HER2 (Breast Cancer) Testing

HER2 stands for human epidermal elevation factor sensor 2. It is a gene that produces a protein that occurs on the surface of all breast cells. It is involved in the normal cancellation of cells.

The gene is considered the most important unit of heredity passed down by your mother and your founder. At the particular moment. cancers , especially breast cancer Muts (changes) the HER2 gene and creates an additional copy of the gene. When this happens, the HER2 gene produces a very large amount of HER2 protein. This means that the cell will expand and grow very quickly.

Cancers with the highest levels of HER2 protein are commonly referred to as HER2 positive; cancers with low levels of HER2 protein are commonly referred to as HER2 negative. Within 20% of the breast. cancers HER2 Positive. HER2 Positive. cancers tends to grow and spread faster than other breast cancers. cancer However, procedures specifically aimed at HER2-positive breasts cancer very effective.

HER2 testing Look at the tumor tissue monster to see if you have a HER2 2 positive breast. cancer .

Other names: human epidermal elevation factor 2 sensor, ERBB2 amplification, HER2 overexpression, HER2/ NEU tests

What is it used for?

HER2 testing It is primarily used to detect the following cancer HER2 positivity. It is still sometimes used to see if cancer whether a patient responds to treatment or if cancer return after treatment.

Why do you need HER2 breasts? cancer testing ?

If breasts are diagnosed with you cancer , you may need this test To find out if you are cancer HER2 is positive or HER2 negative. If you have already been treated for HER2 positive breasts. cancer , you may need this test to:

  • To find out if your treatment is catching up with you. Normal HER2 levels mean that you are responding to treatment. A high value means that the treatment is not working.
  • Find out if cancer It will return after healing.

What happens during the HER2 Chest cancer test ?

Most HER2 testing A sample of tumor tissue is taken in a procedure called a biopsy. There are three main biopsy procedures

  • Narrow needle aspiration biopsy, which uses a fairly delicate needle to remove breast cells or liquid references.
  • Biopsy with a core needle, which uses a giant needle to remove the sample
  • Surgical biopsy. There, the sample is removed in a small outpatient procedure.
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Narrow needle aspiration and core needle biopsy usually involves the correct procedure.

  • You lie on your side or squat at the exam table.
  • The physician cleans the biopsy site and injects an anesthetic so that you feel virtually no pain during the procedure.
  • After the area is petrified, the physician will place a delicate suction or biopsy needle at the biopsy site and send a tissue or water sample.
  • As the sample is withdrawn, a small pressure is felt.
  • Pressure is applied to the biopsy site until bleeding stops.
  • Your physician applies a sterile connection to the biopsy site.

With a surgical biopsy, the surgeon cuts the skin slightly and cuts off all or part of the lump in the breast. Surgical biopsies are sometimes performed when the lump cannot be reached with a conifer biopsy. A surgical biopsy usually involves the correct procedure.

  • You are at the operating table. An injection (intravenous line) can be placed in your arm or hand.
  • You may get a calming means to help you relax.
  • You will receive local or general anesthesia to ensure that you will not feel pain during the procedure.
    • With local anesthesia, the physician injects a drug into the biopsy site to numb the area.
    • With joint anesthesia, the anesthesia employee will give you the medication. You will then be out of consciousness during the procedure.

    The type of biopsy you get will depend on many things, including the size and location of the tumor; HER2 can still be measured in the blood. test , but blood testing HER2 has not been found to be useful for most patients. For example, it is usually not recommended.

    Once the tissue sample is taken, it is subjected to be tested in one of two ways:

    • Immunohistochemistry (IHC). testing This detects the HER2 protein on the surface of the cells.
    • Fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish). testing These auxiliary copies of the HER2 gene.

    Both types of tests Tell us if you are HER2 positive. cancer .

    You will need to arrange something in preparation for the test. the test ?

    If you have obtained a neighborhood anesthesia (Anesthesia Biopsy Web site), no special bandages are needed. If you have had joint anesthesia, you will need to fast (do not eat or drink) for several hours before surgery. Your surgeon will give you more specific instructions. If you received sedation or cooperative anesthesia, you will need to arrange for someone to take you home. You may not be clean and you will be embarrassed after you awaken from the procedure.

    There are risks. the test ?

    You can bruise or bleed at the site of the biopsy. The website can make you sick. If this occurs, it is treated with antibiotics. Surgical biopsies can cause some additional pain and discomfort. Your caregiver may give you advice or prescribe medications to help you more.

    Blood is not a sufficient risk test There will be slight soreness and bruising in the area where the needle is inserted, but most signs will soon disappear.

    What do the results mean?

    If the HER2 protein level is higher than normal or if a helper copy of the HER2 gene is found, it probably means that the patient is HER2 positive. cancer If the result shows a normal number of HER2 proteins or a normal number of HER2 genes, it is probably HER2 negative. cancer .

    If the total is not unequivocally positive or negative, it may be reproducible by using a different tumor sample or by using a different tumor sample. testing The method most commonly used IHC testing for the HER2 protein) is performed first, followed by fish ( testing for extra copies of the gene). IHC testing It is less expensive than fish and guarantees more dramatic results. However, the majority of brisket enthusiasts think of fish. testing is more accurate.

    Treatment of HER2-positive breasts cancer can significantly shrink cancerous tumors, with fairly few side effects. These treatments are not effective for HER2-negative breasts. cancers .

    HER2-positive treatment. cancer Normal results may mean that you are responding to treatment. If the total is higher than normal, it could mean that the treatment is not working or that the treatment is not working. cancer It will return after healing.

    Is there anything else I should know about HER2 breast cancer? cancer testing ?

    Although it is more common in the female breast. cancer The number of HER2 positive breasts cancer It can also affect men. If a man is diagnosed with breast. cancer , HER2 testing may be recommended.

    Additionally, both men and women may need HER2 testing. testing If diagnosed with a specific disease. cancers of the abdomen and gastrointestinal tract. This cancers HER2 protein levels may be elevated and are more likely to respond well to HER2-positive therapy. cancer treatments.

    Provided by MedlinePlus at the State Medical Library.

    See also  Thyroxine (T4) Test

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

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