Is Chinese Food Bad for You? – TSMP Medical Blog

Is Chinese food bad for you? Eating classic Chinese is very different from what you will find here in the US. You could say that it is a prudish version of Chinese food; it is not as good for you as it is for most people. To cater to a wider audience, almost all Chinese food served in the US is usually fried and contains lots of fat, sugar, and sodium. Here we discuss whether Chinese food is bad for you, the sick foods you should ignore, and the healthier choices you can make.

Is Chinese food harmful?

You will notice that most American Chinese restaurants are full of fat, sugar, and salt and do not prepare Chinese in the classic way. This image of Chinese food is detrimental to health and is considered just as harmful as other fast food choices.

When we talk about healthy Chinese food we are talking about a classic kitchen composed primarily of vegetables. Only 20% of the menu consists of beef. The kitchen has numerous healthy dishes such as fried vegetables, soy products, steamed or boiled rice, and almost every dish includes refreshing raw inger, garlic, and cottage cheese. While the majority of American Chinese food is covered in thick dough and fried with tasty sauces, classic Chinese dishes are usually steamed, slightly baked in peanut oil, or stewed. This makes it sweet and savory.

Another problem is monosodium glutamate, which is added to almost all Chinese dishes to enhance the flavor. However, this food credit is classified by the FDA as generally harmless, and its introduction remains controversial, with reports of side effects in people after using products containing monosodium glutamate. Signs include more frequent heartbeats, chest pain, nausea, sweating, headaches, and impotence.

Unhealthy Chinese Food to Avoid

Now that you understand the answer to the question, “Chinese food is harmful,” here is a list of some pretty sick Chinese products that won’t disappear in the sink when visiting a Chinese restaurant

1. baked rice and romaine

Is Chinese Food Bad for You? - TSMP Medical Blog

These dishes contain snow white or snow white noodles with large amounts of oil and fairly small amounts of vegetables. One portion of these dishes provides three-quarters of the allowed calories per day. Thus, they are bad for your health.

2. chatting

Is Chinese Food Bad for You? - TSMP Medical Blog

This dish is made with rice noodles and almost everyone thinks it is better than Lo Mein. However, this part of the noodle is just as bad . Because they are not easy to digest for your stomach and thus have a negative impact on your health. blood pressure.

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3. crispy beef

Is Chinese Food Bad for You? - TSMP Medical Blog

Every meat dish is essentially a giant roast meat. The only thing you are actually offered is a pound of difficult roast beef that is practically slightly garnished with vegetables.

4. lemon and chicken

Is Chinese Food Bad for You? - TSMP Medical Blog

Eating one portion of lemon chicken is equivalent to eating three McDonalds McChicken sandwiches; one serving contains 1, 400 calories and 30% fat per day.

5. common TSOS chicken

Is Chinese Food Bad for You? - TSMP Medical Blog

Many people believe that chicken is a healthier choice than meat or pork. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. This dish is breaded, deep fried, and dipped in a lush sauce. one portion has almost 1300 calories. it is a great way to get a healthy snack on the go, and it’s also a great way to get some extra calories in your diet.

6. barbecue helper

Is Chinese Food Bad for You? - TSMP Medical Blog

This dish qualifies as a snack, but contains the proper number of saturated fats and 230% of the 600 calories a day. This is equivalent to eating two pork chops as a snack.

7. canilangoon

Is Chinese Food Bad for You? - TSMP Medical Blog

This dish is still a snack, but the fat content is higher. There is a large amount of cream cheese, fried, featuring a small amount of crabmeat, and served with a non-salty sauce filled with sugar and sodium.

8. baked spring rolls

Is Chinese Food Bad for You? - TSMP Medical Blog

This is a more selective snack, but people don’t realize that one egg can contain 200 to 300 calories. Most people eat multiple meals, so they can guess how many calories a single egg nack can be.

Tips for Choosing Healthier Chinese Food

If you know that “Chinese food is bad for you,” you will never go into a Chinese restaurant again. But not all Chinese food is bad for you, so here are a few tips to make your Chinese food healthier

1. start with heavy snacks

If you start your meal with appetizers that are too heavy, you certainly don’t need to pack in a more lazy zy main course. Start with a nice roasted and sour soup or wont. Beware of spring rolls, chicken wings, or rib bones, and instead choose the much healthier option of steamed rods.

2. say no to fried foods.

All images of fried foods such as fried rice or crispy spring rolls are considered very sick options. Instead of fried spring rolls and absolute vegetables, have rice board spring rolls. Instead of fried, go for steamed. Steamed vegetable noodles are always a good choice. Choose a braised or fried plate instead of fried.

3. seek a light meal.

There are many Chinese restaurants that offer more light meals, including dishes with lots of vegetables and small oils. If the restaurant does not offer a lighter meal, ask for less oil and vegetables.

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4. go vegetarian

If you order food, make sure there are many vegetables in it. Order beef with broccoli or chicken with mushrooms. Ask the caterer to make a vegetable soup for you, it will certainly help reduce the nutritional value of your meal by 100 to 200 calories. This way you will have much more of the beef you need to feel better.

5. choose a coffee list

Another excellent way to make your Chinese pick-me-up meals healthier is to prioritize the coffee list instead of white rice, which contains many carbohydrates and increases the risk of diabetes.

6. take chopsticks.

Chopsticks are not only a commonly used way to use Chinese food, they also help reduce the amount of oil you consume. They also slow you down so you are more full.

7. save the side dishes

Choose a starter and a main course. Avoiding side dishes will reduce your calorie count.

8. keep your portions under control

The worst thing about painful meals is that they taste good. By limiting the amount of food you eat, you can still enjoy them.

9. limit the amount of sauces

Most sauces are made with cornflour, sugar and flour. It is better to choose healthier sauce options such as spicy mustard sauce, hoisin sauce, or oyster sauce. You can also order half of the sauce. This will reduce the calorie content of the dish.

10. learn the language

A good way to eat healthier at a Chinese restaurant is to learn the Chinese names for all the different dishes. Steamed, jun (poached), chu (baked), kow (fried), shu (grilled), fried, and stewed are all healthy options to choose from.


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Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].