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Many people understand what they have. to fast before a blood test But they do not understand why they need it. be fasting for blood tests . Not all tests Therefore, it is advisable to ask your doctor to prove if it is in your interest to create it. fast before the test Fasting is important. Fasting is important. Because what you eat has the opportunity to change. test Result. Clinical tests after a meal will show changes in cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your blood. Similarly, if you eat sugar before you feel your blood sugar levels. tested You will get wrong results. Here is the importance of fasting and the right way to fast before tests .
Fasting for Blood Donation: Criteria and Guidelines
If your doctor has approved that you are not allowed to eat anything for your blood test, you should not ignore his instructions. the test You cannot ignore their instructions. Here are some recommendations for fasting for a blood tests :
- It is important to eat and drink water only. You do not need to eat anything at least 8 hours before the reference. test . It is important to fast If your doctor prescribes lipids, refer to it as at least 12 hours. tests Water is allowed. Water is allowed.
- There is no need to chew, smoke, or exercise beforehand. test All these extensions have the opportunity to cause digestive system and affect your health. test results.
- Avoid alcohol consumption 24 hours prior. test .
- If your doctor does not recommend it, you can take prescription medications. Some medications, especially birth control pills, can alter your cholesterol levels, so stop them a few days before. the test If your doctor recommends that you stop taking your cholesterol, he or she may recommend that you stop. Your doctor can advise you to take the pills if he wants to see their effect on your cholesterol.
It is important to know that you MUST take them! fast at least 8 to 12 hours, depending on the different pills. tests , but avoid fasting For a bad effect on the result, it is within 14 hours. Do not forget to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
Examples of studies using different lending rules
Depends on the type of blood test Will your doctor give you specific notes? fasting for blood tests Yes, you need to follow this precisely. You need to follow this exactly. In some cases, your doctor will allow you to eat or drink something before your test In some cases, your doctor will allow you to eat or drink something before you. Here are the different types of Crovi tests with different claims:
- Calm blood glucose test: You cannot eat or drink at least 8 to 10 hours before the test. test . However, it is possible to drink water. The test Helps diagnose diabetes.
- METAL BLOOD TEST: In the afternoon you must come to the laboratory to sample the blood. test You must take it test on an empty stomach. It is important not to take steel pills – stop 24 hours before. the test These pills may make you test result in increased iron content. The test Help diagnose anemia due to iron deficiency or other similar conditions.
- Blood cholesterol test (lipid profile): your doctor may ask you not to eat anything at least 9 to 12 hours before the test. test If your doctor orders a lipid profile, he or she will want to see the levels of different types of cholesterol, including LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, arterial cholesterol, and triglycerides.
- Gamma – Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Analysis: Your physician will order this test for the diagnosis of liver disease. As a result, your GGT levels will change if you drink alcohol 24 hours before the test smoking is possible. test Result. Therefore, it is important not to drink or smoke before the test. test .
What can be expected during the test
While fasting for blood tests It is important that other baggage be involved. This is exactly what happens when different tests . Take cholesterol test for example:
A blood test to find cholesterol levels is usually done in the afternoon to get clear results. The lab technician cleans the puncture site, brings in the needle, and takes some blood from the vein. They will also wrap an elastic around your upper arm before inserting the needle – this helps to get your vein out. After the sample is taken, the comprehensive area is covered with a bandage. Typically, the entire procedure takes several minutes to complete.
No special precautions are required. test Immediately after the procedure you can restore and resume normal work. the test . If you have been fasting Eat after having a snack for the past 12 hours. the test The field of art does so the test Share and explain what the different meanings of the results with you. If they find something unusual, they have a good chance to ask you something new. test After a few or several months.
To break a personal fast.
After fasting for blood tests You need to supplement the missing calories! As mentioned earlier. than deliver something else to eat or drink when you are walking. a test You can eat right after they take the monster. That’s a good idea. test In the early afternoon you do not have to stay hungry for long.