, making unwanted muscle movements, pushing the body and may collapse.
Atypical absence seizures usually occur in children With other neurological disorders such as intellectual disability. They may still have other kinds of neurological developmental disorders. of seizures And if their brains are checked with EEG, they will be seen both in the abnormalities and also in the ones in between. seizures .
The following video shows clearly what exactly happened to the boy absence seizures in children From the boy’s skills:
When to doctor
Talk to your child Pediatrician absence seizures if you notice your child sometimes you can see that he or she may be “in the private world” or withdraw from their work and include a non-substantive appearance. Additionally, if the mentor reports that you yourself child dreaming or adjusting during class, ask the teacher to show child It appears to have been well coordinated and also outlines in detail the behavior that occurs during this period.
Causes of the child’s attacks
There may not be a primary cause. a child ‘s absence seizures , some children Do they have a genetic predisposition? Apart from that, they can be caused by rapid breathing.
Absence seizures It is usually the result of abnormal electrical impulses in the neurons of the brain. While neurons normally send chemical and electronic signals to synapses, a seizure disturbances alter the brain’s power. When they do that. an absence seizure Repeat brain signals in a 3-second pattern. Neurotransmitters in the brain, considered chemical messengers, may possibly still be altered in a person with the disorder seizures .
Absence seizures are more common in children Then, in adults, because many of them have children months or years later they grow out of it. Some children also show a full seizures who have tonic and / or clonic properties.
Diagnosis of attacks in the absence of children.
If your child ‘s doctor suspects absence seizures They will look at a complete medical history and see if there is a possibility of birth trauma, serious head injury, brain infection such as meningitis or encephalitis. The doctor will again look at the child brain function by performing an EEG with an electrical brain.
EEG is used to detect chemical forces between brain cells and typically shows both normal and abnormal output during the field. a seizure Other tests including X-rays, MRI, or CTS are performed to eliminate the cause of the condition. of seizures .
How is the condition treated?
Your child The physician may start him/her on the lowest possible dose of attack medications and increase the dosage as needed to control the attack. the seizures The field of drugs mentioned are etosynthisis, valproic acid, and lamotrigine. If your child hasn’t had a seizure After 2 years, your doctor can begin to phase out the medications.
It is your responsibility to think about your ownership child Wear a medical alert bracelet with details of his/her condition, all the various medications he/she uses, and your contact information. Also notify teachers, coaches, parents the seizures .