Essential Oils for Pregnancy

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Are you taking essential oils for pregnancy ? Did you know that the essential Can oils affect digestive bacteria, hormones, or other aspects of your body? Most oils are considered harmless during pregnancy especially after early pregnancy. However, it is recommended that you consult your physician before using any essential oils or other herbs. for pregnancy Every woman is unique. Every woman is unique and the oils that are best for other girls will probably not suit you.

Are essential oils safe to use during pregnancy?

Essential oils are concentrated preparations extracted from plants and are therefore generally not dangerous. However, during pregnancy the use of essential Van Oils is strongly recommended to use more caution. The molecules of essential oils are small enough to have a chance to reach the body of the upcoming baby. Studies of all kinds have been done the essential oils are on babies. However, there are no conclusive results.

Essential oils are usually used in aromatherapy. They contain chemicals that your body can absorb. They can be placed in a vaporizer and inhaled. Most mothers love aromatherapy because it reduces pregnancy difficulties. pregnancy For example, swollen ankles, back pain, nausea. To dilute them, you can use basic or fundamental oils and apply them for massage purposes.

Essential oils are not dangerous for pregnancy

1. bergamot

It contains a light, refreshing citrus-like incense. It increases mood, helps with prenatal and postnatal depression, relieves pain and stomach complaints.

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This is a versatile oil that relaxes the body and mind, relieves pain, and gives a sense of peace and tranquility. It can also be used to illuminate pregnancy stretch marks.

3. citroen

This oil is not bad for massaging varicose veins and can be inhaled to help interrupt morning sickness.

4. neroli

It relieves several pregnancy Difficulties with digestive problems, childbirth and parent-child relationship anxiety, unstable impressions, depression, sleep problems. It has the ability to promote skin cell formation and maintain skin glow during pregnancy. pregnancy .

5. rocheout.

This sweet-smelling oil has calming properties and improves the quality of sleep for mothers.

6. sandalwood

It helps with cystitis. pregnancy It is also considered an effective antidepressant.

7. mandarin

It helps with sleep problems and heals stretch marks.

8. geranium

It helps with pain and enables others pregnancy Discomfort in ankles, legs, breasts, back pain. Not recommended for use in the third trimester.

9. chamomile

Can headache, muscle aches, stomach complaints. Also calms the body and intellect.

10. eucalyptus

It is antiviral and helps with colds and coughs during pregnancy. pregnancy .

11. incense

This is ideal to give to women. It enables pain and encourages women to concentrate and fanatically.

12. grapefruit

This simplifies water retention and aids digestion.

13. ylang-ylang

This oil clarifies, heals, and helps restore concentration when stressed.

How to Use Essential Oils in Pregnancy in a Harmless Way?

If you want to use essential oils for pregnancy It is your responsibility to take the correct precautions.

1. Avoid essential 1. oils in early pregnancy.

2. not recommended use essential Daily oils – limited use for anxiety, insomnia, nausea is recommended.

3. for area use, dilute 3% in large areas, 1% in small areas. Use of undiluted oil is not recommended. To dilute, use 1 cup base oil, of essential Oil. Apply to skin or add to bath. Delicious almond oil and grapeseed oil are not base oils.

4. when inhaling cheetah, caution is advised – diffusion is desirable.

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5. internal administration is not recommended.

6. caution should be exercised in the use of essential oil or any kind of absolute and synthetica. essential oils.

7. oil can be dripped into the vaporizer, but should not exceed 10-15 minutes per hour.

How to Prolong Pregnancy Symptoms with Essential Oils

1. stomach complaints

3-5 drops of fennel, peppermint, or raw inger applied to the bottoms of the feet, belly, or under the nose.

2. bestiality acid

Add 2 drops of peppermint to a glass of almond milk. If tolerated, add 3 drops of peppermint to a glass of water and drink during the day.

3. boring sickness

Massage raw inger, sandalwood, and lavender into the stomach with split coconut oil. Other recipes are as follows

  • Add 3 to 5 drops of peppermint, raw inger, or fennel to a capsule
  • Mix lemon oil and fresh inger with 1-2 drops of water and honey
  • 3 drops peppermint or grapefruit in a diffuser and place near the bed.

4. insomnia

Massage the bottoms of your feet with lavender oil. You can also spray your own bed in addition to water. If your insomnia is strong, consider the consistency of the dream and the complexity of the pine forest oil.

5. back and leg pain

Add up to 3 drops of ylang-ylang or lavender oil to a warm bath to relieve sore muscles. Use geranium massage medium on sore areas.

6. water swelling and hiking

Add grapefruit, lime, and/or lemon oil to 1 cup of water. You can also have 3-5 drops of lavender, lemon, fresh inger, or geranium in a roller bottle along with split coconut oil. Roll the feet and ankles in an upward motion.

7. stretch marks

Mix 4 drops of spiralizer, incense, lavender, and 6 liquid vitamin E capsules into the biological coconut oil before placing it in the bottle. After the first trimester, apply the mixture every morning to stretch marks.

8. hemo

Add marjoram, lavender, cypress, and 5 drops geranium to 1 tablespoon of organic oil. Apply mixture to hemo or take a sitz bath with mixed oil.

9. yeast infections

10 minutes in a bath equipped with a few drops of lavender, melaleuca, and 2 tbsp. of bath salts. & lt; pran & gt; 6. Swelling and water retention

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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