Whooping Cough Tests

A whooping cough test Nasal Dampness is usually used to diagnose whooping cough Also known as a cooping cough.

Whooping cough It is a serious bacterial infection of the airways. It can cause a very cough. In severe cases, the cough can last until the entire air disappears from your breath. For this reason, you must be aired out, what an echo.” whooping You will make a noise.” After the coughing stops, breathing becomes normal again until you begin to wheeze again.

Whooping cough It is easily spread from person to person, usually by coughing or sneezing. You can get it at any age. But the disease is more serious in children and children who are too young to be sick to vaccinate all children. whooping cough field. infants less than 1 year old. get whooping cough Often require hospital care.

Whooping cough tests It helps to determine the illness early. This is important because this is more necessary when healing takes place before the onset of a serious cough.

Best Protection Methods whooping cough Is to vaccinate against whooping cough. Vaccinated people still have a good chance get whooping cough but their illness is usually mild and brief.

Other names: Whooping cough test Bordetella persussis, PCR, antibodies (IgA, IgG, IgM).

What are the tests used for?

Whooping cough tests Used to recognize babies and children. has whooping cough Diagnosing and curing the infection in its early stages can lessen the impact of symptoms and help prevent spread of the disease.

Why do I need a whooping cough test ?

Your care provider can a whooping cough test If you or your baby has symptoms of whooping cough You or your baby may still need treatment. a test If you are exposed to someone who has a cold. has whooping cough And you show signs of a cold.

Symptoms of whooping cough Usually, three steps are necessary. Then everything else. get tested In the first step, the healing works harder than everything else. At this stage, the signs look like signs of a cold. They can and usually do last for a month or two:

  • Brutal.
  • Light fever.
  • Mild cough (babies may not cough )
  • There is a pause in breathing, called apnea.

In the second stage, the symptoms are more severe and they may consist of

  • A severe cough with an even higher high-pitched tinge. whoop ” sound
  • Hard cough, so you must vomit
  • After coughing you feel useless
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The cough gets worse and has a chance to stay that way for more than 10 months. You will not be able to cope with less serious illness whoop Infection is usually smoother in young people and adults, and even smoother in those who have the vaccine.

In the third stage, the cough It will be softer, and you cough not so infrequently. However, recovery may be slower.

What happens during a whooping cough test ?

Two types of tests Often used to diagnose whooping cough . Both tests Use water and cell samples from behind the nose. Physicians have the option of ordering one or both samples. tests :

  • Bacteria culture test . This test More accurate if done within the first 2 months of the start of the cough. The aqueous sample is sent to the laboratory. Cells in the sample grow until they are large enough. to test Then the field sample is tested for whooping cough of bacteria. The results of the test have the opportunity to be borrowed for up to one week.
  • PCR. test . This test It is most accurate if performed in the first 3 to 4 weeks after the start of the cough. PCR test Test a water sample of one genetic tissue the whooping cough bacteria. Results can be ready within 2 hours.

For bacterial growth or PCR test The physician applies one of these techniques and collects the water sample and cells from the nose.

  • Nasal aspiration or washing. The physician places a salt solution in the mouth and then removes the sample with soft suction.
  • Swab test The physician uses a special swab to retrieve the sample from the back of the nose.

Blood tests Antibody Testing to whooping cough Not usually used to determine infection. Scientists use it tests to study the spread of whooping cough in the community. Shouting. cough Antibodies are proteins in the blood that produce the immune system to prevent infection. Blood antibodies test can be created 2-12 months after the onset of a cough. So, the test civilization, they can be applied at a later stage PCR tests It is not possible to produce clear results.

If you have a blood test The caregiver collects a blood sample from a vein in the arm with a small needle. After the needle is placed in a tube or vial, a small amount of blood is collected. a test tube or bottle. Some pressure can be felt when the needle is in and out. This usually takes less than 5 minutes.

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Something must be arranged to prepare for the blood sampling. a whooping cough test ?

No special preparation is required. a whooping cough test .

There are risks. the tests ?

There are few risks. to whooping cough tests .

  • Nasal aspiration and blushing can be uncomfortable. These effects are short-lived.
  • For a swab test When the beak is loosened, a suffocating or itching sensation can be experienced.
  • For a blood test The area where the needle is inserted can be slightly sore or bruised, but most signs disappear quickly.

What do the results mean?

For bacterial growth. test :

  • Positive results mean you have it. whooping cough .
  • A negative result means you don’t have it. whooping cough But that does not rule it out. In your case. test Monster is taken very late. Or if you are taking the drug before the sample is taken. test The results may be inaccurate.

For a PCR test :

  • Positive results are when the genetic tissue of the the whooping cough bacteria are found in your test monster, and you probably have whooping cough . But the PCR test made a mistake with tissue from other related microorganisms. for whooping cough bacteria.
  • A negative result means you probably do not have the bacterium. whooping cough But that does not rule it out. It is possible that the monster did not give enough germination to test. the test to be accurate.

To make a diagnosis, your doctor will. test results, your symptoms, and whether you have been exposed to to whooping cough .

Blood testing for whooping cough antibodies, which are not recommended for diagnosis. a whooping cough infection. In case you have it test And you have been vaccinated, some antibodies will be found in your test Result. As the blood test We believe that other antibodies may mean that you have recently whooping cough infection.

Whooping cough treated with antibiotics. If you started healing before you yourself, the drugs could make your infection more serious cough disease. Healing can help prevent the spread of the disease to others. If you have any questions test results or healing, consult your own physician.

Is there anything else I should know? whooping cough tests ?

Vaccination is the best defense against disease. whooping cough However, it does not provide lasting protection. Ask your caregiver when you and your baby need to be vaccinated. Your doctor can still answer all your questions about possible side effects of the vaccine.

If you are pregnant, you should receive the vaccination between weeks 27 and 36 of pregnancy. If vaccinated during each pregnancy, pass protection to the baby during the first few months of life before the baby is vaccinated. whooping cough If vaccinated during each pregnancy, pass protection to the baby for the first few months of life before the baby is vaccinated.

Supplied by MedlinePlus from the State Medical Library.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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