PTEN Genetic Test

A PTEN genetic This test uses a sample of blood or other body tissue to look for changes in a gene named PTEN. A change in a gene is also called a mutation or mutation of a gene.

A gene is a piece of DNA in a cell that you inherit from your protector. Genes carry information that determines how you look and how your body functions.

PTEN is a picture of a gene called “tumor suppressor”. Tumor – morning suppressor provides a note that makes a protein that determines how fast your cells grow and share and make new cells. The protein helps stop the rise of cells that are not normal.

If the PTEN gene has a configuration, the gene or protein cannot function fully or stop working altogether. This can lead to serious health problems, including cancer.A PTEN gene configuration can be acquired or inherited.

Acquired configurations of the gene occur over time after birth. acquired configurations of the PTEN gene are usually found in various types of cancer, including prostate cancer, uterine cancer, and some types of brain tumors. acquired configurations of the PTEN gene:

  • Occurs when your cells blunder when sharing to form new cells
  • Occurs when you are exposed to cancer-causing drugs.
  • Only appears in certain types of cells.
  • Usually cannot be transferred to your children because they are not sperm or eggs.

Inherited configurations of genes – These are configurations that you have created. They can be found in every cell of your body, including your testicles and sperm cells. This means they are likely to be passed on to your children.

Hereditary abnormalities of the PTEN gene are not common. However, if they are, they can cause many different types of disorders. All of these disorders are related to the growth of benign tumors (no cancer). These tumors are called hypothoracic. The disorders are grouped and PTS is called Hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS); Cowden syndrome and Bannayan-Rurilee-Rravalcaba syndrome are considered two types of PHT disorders.

Subpleural and other signs of PHT are more likely to be noticed in childhood and later in life; PHTS increases the risk of certain forms of cancer, but the cancer usually occurs only in adulthood.

Other names: PTS gene, absolute gene test. pte sequence and deletion/replication.

What is it used for?

The PTEN genetic This test is used to look for changes in the PTEN gene. It is not a routine test. Applicable to.

  • Find out if changes in the PTEN gene are involved in cancer.
  • Discover if there is a genetic configuration for the PTEN gene.
    • Families with the Pten-gene construct
    • PTEN HAMARTOMA Tumor Syndrome Symptoms (PHTS)

    Why is PTS needed? genetic test?

    PTS may be needed if cancer is present. genetic Make sure the cancer cells have the PTEN gene alteration. The genetic makeup of the cancer may affect how the disease responds to healing and how the disease has the ability to generate itself over time. In this way, the results of your research will help you work on your healing project.

    If you have a PTEN-GENE change or a PHT characteristic family situation, PTS can genetic test its potential to help you understand and overcome your cancer risk. The analysis has the ability to indicate if there are a genetic there are changes you can tell your child about.

    You or your child may need the following tests if you have signs of PHT

    • Numerous peritonses, especially in the mouth, stomach, intestinal tract, or skin
    • Larger than normal (macrocephaly)
    • Developmental delay, learning disabilities, and/or autism
    • Dark freckles on the penis
    • Thyroid, kidney, or colorectal cancer
    • Uterine or breast cancer (women only)

    If you are pregnant and have a family situation of PTEN-gene changes, you can look at the probability of testing as part of your prenatal testing. This analysis has the opportunity to indicate if your baby has a chance of being born with PTEN HAMARTOMA tumor syndrome.

    What happens during PTEN genetic test?

    If PTS is present genetic See if you have cancer. The test pattern depends on your cancer:

    • With large tumors, the tumor of the tumor is often used for testing. Tissue samples can be taken during surgery to remove the tumor. If you have not undergone surgery, a biopsy of the tumor can be performed to return a small amount of tissue.
    • Bone marrow testing is often performed on cancers of the blood or bone marrow. Bone marrow is the smooth, spongy material inside the bone. The majority of bone marrow samples are taken at the back of the thigh.

    If there is an analysis to find the genetic makeup of the hereditary gene, chances are there will be a

    • Blood Testing. During the blood test, the care provider takes blood from a vein in the arm with a small needle.
    • Bacal (cheek) smear. Your care provider will place a swab in your food, rub the inside of your cheek, and collect a cell sample.

    If testing the fetus, the sample can be collected with lubricant.

    • Amniocentesis. This procedure collects the monster of amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy. The fluid contains baby cells that can be selected. Amniocentesis is usually performed between 15 and 20 months of pregnancy.
    • ChorionVillia Sampling (CVS). This procedure collects tissue from the chorionic flakes, which are considered part of the placenta. The placenta is an organ that increases in the uterus to provide calories and air to the baby. The chorionic flakes usually have the same genes as the fetus; CFS is usually performed between 10 and 13 months of pregnancy.

    Need to prepare for testing?

    If a tissue biopsy or bone marrow test is being done, ask your doctor how you can prepare.

    Blood tests or buccal swabs usually require little or no preparation.

    For CFS or amniocentesis, you must help yourself to fluids for the test, not pee to fill the bladder.

    Were there any risks involved in the test?

    The risks of a biopsy depend on the type of biopsy you get. In general, there is potential for soreness, pain, or bleeding where the material is separated.

    After a bone marrow test, you may suffer rigidity or be limited to the bed from which the sample was taken. This usually disappears after a few days. Unusual risks are uncommon, but may include swelling, bleeding into space or fever.

    Blood tests contain a fairly small risk. There is a possibility of minor soreness and bruising in the room where the needle is inserted, but most symptoms disappear automatically.

    There is no risk for a cheeky output.

    During amniotic fluid or CFS, a slight buildup or cramping can be felt. Neither procedure is dangerous, but there is a small risk of getting a miscarriage. Talk to your midwife about the risks and benefits of these tests.

    What do the results mean?

    If you have cancer and the test results show that you have undergone changes in the PTEN gene, your doctor may be able to tell you what this means for your healing intentions and future health.

    If the test results indicate that you have a specific genetic configuration of the PTEN gene, it does not mean that you have cancer. However, your risk of developing cancer may be higher than most people. Your doctor can discuss steps you can take with you to lower your risk of cancer:

    • Annual Surveys
    • Routine cancer screenings to detect cancer in its early stages when it is easier to treat.
    • Lifestyle changes, such as exercising more, eating healthier, and quitting smoking.
    • Taking medications or having surgery (mastectomy) to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
    • Surgery (hysterectomy) to reduce the risk of uterine cancer

    For boys, physicians can recommend annual testing, including skin testing. Annual thyroid studies can begin at age 7. Your child can still need controls to see how the brain and nervous system develop.

    Need to know more about PTEN? genetic test?

    If you are considering being tested for genetic changes in the PTEN gene, it helps to speak with your care provider. a genetic Speak with a genetic consultant. Genetic consultants are specially trained to help you understand the risks and benefits of testing for you and your family. This will help you form a well-considered decision.

    If a genetic change in the PTEN gene has been established for you, the counselor may be able to estimate your cancer risk. The consultant can also help you make decisions about testing your child and how to manage your risk over time.

    Provided by MedlinePlus, a state medical library. & lt; pran & gt; following surgery (hysterectomy) to reduce the risk of uterine cancer.

    See also  Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) Test

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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