Pain On Right Side Of Stomach

Pain in your flatulence is specific anywhere in your body or intestines and usually causes bloated stomach. stomach The intestinal tract and usually causes bloated belly. Gas is considered a simple digestive process. The use of gas-type products such as cabbage, broccoli, and beans can cause excessive gas. Pain due to gas and a bloated abdomen is considered the result of gas clogging the digestive system. according to Mayoclinic. com can make a bloated belly through useless gas. It makes the abdomen swollen.

Pain on the right side of the abdomen can be caused by disorders such as appendicitis, chyle, kidney problems, reproductive system problems, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), stomach complaints, or gas.

There are many likely reasons for discomfort in your right abdomen. Usually, pain in the right abdomen is nothing to worry about; it will automatically disappear within a day or two.

However, if you experience permanent discomfort, you must go to your doctor. He can evaluate and diagnose your symptoms.

If you have pain in your right abdomen, you may be curious if you should go to the emergency department.

Usually, lower right abdominal pain is not considered nonsense pain. If you experience sudden severe abdominal pain, or if your abdominal pain is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, you should seek medical help immediately

  • An impending sensation in your chest
  • Chest pain, jaw, neck or arm
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Difficulty or pain when swallowing
  • Sweating
  • Fever
  • Vomiting or blood in stools
  • Constant nausea and vomiting
  • Skin that appears yellowish or clear white (yellow und)
  • Strong sensitivity to touch on the abdomen
  • Abnormal swelling of your stomach
  • Black or tame stools
  • Constant loss of appetite
  • Abnormal weight loss

If you notice any of these symptoms, call 112 or your local emergency services or have someone take you to the emergency department. Healing can help prevent these symptoms from becoming more serious or life-threatening.

Others experience pain on the right side of the body

‘I had pain in the right side of my body, in my back and in my poor neck is still done and the fingers of my right hand are still done. Hands. I have frequent strong headaches . I found a place in my neck cause pain. Doctor advised MRI and found nothing serious except slight tendon inflammation. The doctor found a kind of nerve Disorder. A lesion that spread itself to my right arm. My symptoms include memory loss and confusion. All these symptoms without a positive diagnosis upset me.”

‘I am a little helpless and have pain on the right side of my body. I have been to four doctors who could not give me a diagnosis; one suggested confused sclerosis. That this will definitely help heal my corpse quickly.”

When to go to the hospital

There are warning signs that indicate an urgent need to go to a clinic.

  • Sudden, fairly strong pain located in a specific space or increasing with time.
  • Fever or difficulty breathing.
  • High blood pressure, tachycardia, cold sweats or pure malaise.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea that does not pass.

In these cases, in addition to evaluating all signs and symptoms, the physician may also order diagnostic tests such as ultrasound or CT scan.

Med Review edited by the editors of TuaSaúde, completed in November 2022 by Dr. GonzaloRamírez, a physician and psychologist in co-practice.

Which organ is located on the lower right side of a woman’s abdomen?

The ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other female reproductive organs are in the lower right quadrant, where the appendix of the large intestine and the upper lobes are also located. When diagnosing appendicitis, it is possible to study the correct quadrant of the abdomen. In this story, the quadrant is sensitive and painful.

Discomfort in the pelvic region can be caused by many things, including monthly cramps, ovulation, and gastrointestinal disorders such as food intolerance. This situation can be the result of a nonsense problem. Pain in the pelvic region could indicate an infection or problem with the reproductive system or other organs in this region.

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The right side of the chest is one of many possible causes of pain. It is even one of the most popular reasons people visit the emergency department, says Arts Stephen Cassan, internal medicine officer at the Missouri Institute in Columbia, Missouri.

When a doctor tries to qualify the basis of pain on the right side of the chest, he or she will assess what is actually in that part of the body. This also includes:

– Cartilage and connective tissue images.

-Pleura gives a delicate interior decoration around the rib bone and rib bone cavities.

– The woman has the right vest.

However, pain can arise on the right side of the chest from another part of the body. For example, you can have an injury to your neck or shoulder, but it is still possible to feel pain on the right side of the chest, says Arts Mary Ann Bauman, a Seattle internal medicine officer and spokeswoman for the American Heart Association.

The heart is typically on the left side of the body, but some people shift it to the right. At the unfortunate Sinai Noon Nassau in Oceanside, New York, is Art Pilar Stevens Haynes, a cardiologist and director echocardiography. That’s why signs of a heart attack are more likely to appear on the right side of the chest, not just the left side.

When to Seek Medical Assistance

Not all causes of pain on the right side of the chest are serious, but some are. Every time you have pain on the right side of your chest, you owe it to yourself to indicate this to your own physician. You owe it to yourself to seek emergency assistance for right sided chest pain:

– The right feeling that you are going to lose your mind.

– There are pains that come on quickly and swiftly and no longer go away. Or there is pain that goes through your jaw or arm. This may indicate a heart attack.

– You already have respiratory problems.

– There is shortness of breath.

According to a text by luxury platform therapist Arts Linda Anegawa, it is fundamentally important to eliminate the nonsense causes of chest pain before imagining that the pain contains the most nonsense foundations.

Causes of Chest Pain

Possible causes of pain on the right side of the breast include

– Musculoskeletal overload or injury.


Anxiety attacks are triggered by an overwhelming sense of stress or fear. Some signs of falling anxiety include

– Increased heartbeat. Dr. Snick D. Pozina, an internist and hospitalist in New York City, can think you are having a heart attack.

– Anxiety and uneasiness.

– Shortness of breath.

– Nausea and abdominal pain.

The drop in anxiety usually lasts 10 to 30 minutes. If you do not suspect that you are experiencing a drop in anxiety or a heart attack, go to your doctor to rule out other physiological causes.


As the name suggests, Folded Lung refers to air being pressed against the lungs, causing it to collapse. Another name for this is Pneumothorax. It is not always clear what the cause of collapsed nontender is, but it can be explained by damage caused by trauma or non-injury to the chest.

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Another sign of collapsed nontender is shortness of breath. If you suspect you have a collapsed nontender, especially if the pain is not good, and if you have lots of breathing problems, you MUST go to the emergency department.

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus infection.

Chest pain caused by Covid-19 can occur on one or both sides of the chest. Anegawa says the pain can be caused by muscle tension from coughing or body aches from fever.

Pneumonia can also occur as a result of Covid-19, which can cause chest pain. Heart problems caused by Covid-19, such as heart deficiency or heart damage, can still contribute to right-sided chest pain. These pains usually occur at least five days after the first symptoms of Covid-19 and are more common in people who have not been vaccinated against Covid, explains Anegawa.

Coticon chondritis

Cartilage connects our rib bones to the rib bone. Coticon chondritis is inflammation of the cartilage in this part of the body. Signs of coticondylitis are chest pain and aching, which is aggravated by coughing or breathing deeply.

Coticonchondritis can be caused by trauma to the chest (e.g., motor vehicle accident), excessive physiologic strain in the chest, or numerous coughs.

If you don’t suspect the cause of your chest pain, but suspect it is cotocondolitis, go to a doctor to rule out more serious conditions such as a heart attack; according to Anegawa’s text, cotocondolitis occurs in one-third to half of patients who come to first aid with annoying chest pain.


Your bile is located in the upper right corner of your stomach. It stores a substance called bile, which helps your body break down fatty foods. Pain on the right side of your chest can shine from your gallbladder.

Considered one of the tubes in the gallbladder that transports bile in the body, there are plenty of gallbladder problems that are accompanied by annoying pain on the right side of the body, such as infection, gallstones, or bile duct inflammation.

If you suspect that you have one of these gallstone-related problems, you should seek medical assistance.


Gerd, short for gastroesophageal reflux, is also called acid reflux. It is caused by the acid in its the stomach digestive tract.GERD is considered a common cause of pain on the right side of the chest.Other signs of GERD

– Bitter taste in the mouth.

– It causes a cough that is not associated with respiratory disease.

GERD is not considered nonsense, but it is embarrassing. if you think you are feeling GERD, consider help such as a stomach acid inhibitor. if you continue to worry about signs of GERD several times a week, make an appointment with your doctor.

Acute Heart and Vascular Disease

Most people’s hearts are located on the left side of the body, but there is still a chance that pain on the right side of the chest could be associated with a heart attack. Other signs of a heart attack are so

– Shortness of breath.

– Pushing or pain in the arm, jaw, neck, or back.

Symptoms of a heart attack may vary from patient to patient; according to Posina’s text, they may still be different from women. For example, women do not experience the same pain as men. They may also suffer from fainting, stomach complaints, and a lot of lethargy, symptoms that do not usually occur in men.

If you think you are having a heart attack, call 112. Don’t assume that if the pain is on your right side, it won’t be heart pain,” Bauman warns.

Liver problems

Because pain from one part of the body can radiate to another part of the body, liver problems can eventually cause pain on the right side of the chest, says Karen Jubanik, assistant professor of emergency medicine at Yale School of Medicine. In New Haven, Conn.

Liver problems still likely to cause chest pain include

– Alcoholitis, inflammation of the liver caused by alcohol.

– Inflammation, or late-stage liver disease.

– Liver skin replacement or excessive fat accumulation.

You will usually work with your own doctor or specialist to treat these liver disorders.

Lung cancer

Depending on the location of the tumor or tumors caused by the more area type of cancer, someone may have the option of feeling pain on the right side of the chest. Other signs associated with non-critical cancers are

– Unexplained cough.

– Experiencing more lethargy.

– Weight loss with no apparent cause.

Smoking is considered the greatest risk factor for non-serious cancers. If you have any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor. Previously discovered non-vigorous forms of cancer have better outcomes.

Musculoskeletal tax or trauma.

Stevens-Hynes says the chest can be injured after a heavy cough shower or after intensive work such as sports.

If this type of injury occurs and there is pain on the side you are traveling on, tell your doctor. However, if you are feeling well, it need not be an emergency. Your doctor may recommend anesthesia or heat/ice cream treatments, which are freely available.


Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, the organ behind the pancreas. the stomach It helps in digestion and cures blood sugar. Pancreatitis is often caused by alcohol or a viral infection.Jubanyik says that pancreatitis can often lead to chest pain. This can be felt on the right side of the chest.

Other symptoms of pancreatitis are

– Lightheadedness or nausea.

If there are serious signs of pancreatitis and stomach pain, go to the emergency department for assistance.


There are two layers of tissue, called the pericardium, that surround the heart and help move the heart through space. When this tissue becomes inflamed, this is called pericarditis. Chest pain is considered a common sign of pericarditis. The pain can feel like heart attack pain. Like heart attack pain, the pain may worsen as you breathe deeply. Pain tends to be positional. If you are flat, and worse if you lean forward.

However, pain can be caused by a mental attack. It can be caused by infection, injury, or heart surgery. If pericarditis is suspected, seek medical assistance immediately.


Outside the noncerebral cavity and inside the thoracic cavity is a beautiful membrane called the pleura. Pleuritis or pleurisy is the name for inflammation in the pleura. There is usually moisture covering the pleura layer. When pleurisy is present, the layers oppose each other and cause pain. It can also cause shortness of breath and cough.

The cause of pleurisy is not always clear, but infection is one of the culprits. If you suspect you have pleurisy, go to the doctor.


Pneumonia is an infection of one or both of the lungs. Signs of pneumonia are, among others, pain on the right or both sides of the rib cage, plus

– Pain, it is worse if you cough.

– You feel more tired.

Pneumonia can be even more serious in people over 65 who have heart problems or are maintaining a serious illness. If you think you have pneumonia, go to the doctor immediately.


A nonpulmonary embolism is an obstruction that ends in one of the nonpulmonary pulmonary arteries. Most pulmonary embolisms are caused by a blood clot that forms in the leg and goes to a non-pulmonary artery. Draws associated with pulmonary embolism include

– Arrhythmias.

The risks of pulmonary embolism are as follows

– Long duration.

– Increased risk of coagulation. This may be genetically determined or may be related to these disorders such as cancer.

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– Past pulmonary embolism situations.

Serious embolisms can be life-threatening. Therefore, seek medical assistance immediately.

Pulmonary Hypertension.

According to Jubanyik’s text, pulmonary hypertension is present when the arterial pressure in non-pulmonary vessels increases. Other symptoms associated with pulmonary hypertension are so

– Shortness of breath.

Non-system hypertension is more common in patients with HIV/AIDS, acquired non-spiritual obstructive disorders and sickle cell disease (erythrocyte disease). If you have non-vigorous or early symptoms of pulmonary hypertension, you may go to a physician. Otherwise, symptoms are serious enough to go to the emergency department.

Rib Bone Fractures

Rib bone fractures are often caused by trauma to the rib bone. Pain in a broken rib bone on the right side of the chest can be aggravated by coughing, laughing, or sneezing. Near the area where the interruption occurred, you can still have swelling and bruising.

If you suspect you have a rib bone fracture, seek medical assistance immediately; according to the Posina text, if you have had a catastrophe or trauma, there may be other damage to internal organs that mysteriously need to heal.


Shingles is caused by a microorganism called water cell osleva. This microbe is also thought to be a condition of chicken po. When you get chicken po, this bacterium remains in your body. However, at the end of life, it has the opportunity to reactivate in the body as shingles.

Pulp often causes a painful rash or blistering on the left or right side of the body. Pain may precede or follow the result or the development of blisters. If it is on the right side of your body it can cause pain on the right side of your chest. Pain through microorganisms is a picture of nerve pain that spreads to an area called the expanse of skin.

If you have skin rashes or blisters or a bothersome sore on the right side of your chest, call your own doctor right away, Bauman recommends. There are antiviral means to cure shingles, but it should be started as soon as possible; there is also a shingles vaccine for people over 50 that can prevent shingles attacks.

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Update 09. 02. 22: The situation has been previously located and updated with new information.

Pain in the lower right side of the abdomen: known causes

In the lower right part of the abdomen, slightly higher than the pelvis, are organs such as the appendix, the colon, and the LOB of the female reproductive system. However, the kidneys are located in the upper part of the body and kidney-related pain is often felt in the lower part of the abdomen (just below the quadrant or LRQ).


The appendix is a small organ located in the lower right part of the abdomen, and appendicitis can cause excruciating pain to the right.

Often, however, the first sign of appendicitis is navel pain. It is usually the recurring pain that evokes memories of deep, aching pain. Doctors in the National Health Service say the pain moves to the right and becomes more active. The pain then becomes constant and intense, causing severe discomfort.18

Other signs that are likely to accompany appendicitis may involve, among others

  • Sensitivity and pain when pressing on the right lobe of the abdomen.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Inability to pass gas
  • High fever

Appetitive infection can quickly become inflamed and it requires urgent medical assistance. If there are signs of an inflamed appendix, medical assistance should be sought immediately.



Pain in the LRQ associated with an appendix infection can often be confused with a condition called diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is a condition in which small pouches develop in the colon and become inflamed.

According to the Yonsei Medical Journal, pain in the lower right quadrant can be a rare sign of diverticulitis. It often occurs on the lower right side of the abdomen due to the huge lobe of the colon. Diverticulitis pain on the right side usually occurs in people between the ages of 20 and 40. Pain on the lower left side of the abdomen is still considered a sign.19

If diverticulitis causes pain on the right side of the abdomen, you probably still have the right symptoms

  • greasiness
  • Shaking or fever
  • Nausea
  • Constipation or occasional diarrhea

There are many techniques for treating diverticulitis naturally. These include a fiber-rich diet, lots of exercise, and a religious press of stolonica to eliminate gastrointestinal complaints.

Kidney Stones

The formation of mineral deposits in the right kidney can result in kidney stones, which can cause severe pain to the right. Your kidney is located in the middle of your back under your rib cage. Abdominal pain from kidney stones can be felt anywhere from the middle of your back to the gro

Dr. Melissa Conrad Stepler, M.D., states for medical use that kidney stones can be caused by kidney stones in the abdomen, lower back, and the knee of the leg leg. The pain can be intermittent and go in waves of different intensities. What most people talk about kidney pain can also occur and can be worse than pain in family members.20

With kidney stones there is still every opportunity for these symptoms.

  • Lending bloody urine.
  • Symptoms of urinary tract infection, including painful urination and cloudy urine.
  • Nausea and nausea with abdominal pain
  • Ball pain (male)

To get rid of kidney stones the natural way, one should drink diluted apple cider vinegar. Studies have shown that apple vinegar can help resolve kidney stones and reduce pain.

Kidney Infection

Infection of the right kidney (renal lone nephritis) can cause acute pain in the right flank, abdomen, or lower back.

According to clinical evidence from the BMJ, the most important signs associated with kidney infection pain are

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain when urinating
  • Cloudy pattern or nasty smelling urine
  • Pain in your genitals

To determine kidney infection, your doctor will examine your urine for the presence of white blood cells and bacteria.

Crohn’s disease

Pain on the left or right side of the lower abdomen is often considered a sign of Crohn’s disease. This is an inflammatory disease of the intestinal tract affecting the intestinal tract.

Dr. Colin Tidy from Pain. Information explains that pain on the right side of the lower abdomen is considered a common sign of Crohn’s disease. Other signs of this painful digestive disorder are

  • Diarrhea
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Swearing in the intestinal tract likely to cause stools with blood
  • Leaky anus
  • Anemia if there is internal bleeding.
  • Pain around the rectum

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Men and women may suffer bilateral lower abdominal pain when there is a urinary tract infection. A urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria penetrate the urinary tract and can cause anywhere from genital to kidney, inflammation and pain.

According to Arts Trina Pagano, WebMD says lower abdominal pain just above the pelvis is a common sign of a urinary tract infection.22 According to medical information in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the most common signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections are: pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the pelvis, and pain in the lower abdomen.

  • Only
  • Shaking and fever
  • Back or pelvic pain
  • Increased urge to pee
  • Urine of a different color
  • Abdominal pain while urinating

It is important to treat the first signs of a urinary tract infection to prevent it from getting worse. To know what you can do, you can read my article on natural remedies for urinary tract infections. & lt; pran & gt; Dr. Trina Pagano of WebMD says lower abdominal pain just above the pelvis is a common sign of a urinary tract infection.22 According to the Journal of the American Medical Association’s Medical Information, the most common signs and symptoms of a urinary tract infection are

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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