Trying To Stay Cool? Let s Talk About The Best AC Temperature for Sleeping

Sleep is a vital component of our overall health, and the environment in which we sleep plays a significant role in the quality of our rest. One of the key factors in creating a conducive sleep environment is temperature. But what is the best AC temperature for sleeping? This article will delve into this topic, providing you with the information you need to ensure a good night’s sleep.

The Importance of Temperature for Sleep

When it comes to the question, “What’s the best AC temperature for sleeping?” the answer isn’t one-size-fits-all. The National Sleep Foundation, a trusted authority on sleep health, suggests that the ideal sleeping temperature lies between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. This range is based on extensive research and is generally accepted as the standard for optimal sleep conditions.

However, it’s important to note that individual preferences and needs can significantly influence what feels comfortable. For instance, some people may find that they sleep best at the cooler end of the spectrum, while others may prefer a slightly warmer environment. This variation can be due to a number of factors.

Personal comfort is a significant factor. Some people naturally run hotter or colder than others. If you’re someone who tends to feel cold, you might find a temperature closer to 67 degrees more comfortable for sleep. Conversely, if you’re always warm, a cooler setting might be more beneficial.

Age is another factor that can affect your ideal sleep temperature. As we age, our body’s ability to regulate temperature can change. Older adults may find they need a warmer environment to sleep comfortably, while younger people, especially children and teenagers, might prefer a cooler room.

Health conditions can also play a role. For example, people with certain medical conditions, such as menopause or thyroid disorders, may experience night sweats or hot flashes. In these cases, a cooler sleep environment can help alleviate symptoms and promote better sleep.

Lastly, the season and the climate where you live can influence your ideal sleep temperature. In hotter climates or during the summer months, you might need to set your AC to a lower temperature to achieve a comfortable sleep environment.

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Given these variables, it’s recommended to experiment with different temperatures within the 60 to 67-degree range. Start at the midpoint and adjust up or down based on your comfort. Remember, the goal is to create an environment that supports your body’s natural drop in temperature during sleep, helping you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. By taking the time to find your personal ideal sleep temperature, you can enhance your sleep quality and, by extension, your overall health and well-being.

The Ideal AC Temperature for Sleeping

So, what’s the best AC temperature for sleeping? According to the National Sleep Foundation, the ideal sleeping temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. However, this can vary from person to person, and factors such as personal comfort, age, and health conditions can affect what temperature feels best for you. Experimenting with different temperatures within this range is recommended to find what works best for you.

Energy Efficiency and Comfort

Maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home, especially during sleep, is crucial for your well-being. However, it’s equally important to consider the energy efficiency of your air conditioning system. Striking a balance between comfort and energy conservation can lead to significant savings on your energy bills and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

The U.S. Department of Energy provides guidelines for optimizing the use of your AC. They recommend setting your thermostat to 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re at home and awake. This temperature is considered a comfortable baseline for most people during warm weather.

However, when you’re asleep or away from home, it’s advisable to raise the thermostat setting slightly. This is because your body is less sensitive to temperature changes during sleep, and there’s no need to cool an empty house. A change of a few degrees for 8 hours or more can lead to significant energy savings without impacting your comfort.

Here are some additional strategies to enhance the energy efficiency of your AC:

  1. Use a programmable thermostat: These devices can automatically adjust the temperature based on your daily routines. For example, you can program it to start cooling your home shortly before you return from work, ensuring a comfortable environment without wasting energy cooling an empty house.
  2. Maintain your AC unit: Regular maintenance, such as cleaning or replacing filters, can significantly improve your AC’s efficiency. A well-maintained unit requires less energy to cool your home.
  3. Use fans: Fans can circulate cool air throughout your home, allowing you to raise the thermostat setting without sacrificing comfort. The energy used by a fan is far less than that of an AC unit.
  4. Insulate your home: Proper insulation can keep cool air inside your home and hot air out. This reduces the workload on your AC, leading to energy savings.
  5. Use window coverings: Curtains, blinds, or shades can block sunlight and help keep your home cooler, reducing the need for air conditioning.
  6. Avoid heat-generating activities during the hottest part of the day: Tasks like cooking or running the dishwasher can raise your home’s temperature, making your AC work harder. Try to schedule these activities for cooler times of the day.
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By implementing these strategies, you can maintain a comfortable temperature in your home while also being energy efficient. This saves you money and contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Other Factors to Consider

In addition to the temperature, there are other factors to consider when optimizing your sleeping environment. Humidity plays a role in comfort and sleep quality, with the optimal relative humidity level being between 30% and 50%. Using a fan can help circulate air and create a wind chill effect, making the room feel cooler. Additionally, the use of blackout curtains can prevent the sun from warming your room during the day, and weatherstripping doors and windows can help keep cool air in and hot air out.


In conclusion, the best AC temperature for sleeping is generally between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. However, personal comfort and other factors can influence what temperature feels best for you. By taking steps to optimize your sleeping environment, you can ensure a better night’s sleep and improve your overall health.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

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