Glaucoma Tests

Glaucoma tests are a group of tests that help diagnose glaucoma Glaucoma is an eye disease that can cause loss of face and blindness. Glaucoma is produced when fluid builds up in the front part of the eye. The added fluid causes increased pressure in the eye. If the pressure in the eye is too high, the optic nerve is destroyed. The optic nerve transports information from the eye to the brain. When the optic nerve is damaged, this can lead to serious vision problems.

There are several types of glaucoma Most important type:

  • Open-angle glaucoma Also called original correction angle. glaucoma Pooldit is the best known type. of glaucoma Pooldit occurs when moisture in the eye does not escape through the eye’s drainage channels. Fluid rises in the channels as the water reinforced clogged drains out. This causes an increase in intraocular pressure. corner of the eye. glaucoma develops slowly over months or years. Most people have little or no signs or changes in vision at first. Impressionable corners glaucoma Usually occurs in both eyes at the same time.
  • Closed-angle glaucoma Also called angle or narrow angle. glaucoma . This type of glaucoma Not common in the United States. Usually one eye at a time. In this type. of glaucoma The drainage channel in the eye wall is hidden as if the stop were placed in a drainage ditch. Closed corners glaucoma Can be acute or acquired.
    • Acute closed-angle glaucoma Intraocular pressure suddenly increases. Medical support is essential. People with sharp angles of the eyes glaucoma May lose vision within hours if condition is not treated promptly.
    • Chronic closed corners glaucoma Develops slowly. Often there are no signs until the damage becomes severe.

    What are they used for?

    Glaucoma tests They are used for diagnosis glaucoma . If glaucoma If the diagnosis is made early, steps can be taken to prevent loss of face

    Why do I need glaucoma testing?

    If there is a sincere angle. glaucoma You can have little or no signs until the disease becomes serious. For example. important. be tested If there is a specific risk point. You may run a higher risk. for glaucoma If you have a history of home . of glaucoma or if you are:

    • If you are over the age of 60 . Glaucoma is much more common in older adults.
    • Hispanics and over age 60. Latinos in this age group are at higher risk of glaucoma compared to older adults of European descent.
    • Afro-Americans. Glaucoma is considered the leading cause of blindness in African Americans.
    • Asians of Asian descent are at greater risk of closing angles glaucoma .

    Closed-angle glaucoma It can cause sudden, subtle symptoms. If it is not treated immediately, blindness can result. Signs include

    • Sudden blurring of vision
    • Severe eyes
    • Red eyes
    • Lights around the colored halo
    • Nausea and vomiting

    If you exhibit any of these symptoms, seek medical assistance immediately.

    What happens during a glaucoma test ?

    Glaucoma is usually diagnosed by a of tests usually known as an extensive eye examination. These studies are usually performed by an ophthalmologist. An ophthalmologist is a physician who deals with the treatment and prevention of eye wells and eye diseases.

    Extensive eye exams include

    • Tonomatography. With tonometry. test You are in the study chair near a special microscope called a fissure lamp. Your ophthalmologist or other care provider will put drops in your eyes to numb them. Next, you place your chin and forehead on the fissure lamp. While leaning over the fissure lamp, your doctor will bring a device called a formula to your eye. The device will detect the pressure of the OCHI. You will feel a small puff of air, but it will not hurt.
    • Pachymetry. Like pachymetry. test At first you get a drop to numb your eye. Then the doctor applies a small device to your eye. This is called a pachymeter. This device determines the thickness of the cornea. The cornea is the outer layer of the eye that covers the iris (the colored part of the eye) and pupil. A thin cornea can guarantee a higher risk of eye disorders. glaucoma .
    • Periphery, also known as the background of vision test Perimeter determines peripheral (lateral) visual acuity. During ambient, you are asked to look directly at the screen. The light or image comes from one side of the screen. Tell your doctor when you are looking at this light or image and when you are looking straight ahead.
    • Dilated eye test . In this test Your doctor will place a drop in your eye that will dilate (magnify) (enlarge) your student. Your doctor will use a device with a light and a magnifying glass to look at the optic nerve to see if there is damage.
    • Gonioscopy. Here. test Does your doctor place drops in your eyes to numb them and wait? During this time, the doctor will place special contact lenses in your eyes. The lens has a mirror that allows the doctor to look inside your eye from different directions. It can show whether the angle between the iris and the cornea is considered very large (possible open angle symptom) or very limited (possible open angle symptom). glaucoma ) or very limited (closed angle symptom potential). glaucoma ).

    I have to sort something out to be prepared a glaucoma test ?

    Your eyes will dilate but your vision may be blurred and you are very sensitive to light. These effects take several hours and vary in severity. To protect your eyes from bright light, you will need to wear sunglasses after your appointment. You should also arrange to have someone drive you, as your vision can be very affected by harmless driving.

    Risks. the tests ?

    No risk of possession. glaucoma testing. Some of the tests It can be a little uncomfortable. Additionally, the dilation may temporarily cloud your vision.

    What do the results mean?

    Your ophthalmologist is looking at the results of all your eye exams glaucoma tests to see if you have glaucoma If the doctor determines that you have visual fields. glaucoma Can he or she recommend one or more appropriate treatments?

    • Medications to reduce the pressure in your eyes or to reduce the amount of water in the puri. Some medications are taken in the form of eye drops, others in the form of pills.
    • Surgery to create a new opening so that water can leave the eye.
    • Planting a drainage hose, another form of surgery. During this procedure, a flexible plastic tube is placed in the OCHI to remove excess water.
    • Laser surgery to remove useless water. Laser surgery is usually performed in the practice of an ophthalmologist or ambulatory surgical center. It may be necessary to proceed glaucoma after the laser operation.

    When the diagnosis is made glaucoma your ophthalmologist will probably check your vision regularly.

    Is there really anything else I should know? glaucoma tests ?

    While glaucoma Treatment will not heal an already diminished disease or vision, but healing can prevent further loss of face. If the disease is diagnosed and cured in the early stages, the majority of people will glaucoma no significant loss of face.

    Supplied by MedlinePlus from the State Medical Library.

    See also  Colposcopy

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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