Why Am I Not Losing Weight

In summary, if you are trying to lose excess weight, you may need to keep a food diary.

Initially, you can lose significant weight without much effort. However, over time, weight loss may slow or even stop altogether.

This article lists 20 common reasons for weight loss failure.

Recommendations on how to break through the plateau and move the load back on are still valid.

If you think you are in a plateau of weight loss, don’t worry just yet.

It is hard to imagine the scale not moving for several days (or weeks) in a row. This does not mean that you are not actually losing fat.

Weight tends to fluctuate a few pounds. It depends on what you eat, but hormones can have a huge impact on the body’s (especially women’s) water retention.

It can also increase muscle and fat at the same time. This is even more common if one has recently started exercising.

For example, this is appropriate if you really want to lose fat as well as weight.

It is recommended that you use something other than a scale to measure your progress. For example, once a month, measure your abdominal circumference and body fat percentage.

Apart from that, it is very important to know how well your clothes fit and how you look in the mirror.

If your weight has not stayed the same for more than a month or two, there is probably nothing to worry about.


Stagnant periods of weight loss can be explained by muscle gain, undigested food, and fluctuations in body water. If the swing does not move out of space, everyone will expand the exact same fat.

When trying to lose excess weight, it is very basic to recognize. Most people do not know how they are actually eating.

Studies have shown that tracking food intake can help people lose weight. People who use food diaries or take pictures of their food lose more weight each day than those who do not (1, 2).

At the same time, there are potential downsides to food tracking, especially when used for weight loss. For people with eating disorders, calorie counting and food tracking have been shown to exacerbate potentially harmful side effects (3).


Keeping a food diary may be necessary if you are trying to lose excess weight.

Protein is considered an essential nutrient for weight loss.

Using protein at 25-30% of calories increases metabolism by 80-100 calories per day and may force mechanical intake of several hundred calories per day. This still has the ability to quickly reduce mass and encourage eating (4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

This is mediated in part by the effect of protein on hunger er, which regulates hormones such as ghrelin and others (9, 10).

If you do have breakfast, make sure you get plenty of protein. Studies have shown that people who eat a protein-rich lunch are not hungry and are less hungry that day (11).

High protein intake also helps prevent metabolic retardation, a common side effect of weight loss. Additionally, it helps prevent you from gaining back (12, 13, 14).


Low protein intake can cause weight loss to stall. You need to eat many protein-rich products.

Many people who have difficulty losing weight simply eat lots of calories.

You may think this does not apply to you, but keep in mind that research has consistently demonstrated that people tend to underestimate their caloric intake by a significant number (15, 16, 17).

If you are not losing weight, we encourage you to think about food and maintaining your calorie intake for a while.

The tools you will need include

  • Calorie Calculator. Use the calorie calculator to find out how many calories you should be eating.
  • Calorimeter. This is a list of five free websites and apps to help you track calories and caloric intake.

Keeping track of calories is even more important when trying to meet specific calorie goals, for example trying to remove 30% of calories from protein. Without proper storage of your baggage, this is impossible.

As a general rule, you do not need to count calories for the rest of your life or think about it all. Instead, think of these ways to feel how much you eat for a few days or months


If weight loss seems to be lagging, chances are you could use a very large amount of calories. People often overestimate their caloric intake.

Food quality is just as important as quantity.

Eating complete foods can improve your well being and regulate hunger. These foods tend to fill you up much better than their strongly covered counterparts.

Note that almost all coated foods with “health food” labels are not completely healthy. Read the ingredients on the package and be wary of products containing supplemental cabbage hydrates.


Make sure it is based on your entire diet. The use of many processed foods can negatively impact your weight loss.

One of the most powerful things you can do to lose weight is to do resistance exercises such as weight lifting.

This will help maintain your muscle mass. This is often burned along with body fat if you do not train (18).

Weightlifting helps prevent metabolic retardation and ensures that the body remains muscular (19).


Strength training is an effective way to lose fat. It prevents the loss of muscle mass that often accompanies weight loss and helps maintain fat loss over the long term.

Strength training often uses much more food than the body needs.

This can be a nonsense task for many people trying to lose overweight. Some people have every opportunity to say goodbye to highly covered foods, including if they are very “healthy,” and ease up on relatively necessary foods such as nuts, nut butters, pure chocolate, cheese, etc., but are still provided with their calories. d. Whether or not they are actually “healthy” Including, but still provided with its calories.


If you often overeat, this may be why your weight loss appears to be stationary.

Cardiovascular exercise, also known as cardio or aerobic exercise, includes any type of exercise that increases the rate of cardiac reduction. This includes activities such as jogging, cycling, and swimming.

It is one of the most effective techniques to improve your well being. It is also very effective in burning belly fat, which is harmful visceral fat that causes itself around your organs and diseases (20, 21).


Try to do regular aerobic exercise. This helps burn fat, especially in the middle. Lack of exercise can be one of the causes of weight loss plateaus.

Sweetened beverages are considered a removable critical food. You will eat less of other things because your brain will not replace the calories in them (22, 23).

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This does not only apply to tasty drinks such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi. It also applies to “healthier” drinks such as vitamin water, which is still full of sugar.

Even fruit juices are problematic and should not be used in large quantities; one glass can contain as much sugar as a few particles of very fruit.


Avoiding all flavored drinks is a good strategy for losing weight. They often form an important part of someone’s caloric intake.

Good night’s sleep is one of the most important things for weight as well as being a physiological and psychological well.

Studies show that sleep deprivation is one of the greatest risk factors for obesity. Sleep-deprived adults and young children are 55% and 89% more likely to become obese, respectively (24).


Lack of quality sleep is considered a potent risk factor for obesity. It can still impede weight loss progress.

If you need to lose more weight or have a metabolic disorder such as type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, you may want to consider a low-carbohydrate diet.

Short-term studies have shown that this type of diet can cause two to three times more weight loss than the traditional low-fat diet often recommended (25, 26).

On the other hand, a more recent study from 2018 found slight differences in the results of high-calorie, low-fat diets in high-calorie, low-carbohydrate substances (27). It is considered most important to develop a sustainable eating plan that can be looked forward to in the long term.

There are many positive aspects to a low-carbohydrate diet besides weight loss. These may still well lead to improvements in many metabolic markers such as triglycerides, HDL (good) cholesterol, and blood sugar, to name a few (28, 29, 30, 31).


If you are having difficulty losing excess weight, consider trying a low-carb diet. Nearly all studies show that low-carb diets can be an effective weight loss strategy.

It is a myth that everyone needs to eat large amounts of small meals every day to boost metabolism and lose excess weight.

Studies have actually shown that meal frequency literally has no effect on fat burning or weight loss (32, 33).

It is also tremendously inconvenient to make and eat food throughout the day, as it makes it much more difficult to prepare healthy meals.

On the other hand, there is an effective weight loss method called intermittent fasting, in which one viciously and strategically does not eat for extended periods of time (15-24 hours or more).


eating often leads to excessive caloric intake and limits weight loss efforts.

Drinking water is effective for weight loss.

In a 12-week weight loss study, those who drank 0.5 liters of water 30 minutes before a meal lost 44% more weight than those who did not drink (34).

Drinking water has also been shown to increase calorie consumption by 24 to 30% in 1.5 hours (35, 36).


Drink a glass of water before meals to reduce caloric intake. Drinking water may increase calorie consumption.

If you prefer alcohol but want to lose the overweight, you can keep it better with spirit (such as vodka) mixed with a calorie-free drink. Flavored beer, wine, and spirit contain significant calories.

Also note that spirit itself contains 7 calories per gram. This is the highest.

However, studies on alcohol and weight have shown mixed results. Heavy drinking is associated with weight gain, while alcohol consumption appears to be low (37).


Alcoholic beverages contain many calories. If you choose to drink alcohol, spirit will likely be mixed with a soft drink if you want to lose excess weight.

A technique called mindful eating can be one of the world’s most powerful remedies for losing weight.

It involves moving slowly without distraction, without biting, without pleasure and joy, and listening to the natural signals the brain tells the body when it has enough.

Many studies have shown that receptive tables have the ability to cause weight loss and reduce the frequency of overeating (38, 39, 40, 41).

Some guidelines for eating more meaningful foods include

  1. Eat without distractions and sit at the table with only food.
  2. Eat slowly and chew carefully. Aristocrats about color, aroma, flavor, and texture.
  3. If you begin to feel definitely, drink water and stop eating.


If you want to lose overweight, always eat wisely. Silly foods are one of the main reasons people have difficulty losing weight.

There are many medical conditions that have every opportunity to lead to weight gain and are much more difficult to get rid of being overweight.

These include hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and sleep apnea.

Certain medications can make weight loss more difficult or even cause weight gain.

If you think this applies to you, talk to your doctor about your options.


Health problems such as hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, and SPKJ can interfere with efforts to lose weight.

According to a 2014 survey, 9% of people in North America and Europe meet aspects of food addiction (42) (43).

If you experience dependence on ill foods, simple table and diet changes have the opportunity to rise to the practical.


Losing weight can be difficult if you are suffering from a strong craving for food or food addiction. Consider seeking professional help.

Staying on a “diet” for too long may not be a good idea.

If you have been without authority for months and have not touched a plateau, you may need to take a break.

Remember to increase your caloric intake by a few hundred calories a day, increase naps, freeze more intensely, and increase your authority to gain more muscle.

Try to retain fat percentage for a month or two before losing overweight again.


If you have reached a weight loss plateau, you may have been working for a very long time. It may be time to insert a break.

Weight loss is usually a slow process. Almost everyone loses patience before reaching their goal.

Often you can lose excess weight quickly at first, but there is little opportunity to continue losing authority at a rate of more than one or two pounds per week.

Another problem is unrealistic expectations of what is feasible with diet and physiological exercise calorie preparation.

The truth is that not everyone looks like a fitness model or athlete, and that’s okay. Pictures found in magazines and other spaces often look better.

If you have already lost weight but don’t want the scale to reach any further from that place, it is very possible to try to reorient your concern for body acceptance because that’s your future job.

At some moment, your authority will reach a certain point where your body feels comfortable. Trying to move beyond that may not be worth it, may not be close to reality, and may have a negative impact on your well.


When it comes to losing weight, people’s expectations are sometimes unrealistic. Remember that losing weight takes time and not everyone looks like a fitness model. Focus on developing personal intentions and goals for weight loss based on your needs.

Diet rarely works in the long run. In any case, studies have shown that people who follow a diet arrive more over time (44).

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Instead of losing weight through diet, it is better to embrace habits that promote wellness gains, which is your primary goal. Examples of this are caloric supplements, balanced foods, exercising as often and frequently as possible, and doing things that make you happy.

Focus on feeding your body, not ingesting it, and you will continue to lose footfall as a natural side effect.


Diet is not a long-term solution. If losing excess weight and avoiding it long term is your goal, focus on habits that promote well.

Losing weight is not normal every time. And countless moments have every opportunity to lead to it being delayed correct.

At the most primary level, if your caloric intake is greater than your caloric intake, you have the opportunity to achieve your weight loss goal.

Consider strategies such as creating meaningful meals, keeping a food diary, maximizing protein intake, and strength training.

Ultimately, changing your weight and the way you live your life requires patience, loyalty, positivity, and resilience.

Last seen June 15, 2021

Ready to make a lasting change?

You will be healthier wherever you are.

Have you heard that weight loss is essentially related to calorie intake versus calorie expenditure? Does this mean that to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume?

While this is not the only reason you need to eat in a calorie deficit to lose weight, there are also biological and physical aspects of eating in a calorie deficit that make weight loss difficult.

For example, each person consumes a different number of calories per day, and this varies from day to day.

Metabolism and hormones affect the amount of calories the body consumes in a day. Thus, it may not be easy to lose weight, even if you are calorie deficient.

Furthermore, almost all people work to reduce excess weight with resolutions that are ultimately not considered sustainable, such as cutting entire food groups or consuming very few calories, none of which are sustainable in the long term.

The fundamental to losing excess weight and maintaining that weight for the long term is to incorporate it into a form of living that allows people to maintain a healthy body shape.

Numa not only helps people change their behaviors and develop healthier habits, but also encourages them to enjoy their favorite foods and treats (in small amounts).

For example, cutting back on calories can actually lead to disappointing results.

You need calories to work properly. And eating too little can lead to headaches, fatigue, lowered immunity, lowered metabolism, and other side effects (none of which are good for weight loss!). .

Also, even if you lose weight rapidly on an unusual diet, you may regain it (and then some).

On the other hand, if you choose a more stable layout, your progress may be a little slower, but if you can stick with it, it will probably take longer.

That’s a very long wait.


When you eat a lot, your metabolism slows down and you lose the ability to properly burn all the calories you have consumed. These extra calories may freeze extra weight. You may also overeat because you are hungry. Remember to eat less and more often.

You eat very often

You eat very often!


Great, you don’t like to cook. But when you eat the bulk of your meals at restaurants, it can be difficult to control your authority. For example, so-called non-weight meals have the opportunity to own more calories than you think. And we are not just talking about dinner. Someone who eats out every day has a better chance of gaining up to 5 pounds than someone who drinks coffee.

You sit all day

Are eggs worth the food?

Although they get a bad rap in some circles, eggs are full of calories and protein. This is the right aristocrat for you.

Breakfast pictures


Other Reasons You Won’t Lose Weight

You lose weight & lt; pran & gt; There are no clear comparisons for exercise or healthy eating. This is a matter of trying and experimenting with what works for your body. And spending more time in the gym does not always mean you are healthier. Unless you are an athlete, bodybuilder, or marathon runner in training, the average person should not work more than an hour a day.

Holding water is another common cause you may not be losing weight but centimeters. Even if you are not exercising, you may indeed lose centimeters, but not weight. This is because you burn muscle and fat, but she is still exchanged for water.

Your body is composed of 60% water. This clearly shows how much you can influence your body weight when stepping on the scale (5). Thus, due to the weight of the water, the body can only lose 4 to 5 pounds a day. You may have heard of fighters who disappeared 10 kilos before a competition, and that is not the case with the fighter who lost 10 kilos before the competition, but with the fighter who lost 10 kilos before the competition.

Apart from that, if you are a woman and come to the stage, your body has the capacity to keep water for a month and a half at the base (6). The good news, however, is that you do have a stage. During this time you will find water and this authority will disappear.

If you do have water authority, it is recommended that you modify your diet and avoid eating many salty products (7). Salt foods are necessary and if you follow a diet rich in sodium, your body will conserve more water. keeping up with this app such as myfitnesspal is the best way to find a diet that does not eat very large amounts of salt.

Also avoid eating large amounts of carbohydrates. A diet with a lot of carbs can lead to your body retaining more water (8). I understand that it can be a lot of work to keep track of what you eat, but there is a saying that “what gets measured gets managed”. Thus, even if you only keep it for a few days, you can take a much more accurate picture of what you really eat.

If you eat a lot of salt products, start with the rasings. Try replacing these foods with foods that contain more potassium, such as avocados and spinach. This will certainly help remove some of the salt from your body and draw out this water authorities (9).

You have been training for a long time and it is hardly a challenge!

There is no clear comparison between exercise and healthy eating – it’s a matter of trying and finding out what works for your body. And more time in the gym does not necessarily mean you are always fit. If you are not considered an athlete, bodybuilder, or marathon runner in training, the average person should not train more than an hour a day.

Training sessions should be based on intensity, not on timeliness. Remember this: the harder you train, the shorter your training time will be.

Tip: Maximize the time you spend in the gym, doing fitness exercises, or training at home to achieve the coveted after dinner effect that protects your metabolism for 24 to 48 hours.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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