Lyme Disease Tests

Lyme disease It is an infection caused by bacteria passing through the bite of a tick. Lyme. disease tests Look for symptoms of infection in a sample of blood or brain fluid (Cerebrospinalis (CSF)) CSF is a colorless fluid that flows around the brain and spinal cord. The test It refers to the presence of antibodies that the immune system is preparing to fight the bacteria that causes Lyme. disease .

You can get Lyme disease It bites you as an infected tick. Ticks have a good chance to grab you anywhere on your body, but they usually bite in difficult places such as your gro radius, scalp, knee caves, and armpits.

Most Lyme disease Not much larger than a pin is caused by the bite of a small baby signet. For example, you cannot tell that you have been bitten. Generally, infected ticks must sting you for 36 to 48 hours before giving you lime. disease bacteria.

Lyme can do without healing disease gradual health problems that may affect your joints, heart, and nervous system. However, if your lime disease can usually heal after several months of treatment with antibiotics. If discovered later, healing may take up to 8 months.

Other names: Lyme AnteloiadeTection, Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies test (CSF), Borrelia DNA detection, IgM/IgG Van Western blot, Lyme disease test (CSF), Borrelia antibodies, IgM/IgG.

What are they used for?

Lyme disease tests They are used to recognize whether Lyme is present or not disease infection. Your doctor will probably order the following the test If there are good signs of Lyme chances are disease and you are exposed or may be exposed to signs of infection.

In the United States, infected signs are most frequent in the following states

  • Northeast
  • Mid-Atlantic
  • Midwest
  • Pacific Coast, especially Northern California

Why do I need Lyme? disease test ?

You may need a test If there are signs of infection and you have been exposed or may have been exposed to a tick that the bacteria causes Lyme disease First signs of Lyme disease Usually 3 to 30 days after the tick bite.

Early signs and symptoms may include

  • A red, round skin rash that slowly worsens over several days. It usually does not itch and is not painful, but may become warm. Worse, it may look like a bull’s eye (red ring with an accidental center), but not always.
  • High fever
  • Horror
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Muscles
  • Swollen lymph nodes (“swollen glands”)

Later symptoms and signs of Lyme disease Usually affects the joints and nervous system. They include

  • Severe headaches and a stiff neck
  • Results in other parts of your body
  • Facial paralysis (hanging from one or both sides of the face)
  • Arthritis with difficult, annoying joint pain and swelling, especially in the knees
  • Pain coming in your muscles, joints, bones, tendons
  • Heart rhythm disorders (problems with heartbeat speed or rhythm)
  • Periods of dizziness or shortness of breath
  • Pain, numbness, or tingling in your hands or feet
See also  CCP Antibody Test

What happens during Lyme disease testing?

Lyme disease Testing is usually done with a blood sample. In some cases, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) test may be done.

For a Lyme disease blood test :

The caregiver takes a blood sample from a vein in your arm with a small needle. After the needle is placed into a small amount of blood, it is placed into a a test tube or bottle. Some pressure can be felt when the needle is in and out. This usually takes less than 5 minutes.

For a CSF test :

Brain fluid (CSF) may be needed. test If your signs indicate that Lyme affects your nervous system. disease If your signs of Lyme affecting your nervous system, such as stiff neck or numbness in your hands or feet. Your supplier has a chance. CSF test If your blood arises test Prove that you have Lyme. disease Or if the results are unknown.

To obtain a sample of spinal fluid, the caregiver performs a function called a lumbar puncture, still known as an epidural. During the procedure:

  • You lie on your side or squat on the study cassette.
  • Your doctor will clean your back and spray anesthetic on your skin to ensure that you feel no pain during the procedure. Your doctor will have the opportunity to put a discouraging cream on your back before this injection.
  • If the back area is completely petrified, the doctor will place a delicate and perfect needle between two vertebrae in the lower spine. The vertebrae are the small soil that forms the backbone.
  • Your doctor will take a small amount of spinal water and examine it. This will take approximately 5 minutes.
  • You should remain fairly immobile while the fluid is being released.
  • Your doctor may ask you to stay on your back for an hour or two after the procedure. This will prevent you from having a headache afterwards.

You must arrange something to prepare for the procedure. the test ?

Lyme requires no special measures. disease blood test .

For epidural worms, the individual will be asked to empty a bottle of urine. the test .

There are risks with Lyme. disease tests ?

There is no sufficient risk for blood test or lumbar puncture.

With a blood test The area where the needle is inserted can be sore and bruised, but most signs disappear quickly.

With a CSF test When the needle is inserted, you may feel a knee or pressure After the needle has been inserted. the test Can feel pain or sensitivity in the back where the needle is inserted.

You may still suffer from bleeding on the website or have headaches. Headaches can take anywhere from a few hours to a week or more, but your doctor can offer you healing and pain relief.

See also  Chlamydia Test

What do the results mean?

Lyme disease Diagnosis is difficult. Symptoms are thought to occur with many disorders, and test only the results do not have the opportunity to make a diagnosis. the disease To make a diagnosis, your doctor will look at you test the disease status, the behavior, the outcome along with the draw. There may be other tests .

A negative blood test The result means that there are no antibodies against Lyme therapy disease Bacteria are not found in your blood. In case you have your symptoms for more than 30 days test you probably do not have Lyme. disease .

However, you may still need a Lyme test if you have a complaint 30 days before providing a blood sample. disease test This is because your body may need several months to build up enough antibodies to show it. a test . If your test Made very quickly, you may have been infected. test It was negative. This is called a “false negative result”.

A positive blood test The result means that there are no antibodies against Lyme therapy disease bacteria found in your blood. In this case, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a second blood test test on the same blood sample.If the second test is positive and there are signs of infection, you probably have Lyme. disease .

But positive test The result does not mean that Lyme disease The cause is your symptoms. You can have antibodies from the early variants of Lyme disease that fought with your body months or years ago.

It is also very possible to have “false positives.” This means that you do not have antibodies that fight Lyme. disease It fights bacteria. the test says you do. The test It is possible that you have been mislabeled with antibodies that fight other bacteria. or diseases For example, some autoimmune diseases. diseases And this is the reason why diseases your symptoms are caused not by Lyme. disease .

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) results test Can help demonstrate or Lyme disease spread to your nervous system.

  • A negative CSF test This results in the absence of Lyme disease antibodies have been demonstrated in your cerebral fluid. However, it does not mean that there is no Lyme disease in your nervous system. You may be more tests .
  • A positive CSF test The result means that Lyme disease antibodies have been found in your spinal fluid. If there are more antibodies in your brain fluid than in your blood, it is possible that Lyme disease has spread to your nervous system.

In case you probably have Lyme, your doctor will give you antibiotics disease Most people treated early with antibiotics of disease recover completely.

Is there anything else I need to know about Lyme that is disease tests ?

At-home test kits for Lyme disease Available. Set this up. tests You usually take a drop of blood from your finger and send it to a lab for testing. If you want to do it at home. test It is important to consult with your Internet provider first. Some home tests You can use laboratory methods that are not justified to work, so that your results are not accurate.

Supplied by MedlinePlus from the State Medical Library.

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